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Thread: Q-Link question

  1. #1

    Q-Link question

    I've been wearing a 12-year-old model of the Q-link for about 5 days (it used to be my uncle's), and I've noticed a severe decrease in the amount of havoc the negs in my body have been able to wreak. In particular, my throat chakra is a LOT less blocked. Especially the part near my heart chakra (I wear the Q-link over my heart chakra.) My heart has also been experiencing less blockages from the negs' interference.

    Well, I decided to hand my Q-Link to a couple friends, both of whom work with energy, to see if they felt anything while holding it (they're both way more sensitive than me.)

    The first a funny expression on her face after holding it a few minutes, and said she wasn't sure she liked it. Then...(and I haven't told this person about the blocks in my throat yet)...she wrinkled her nose, said her throat felt very odd and blocked, and handed it back, saying she didn't like the feeling at all, that it was spreading down into her chest. Which is EXACTLY how the neg proceeded through my body when it entered; it kinda freaked me out! I took the pendant back from her and explained this. She was like "yeah, i don't wanna hold that anymore" heh. Now, this person sucks on energy around her psychically a lot, not even on purpose, and I wonder if the Q-Link was holding onto negative energies for me and she sucked them right out of the pendant into her system.

    The second friend, held the pendant for a few minutes and then said her hand was burning a bit (in a bad way.) She hypothesized that the Q-Link was actually removing negative energies from me, and that anyone who held it would feel some of the energies being released into them.

    What do yall think about this hypothesis about how the Q-Link works in regards to neg attacks? Needless to say, I'm not going to let anyone else wear this Q-Link I've been wearing lol. I did let the first friend wear a new Q-Link I'd just gotten, so hopefully if she suffered any ill effects from the one I'm using, the new one will help her.

  2. #2
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Q-Link question

    I think you all figured out how it works. I guess that's why they're supposed to get tuned to the person who wears them- individually.
    Either that or they're 'tuning into' a residual memory of what happened to you- some sort of psychometric effect with it if they're sensitive enough.
    I suppose if a person wants to get a used Qlink from someone else maybe there would be a way to ground it, like we do with crystals (clean them)?
    Just a thought.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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