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Thread: Time Travel? Possible Or Not???????????

  1. #1
    Bedivegita Guest

    Time Travel? Possible Or Not???????????


    As I understand time and space does not exist in reality, its just a illusion created to keep our human minds sane. And if this is the real time created by our concious minds then the source of our existence, our souls would only exist in this time. And According to you it is possible to project through space and time. Now my question is- is it possible according to you to project back in time and inhabit your old body. The body in the past should be empty and without a soul so i personally think it should be possible to posses that body and continue living in that time, BUT does everything change? For Instance do all souls then revert back to that time and what about all the memory gathered between the now and the projected time? And how do I keep the memory of projecting at all?

  2. #2

    Re: Time Travel? Possible Or Not???????????


    What you say may be possible. You can visit the past and the future self. And the past and future self can visit you in the here and now.

    I do not know if what you suggest is feasible or not. If you astral project into the past, your spirit and soul will be there in your past self, and the modern version with you, so I doubt you could combine them. But, try it and see what happens.... this is the only way to tell.

    Think of your life as a stream of water. Imagine you are on a high cliff and you pour a bucket of water over into the ocean. For a moment, you will have a long stream of water flowing down into the ocean. It has a beginning a middle and an end. Eventually it enters and becomes one with the ocean again.



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