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Thread: organic firebomb

  1. #1
    Alaskans Guest

    organic firebomb

    For a few months I havent been having very interesting dreams. But the other night laying in bed I kept having this strange sensation that I had little to do with my body, like my body was just a 'distraction' in the real me, which is everywhere. I had strange dreams that night. I'll make it shortish. The first was guidance. The 2nd one was really cool, and I met a wonderfull talking turnip, but I dont think I can talk about it. The 3rd one I think was maybe an attempt to get me lucid. me, a girl and a guy were hiking this rocky slide area. It was very detailed/realistic. I was barefoot. I stepped on this rotten log, it fell apart under my foot, I jumped so I could land on a solid spot rather than fall, but there wasnt anything to land on, so I levitated backwards to safe ground. My companions were very amazed, but it seemed perfectly normal to me. We arrived to the mountain. There was a 'tower' there of huge floating rectangular stones like in stonehenge. There was a 200ft massive stone ring levitating 20ft above the ground, horizontal but slanted to one side, and more stones arranged in a spiral staircase going up. There were stairs to going up to it ending in a rectangular 'archway'. In one leap I jumped past all the stairs and landed on the 'archway'. Again they were thoroughly amazed. "I couldnt do it if I was wearing my boots." --trying to be modest
    While she showed the secret entrance to climb the tower (which she was very proud of), I began jumping to higher blocks, ignoring the route your suppose to take. The 2nd dream was created by someone, this one seemed to be too, because It was like I was going to the edge of the dream. I could go places I wasnt suppose to be able to, due to my ability to jump 15 feet and levitate. As I went higher, the floating islands and blocks started to get sandy, and desert plants were growing on them. (This whole thing is a cool image I cant well explain ) The other two were in a desert canyon at this point. The guy (who never seemed very happy) was holding a skunk while he walked and yelling at it, really mean. It was spraying him constantly, he was dripping with skunk juice. The girl was ahead of him. Then the skunk stink somehow ignited and the whole canyon went up in flames. The plants all got burned up, but those two were ok, just singed and sooty. "You arent going to believe this, but the skunk blew up the canyon," the girl spoke up to me observing them in the sky.

    They reached the end of the canyon, and there was a rocky river tumbling down. I starred at the water and it 'spoke' to me. There were people I knew from church in it (invisible, they were part of it). It told me something about the religious part of me that I cant seem to make myself give up or make myself commit to.

    I thought I would post one since they were my first strange dreams in a long time

  2. #2

    Re: organic firebomb


    sounds like a whole lotta fun.
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.


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