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Thread: full night of dreaming

  1. #1
    starlight Guest

    full night of dreaming

    Read about sylphs two days ago from one of the topics here. They sound interesting. I saw the sylph from google in one of my many dreams that night. It looked like the one I saw online but it had many colors. It was in a tropical island, a beautiful place. I wanted to take a picture of it, but it disappeared by the time I got my camera hehe.. The way it disappear it turned into many tiny colorful dots in the sky and the whole island started fireworks lol

    Last night, in one of my many dreams again. I was learning how to identify sylphs in the sky.
    Is been pretty crazy... I've been having many dreams. After each dreams, I write down a keyword or two. Sometimes, I would have 7 or 8 dreams. So, is like a full night of dreaming lol sometimes the dreams somehow connect from one to another and sometimes doesn't. I think I would rather just get one or two interesting dreams a night lol

    Some seemed really silly, like one of the dream after the one about sylph. I dream of cartoon like bears crossing a bridge in the snow lol it was like watching TV, the focus was right before the bridge, and the first bear just walked directly off the mountain because it didn’t see it was walking off to the side of the bridge?!? Then slowly, the next one saw where it was going (down the mountain), then the next one try to stop but still went off. At the end, it ask how many bears did it took to stop walking off the mountain? lol and I count back and said “9” lol

  2. #2
    Jaco Guest

    Re: full night of dreaming

    Last night, in one of my many dreams again. I was learning how to identify sylphs in the sky.
    So how to identify them?

  3. #3
    starlight Guest

    Re: full night of dreaming

    I don't think I know how yet. In the dream, it show two sets of clouds that look alike and told me the one on the right is a sylph *shrug* and told me that I could use the heart chakra to communicate with them. I tried but before I could connect, I was in another dream already =)
    Maybe if I spend time to practice (sounds crazy lol) then again OB is pretty crazy too and that’s just scratch of the surface.

  4. #4
    Jaco Guest

    Re: full night of dreaming

    Well, I asked because recently I've become able to recognize sylphs. Don't know how, I just look at clouds and I know which one is a sylph, they just give a certain vibe.

  5. #5
    starlight Guest

    Re: full night of dreaming

    that sounds easy. Are sylphs in different dimension? what do/can they do? I should read more on it before asking... I'll see if I get any answer in my dream

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