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Thread: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

  1. #1
    josh Guest

    Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    I am in desperate need of some advice. I am a total beginner and I think I over did it.

    I tried doing the exercise where you spin your awareness in a circle about 4 days ago. I tried that on my 2nd chakra and felt an intense amount of heat emanating from my stomach. My whole body temp went way up; then it went way down and this went on for a while that night. For the next two days I had a fever and my brain felt fried/dizzy/spacey. My fever is gone and the dizziness has gone way down.

    But here's the thing. I am an empath and normally I can "expand" into someone or something else at the snap of a finger. But when I try to do it now it's like there are these cracks or shocks in my head. The only other time I really felt something like this is when I expanded too far (into a star) that I felt a terrible splitting pain down my nose/face.

    Is it possible too much of that heat/energy went up into my brow and fried something? I had a dream where a little guy with an antenna on his head got burnt out. That's kinda how I feel. How can I return my brow to a normal empty space aside from just waiting it out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    It isn't so easy to permanently damage yourself with energy. You started a process and it did not end there; it kept going once it was triggered. In the beginning you will use far more energy than you raise and it will either deplete your reserves or you will be able to compensate by eating more food, sleeping more, getting out in the sun, or some other method. Your physical and energetic bodies know what they are doing. It may be uncomfortable, but it is all for a reason. It is like having a bad flu in that you had stirred up stuff that needed to be flushed out and your bodies did it. Still, you can't expect to perform at your usual standards for a while afterward. What do you normally do after you have been really sick? Don't you get more sleep and avoid junk food and drink lots of water? Those kinds of things will help you feel more like normal faster.

  3. #3
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    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    Quote Originally Posted by josh
    I am in desperate need of some advice. I am a total beginner and I think I over did it.

    I tried doing the exercise where you spin your awareness in a circle about 4 days ago. I tried that on my 2nd chakra and felt an intense amount of heat emanating from my stomach. My whole body temp went way up; then it went way down and this went on for a while that night. For the next two days I had a fever and my brain felt fried/dizzy/spacey. My fever is gone and the dizziness has gone way down.

    But here's the thing. I am an empath and normally I can "expand" into someone or something else at the snap of a finger. But when I try to do it now it's like there are these cracks or shocks in my head. The only other time I really felt something like this is when I expanded too far (into a star) that I felt a terrible splitting pain down my nose/face.

    Is it possible too much of that heat/energy went up into my brow and fried something? I had a dream where a little guy with an antenna on his head got burnt out. That's kinda how I feel. How can I return my brow to a normal empty space aside from just waiting it out?
    Everything Tom said is true, I'd follow his advice if I were you.
    For whatever it's worth, I've been projecting all my life and meditating (simply) for the past 10, and when I did that exercise I had a very strong sense of 'it being hard on me', not necessarily depleted, but felt out of sorts for a while and out of balance. I think our energy bodies, when expressed in normal waking consciousness are used to being with a certain focus and when you change it as strongly as this exercise does, it causes severe disorientation, and maybe even some depletion.
    I enjoy doing it every once in a while, not as practice, but for the way it feels (deliciously 'different').
    Just sharing, no real advice as such.
    ps. You're not fried, but is it possible that you were coming down with something and this just brought it out?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    josh Guest

    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    Hmm. You have a good point Tom. I am gonna take it easy for at least a few more days.

    CFTraveler, thanks for the heads up; good to know it has such an effect on a seasoned pro. I had considered that I might have come down with some kinda bug or flu since it had similar effects, but it stopped at the first stage. 100% of the time after the dizzy headache stage I get sick. But I didn't get sick at all in this case.

    I know where some of my blockages are and want to clear them out, and I have been working on it for a long while now, with a very limited success -- layer by layer. But this technique was something else all together; it was like a massive amount of energy was released.

    I read that it is recommended to start the awareness circles with the hands and feet first?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    Yes, Robert Bruce suggests working with the hands and feet because they contain chakras which will support your work with the primary chakras along your back, neck, and in your head. It is good to remember, too, to keep working with your hands and feet long after you have started working with the primary chakras as well. I made the mistake of thinking that since the hands and feet were starting points that there was nothing to gain from continuing to work with them, but I found out otherwise eventually.

  6. #6
    Mickey Guest

    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    I've had the experience of having too much energy rise up into the subtle energy body without preparation and the sensations afterwards were similar to what you describe.

    I believe there is a natural safety mechanism at work that induces blocks at certain energy junctions to keep too much energy from going up in to the head - and this seems to lead to feelings of spaced-outness and retraction of consciousness.

  7. #7
    josh Guest

    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    I will keep that in mind down the road Tom; in fact I pasted it into a paragraph I am writing on general exercise pace.

    Well, I did a session yesterday on my feet and they feel totally blocked. In the middle of my arches it feels like there is a tiny little tube that goes up into my legs. And this tube is so small that it hurts all the time.

    Now the weird thing is that after one session of doing awareness circles on my feet I noticed a huge shift in my consciousness. I felt very grounded and peaceful like never before. But it did not really feel like my feet changed or opened up at all -- that stinging tube still feels totally closed down. I am concerned about what kind of pace I should attempt to go at with such seemingly contradictory experiences. I don't want to overload myself like before.

  8. #8
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    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    That must be related to the "bubbling well/spring" points in your feet - more towards the ball of the feet. For example if you put pressure on them, some feel energy "welling up" in themselves. This should be Earth energy, with grounding properties AFAIK.

    Take good care,

  9. #9
    josh Guest

    Re: Is this stuff dangerous? My mind feels fried...

    Yeah that sounds like it. I received the same exact pain/sensation while meditating on my kidneys many months ago before I ever heard of NEW.

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