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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #51
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    Recurring dream finally resolves (maybe)

    I've had a recurring dream for years- I am on the way to the beach, and have all kinds of obstacles (too many varieties of them to mention) and I always wake before I get there- sometimes it turns into a 'fake scenario' type of thing (see the 'cohesion thread' for more info) but this morning, finally, I ended two of them.
    From my dream journal:
    Quote Originally Posted by CF's Dream Journal
    6/26/08- Killer Clams- Before going to sleep I asked to be taken to my throat chakra, then I thought about going to

    Shamballah. Woke up at 4am dreaming I was in some sort of scenario with rocks of all kinds. In my dream I was

    told I was supposed to do something to the rocks although I don't remember what. There were some dogs and

    men or dogmen (don't know- can't remember details) but at some point when I was trying to get through there

    were some clams that were stuck to the back of my calves. They burned. When I woke up I could still feel the

    sting where the 'killer clams' were stuck. I think the dogmen were telling me what to do or helping me take them

    off me. I went back to bed telling myself to remember the killer clams dream and went into another dream, in

    which there was a familiar beach scene- the one where I never go in. Then in a fit of rage of remembering this

    recurring scenario I ran to the pool and jumped in, something I'd been denying myself. I woke up again and went

    back to sleep, and I went back to the beach and went in and jumped in the water.

    Don't know what this means other than I did what I've been wanting to do for ages now, in my dreams.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #52
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    Re: Recurring dream finally resolves (maybe)

    Ah! You finally took the plunge!

    I'm interested to see what happens now in the non-dream world.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #53
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    Shared Dream

    Second in a row*. This a little bit different. So I should say two very similar dreams, also in the early morning.
    My husband's : He was talking to me, only now I was his sister. I was telling me about some dating problems I was having. He was trying to give me advice, because I was his sister.
    My dream: We were in a cabin, staying for the weekend or something like that. We were trying to sort out who would sleep where, and where the beds were. My sister was now in someone else's body (she now had red hair and was very thin). She had switched bodies with someone else. However, the body she was using had a twin sister. So now we were looking for an extra bed as there was this extra 'sister' to put up.
    I was telling her that 'any sister of my sister's was my sister too' (or something equally inane). Then we found a couch where she could sleep.

    *The first dream is in the OBE section, in my journal.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #54

    Re: Shared Dream

    What do you mean by shared dream?

  5. #55
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    Re: Shared Dream

    For two nights in a row my hubby and I have had different versions of the same dream.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #56

    Re: Shared Dream


    People use the term "shared dream" to denote a combined or unified dream experience between one or more person which may or may not be lucid. For example, you might become lucid in a dream and recognize individuals that you know, while at the same time they are dreaming and may recognize you in their dreams as well. Thus, the combined dream experience could be seen as a means of telepathic communication. (Note that only one or a subset of the people may be lucid. Also note that each individual's subconscious may still be projecting their individual dream images upon their experience, which may cause different perceptions of scenery, characters and plot, even though their dreams are actually "shared".)

    Children are often taught by their parents that their dreams are merely imagination which strictly occurs in their own minds and no one else’s. I remember one experience when I was five or six years old when my younger sister and I tried to explain to my mother that we both had a shared dream experience and that we were fully aware of what had happened. But my mother tried to convince the two of us that this was simply silly nonsense by explaining to us that we had different recalls of what happened, and that we both had additional dreams of the other that only one person remembered.

    However, people who are more experienced in astral projection will say that dreams occur in the astral dimension, and often those who have a higher degree of consciousness and lucidity may travel to a more refined area of the astral dimension where they may interact with other lucid dreamers.

  7. #57
    universal_mystic Guest

    Re: Shared Dream

    My brother & had had a shared dream when we were children and seemed to dream exactly the same thing.

    We were flying in a 'God Squad' of angels sorting out trouble. We were flying over the sea and came over a port. The port was a semi circle shape and had gun turrets on each end of the semi circle. These gun turrets were putting out tracer fire (it was night time or at least dark). There were ships coming into the harbour in formation.

    When I've mentioned this to some people they think it may have been a battle from World War 2 that we were picking up somehow because it seemed familiar. One of our uncle's was in the air force and didn't come back.

  8. #58
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    Re: Shared Dream

    A dream that people share- can be identical, or close enough according to perspective. For example, I once dreamt that I had been kidnapped. My dream consisted in trying to escape and worrying that my husband was going to worry because I didn't show up to our meeting. He, at the same time, was dreaming that we were supposed to meet and I didn't show up, so he started looking for me. They were different dreams, but about the same thing, and if it were happening in the physical, chances are that's how it would be perceived.
    I suppose I would call your version 'lucid shared dream', because you both realize you're dreaming in the same environment, and my version would be 'nonlucid shared dream', because the similarity of the context is enough that I think we 'went' to the same place, even though there was no awareness of the state.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #59
    aprilla Guest

    Re: Shared Dream

    apparently dream sharing is not as uncommon as you may think. it is also to note, some of the dream characters you experience are someone you know,(but disguised/or looks different as someone else you may or may not know) and not an aspect of yourselves. i dont really know why this happens, but i think it is to do with the intent or state of the other person or your perception of them at that time. this especially relates to precogs/information purposes.

  10. #60
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    Symbolic yet interesting

    Last night (or this morning) I dreamed that I was looking at the sky. (Earlier in the night I was RV'ing stars, as I sometimes do)- so in my dream I start to see three predominant features in the sky: Regular fluffy white clouds, Angelic looking clouds, and small black vortexes whirling around and some black clouds. I watched as they danced and interacted with each other. As they interacted a man was 'explaining to me' what I was seeing. As I watched I saw the black vortexes turning some white clouds black, but then the white angelic clouds started changing the black clouds back to 'regular' fluffy white clouds. Then the angelic clouds went to the black vortexes and upon contact the vortexes turned into angelic white clouds and then those angelic clouds went around turning the black clouds white and the other black vortexes into angelic white clouds. Pretty soon they were all angelic white clouds (no vortexes of any kind). Then the narrator explained that the angelic clouds could turn the vortexes into other angelic clouds, and could also turn the black clouds into white clouds.
    Then he said that the black vortexes could not change angelic clouds, only regular clouds. Therefore, eventually all clouds would be regular white clouds and all angelic forces would be of the 'fluffy white' kind.
    It looked like a really good CGI animation, not cartoonlike, even though it expressed like a game.
    Then I woke up, around 4am.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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