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Thread: Long nights

  1. #1
    wer Guest

    Long nights

    The past few nights I have been having dreams which last the entire sleep cycle, and wake me up 5-10 times throughout. They seem to begin right when I fall asleep, and continue all night. Its somewhat difficult to describe the nature of the dreams. I suppose the best way to describe them is that its as if I'm watching a movie in my sleep. The dream will start, usually with a very vivid quality, and when something that stirs up intense emotion in the dream, be it good or bad, I wake up in an excited state, as if I had been watching a movie that just had a really intense plot twist. Then I quickly fall back to sleep, anxious to continue the dream. This happens several times until I wake up.

    The first night of this was very enjoyable. The problem with it, however, is that I don't get a quality night of sleep. At all. It feels like I'm barely asleep, just enough to enter a dream state that is very vivid and easy to remember.

    I've started doing energy work this week, stimulating my feet and legs mainly. I've found a pretty strong blockage in my left foot, and I've been trying to clear it. Could this be the cause of these long and strange nights? I've also been in some strange places emotionally.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Long nights

    It could be. Are you doing the energy work at night? If so, maybe you should change the timing of the ework.
    If clearing out the blockages is causing the 'issues' to come up, eventually they should resolve as you continue to clear them. However, if you continue having this problem, maybe do the ework every other day and see if this helps?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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