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Thread: Chain OBE and SP while raising Kundalini

  1. #1
    cody0777 Guest

    Chain OBE and SP while raising Kundalini

    Hey guys! its been a while sence I posted and I really should post more because I find myself experiencing all short of

    interesting experiences. Any way now to the point! before doing my nightly kundalini work last night I read a

    little bit of my copy of astral dinamics I just bought and I was haveing a slow time of it at first but then I started getting

    some heat in the back of my head which it usally starts at the base of my spine so I was a bit courious about that at the

    time and still am. Well after my hot head started (lol) I went from a sitting position to a laying one which I often do

    when I do Kundalini work and after about 2 min of laying down sleep paralysis started setting in fast from my feet up

    which isnt scary for me because ive experienced it before and I think its fun but I was doing Kundalini and I didnt want a OBE

    so I stoped it. Right after I stoped it it started again! This is a first for me so I resisted stronger and it stoped for a few min

    but then it came again and I just fell into it because I was curious. Not 5 sec after it reached my head did I seperate from

    my body and hover a bit then sunk down around my body then reconected. After reconection I flew up again! about the same

    distence then once again back into my body.

    Now the only explanation I can offer myself is that I havent been trying to induce OBE's for months because ive been doing

    constant Kundalini work so the little reading I did added with the tons of energy kundalini provides = all of the above?

    ha ha what do you folks think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Chain OBE and SP while raising Kundalini

    Well, the obvious answer is that the kundalini work you were doing charged you up and you had a projection whether you wanted or not. This happens to me from time to time (I usually want to go, though) and I have seen the energy be expelled like a sneeze out of me when I didn't 'go'.
    The question I have, is - what kind of work do you do to stimulate your kundalini?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    cody0777 Guest

    Re: Chain OBE and SP while raising Kundalini

    Thanks for replying

    I usually go from huge beams of constant white or gold light to smaller beams up my spine and center of my body but I do

    like to take a break in a star or circle of light every now and then. Also I seem to get a better reaction when I am in a state

    of pure love or submission(for want of a better word) to God. Ahh one more I use every now and then is I create a pull

    between my root chakra to my crown chakra it works pretty well.

    p.s The more energy work I do the more (real time sight I think Mr Bruce calls it) I develope and I cant help but see my third

    eye lightly with my waking eyes and heavily with then shut but I dont mind it it's a good thing right? haha

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