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Thread: What if you went back and changed it all?

  1. #1
    kiwibonga Guest

    What if you went back and changed it all?

    I had the eeriest dream... I was born again, but retained all the knowledge I had up until now... I was this 2 year old kid with the knowledge of... A 23 year old kid...

    It was a scenario I thought about many times throughout my life, and I'm sure others have too... What would it be like to do it all over again, what would you change, how would you handle it? Would you act as a prophet and prevent catastrophies, or would you hide everything you know and cheat the system? Would you be able to keep the same life while only avoiding the negative aspects? Would you be able to meet all the people that you met by chance again? Would you end up being bumped up a few years in school because you already have the knowledge of an adult?

    The whole thing was rather murky, I didn't go ahead and write everything down, but there were a few memorable scenes...

    One of them was with my mom... I couldn't talk yet, or rather, I was hiding the fact that I could talk and understand what I was told... I got found out when I laughed at something funny that my mom said to my dad... So I spilled the beans.. "I'm your son... From 20 years in the future... I came back into my body from when I was little... I don't know why I did..."

    Later on, I had a debate with myself over how I should handle certain things that I knew.. For instance, there was this wave of bombings in Paris (which is where I was born and raised) when I was little; they weren't going to happen for another 5 years or so... I knew the name of the bomber... I could very easily prove to the authorities that I had prophetic abilities and then help them catch the guy before he could do any damage... Then there's things like mudslides, volcanoes, 9/11, hurricane Katrina... The real question was, "is it my duty to prevent or warn of these things? What if I prevent crimes but end up missing a bigger one -- one that did not happen in my timeline because the first one was successful?

    Towards the end of the dream, I had a conversation with a friend of mine, from school. We found out that we were both in the same situation -- he was reborn too. He explained to me that it was too much, that he was looking for a way back out. And if it turned out that he couldn't revert his world back to the way it was 20 years from now, he would commit suicide.

    And then the dream ended without a conclusion...

  2. #2
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    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    Interestingly, I had a dream of similar ilk last night, which you just reminded me to write down.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    Ooooo. I had a similar dream recently though I don't remember if I posted about it. I was jumping around in time, but it involved incidents and people I don't remember from waking life. Then as I became lucid, realized what I was doing and was about to bounce to a real incident, I woke up.

    Anyway, this is something I've thought a lot about... and I find it interesting that people seem to be having these dreams lately. Some thoughts...

    Would you act as a prophet and prevent catastrophies, or would you hide everything you know and cheat the system?
    I don't think you would necessarily be able to prevent catastrophes. Even if you were believed (and not locked up yourself, for having foreknowledge)... my thought is that some things happen based on what the mass of humanity is reflecting at any given time; letting off steam in the mass consciousness as it were. So if you were to prevent a tragic incident, one with equal or greater force may happen some other way. The true way to prevent such things would be for people to change what they're reflecting at the individual level. Although, just by being there, with your increased knowledge and perspective, the way you relate to others is different, and thus just by existing and interacting you change the timeline and people in it, at the energetic as well as conscious level.

    Would you be able to keep the same life while only avoiding the negative aspects?
    If the "negative aspects" occurred because of a lack of knowledge and insight on your part, and/or if they were life lessons that you've now already been through, then yes.

    Would you be able to meet all the people that you met by chance again?
    Along the same lines as above, I believe that if the purpose for connecting with them is already fulfilled, then maybe not. If they're one of those people who pretty much stay in your life for the long haul, then probably so. But it's not really "by chance" the second time around, is it? I did once have an experience where I tugged on the connection between myself and someone I hadn't heard from in about five years -- and she got back in touch the very next day after my mom happened to go out for lunch where she worked. Then the friend mentioned to me that her mom had randomly asked about me a week or two beforehand, out of nowhere after all those years. So, IMO a lot of stuff is interconnected in such a way that meeting certain people goes well beyond random chance... and if you need to meet someone, it'll happen regardless of whether the circumstances match the first timeline.

    Would you end up being bumped up a few years in school because you already have the knowledge of an adult?
    I s'pose that depends on how much you'd want to let on.

    Later on, I had a debate with myself over how I should handle certain things that I knew.. For instance, there was this wave of bombings in Paris (which is where I was born and raised) when I was little; they weren't going to happen for another 5 years or so... I knew the name of the bomber... I could very easily prove to the authorities that I had prophetic abilities and then help them catch the guy before he could do any damage... Then there's things like mudslides, volcanoes, 9/11, hurricane Katrina... The real question was, "is it my duty to prevent or warn of these things? What if I prevent crimes but end up missing a bigger one -- one that did not happen in my timeline because the first one was successful?
    "Duty" according to who? I don't think I'd personally say anything due to the possibility of 1. the event not happening on that timeline, and 2. being locked up or whacked by those who caused or allowed it to happen. A lot of those events did have plenty of warnings anyway, which weren't heeded. IMO there are just too many variables to consider where external stuff is concerned -- you'd do more good by using your 20 years of advancement to move through your life with more awareness and personal power, and affecting those you come in contact with (and those they do, and...) by default.

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    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    One more comment to add:
    Would you end up being bumped up a few years in school because you already have the knowledge of an adult?
    You wouldn't have the knowledge of an adult, only the information. You'd have to come back with all the experience, and I don't know how you could do that. If you had the 'wisdom' maybe you'd use it to find out what was necessary and what wasn't, but it would require a connection to your Higher Self that probably would be more profound than the ability to go back in time.
    Interesting thoughts.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    I never thought about something like that. I would definetly let people know about catrasopies that will happen.


  6. #6

    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    you know i have had day dreams, and dreams about this

    and thought about it significantly...i know time travel is real, i mean i have been a ufo fanatic and read almsot everything and talked to many people about time travel...even certain abductees and contactees

    the timeline has been messed with a bunch of times to fit peoples needs. Well the people that have the technology anyway...and i personally think that there are certain types of people that have actually been able to go back in time with their mind, in astral state or lucid state or whatever...think butterfly effect

    Now i dont think they would necessarily change their life, or become a prophet...if ever went back i would help the ones i could, but i wouldnt change a thing...except try to get more spiritual,and keep my body healthy untill i get to this point in my life right now...

  7. #7
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    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    Quote Originally Posted by atsguy
    Now i dont think they would necessarily change their life, or become a prophet...if ever went back i would help the ones i could, but i wouldnt change a thing...except try to get more spiritual,and keep my body healthy untill i get to this point in my life right now...
    You're assuming that the way you have led your life until now had no relevance to the lessons you should learn? IMO that would be quite unusual.

    If you could go back and then make different decisions, would you actually become the person that wants to deal with the past in this way? The temptation is big to just create a nice and comfy life, when the possibility exists that the discontent you feel now about your past is precisely the fuel for spiritual practice you might need to get started.

    Usually our ego is a creation of its past. Without past there is no ego. So creating an ego that wants to do something spiritual might require a certain past. Only in hindsight it might be possible to see how circumstances once thought to be good or bad had subtle influences on your life, shaping your way to approach things and the outcome. If Michael Newton is right this is what souls do in "Life Review".

    "What if" is another way to cling to the past. In spiritual practice many traditions teach that the Now matters, that the clinging to the past must be overcome. Not by changing the past, but by retraining how we relate to past, present and future.

    The good news is, that it is never too late for this. There are practices that even include the moment of death in practising (see for example: Tibetan Book of the Dead).

    Take good care,

  8. #8
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    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    This makes me think that the reason we have these types of lessons (notice how a bunch of us have had similar dreams) are not really about 'how to' change the past, but about how we define our relationship to the past. So the dreamstate lesson would be a lesson within a lesson, awareness raising about it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9
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    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    *bows to CF's superb conciseness *

  10. #10
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: What if you went back and changed it all?

    Hey all,

    Last night I stumbled across a pair of threads on another forum where a group of people have apparently been working on the question of changing the past actively since '06. Some good stuff there methinks. ... er_page=10 ... er_page=10

    Apparently one of the Seth books also has instructions for a meditation where you choose a different "probable past" which then "bleeds through" to influence your perceived present. Will have to get my hands on a copy of that one. ... 319&sr=8-2

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