I'm new to the forum, and I haven't introduced myself yet so I guess this is as good of an introduction as any. The reason I'm here is pretty much because of the mystical experience I had when I was a child (about 7 or 8 years old), but it wasn't until recently that I re-remembered it. For a long time I didn't think about it or feel at all spiritual and it is only within the last few months that I've really started to re-develop my interest in these things (I'm 24 now). I know I used to be able to recall more details about this experience when I was young, but I will share as much of the story as I can.

I was asleep and dreaming. It seemed pretty much like a normal dream for me except maybe slightly more realistic. I think I must have had pretty frequent OBEs when I was a kid. A spirit/angel of some sort came to get me. I couldn't actually see her, I just felt her presence, but I got a sense of what she would look like if she was a person. She would be short, average build, with chin-length brown hair and her name would be Linda. She would have been wearing a long cream colored robe and a silver headband. She took me over to a tower that seemed to be made out of futuristic scaffolding. In the middle of the tower was an elevator platform. We stepped onto it and began to ascended the tower. Along the way my guide communicated tons of information to me. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of it now, but it probably would have been very useful! Part of it too was because I was a little kid and I just wasn't paying that much attention. I was too busy trying to look around. We passed by the levels of the tower too fast for me to really see anything though and I don't recall now any of the glimpses that I did get. After quite a long ride we arrived at the top or almost the top of the tower. At this level there was quite a large gap between the platform and the floor of the tower. I felt or my guide warned me that if I was to fall through the gap, I would die in real life. I was a little scared to jump across, but my guide said I could make it and I wouldn't fall. I jumped across and made it to the other side just fine. I went over to the edge of the tower and peered through one of the large gaps in the wall to see how high up were were. We were so high up that a long way down the lower part of the tower just seemed to disappear into whitish mist and I couldn't see the ground. I started messing around on the bars that made up the wall and my guide warned me again not to fall. And she told me to pay attention she had something important to tell me. I don't remember her exact message anymore, but I do remember that it was some sort of prediction that didn't seem to make any sense. I can post a little more detail about this part in the dreaming forum in case anyone wants to try interpreting it. The whole time I was on the top level of the tower, I sensed some other spirits/angels observing me and it seemed like I was being evaluated somehow, but they didn't communicate with me. That seemed to be the main reason my guide had brought me to this place so now it was time to go back. On the way back to the elevator platform, we passed a door that I hadn't noticed before. I wanted to know what was behind the door and she said it wasn't time for me to go there yet, but she made the door transparent so I could see. Behind the door was a sphere of golden light that was emanating pure love. I wanted more than anything to go into the light and be surrounded by it, but I was stopped by the invisible door. I began to get frustrated and frantically tried to force my way in. When that didn't work, I begged my guide to let me through, but she remained firm and just repeated that it wasn't time yet. She made the door visible again which cut off the feeling of pure unconditional love. I felt terribly, terribly homesick. My guide said it was time to go. I followed her onto the elevator platform again anticipating a long ride down, but returning to the ground was almost instant and as soon as the platform touched down I woke up. Instead of still feeling homesick though, I felt totally content with everything and was even able to bring back a little bit of the feeling I had had of being loved completely and unconditionally. For several months after that dream I was able to bring back that feeling at will, but after that it started to fade.