Another experience.

The other night, I fell asleep on the sofa repeating "I project from my body and remember everything", after reading "The Art of Dreaming" by Carlos Castenada, a favourite author of mine.

I found myself, dreaming and lucid in a house, just a normal house, no-one was around. I lay down on the sofa and felt the strong sensation of being sucked into my stomach area as the projection reflex kicked in (it often seems to happen like this, projection from inside a dream). Next thing, people start coming out of rooms in the same house - old friends I havent seen for ages, it seems. None of these people I know in "real life" yet I knew them all in my "dream life". More, I could remember past experiences we had shared together, I knew them all so well. Greetings and hugs were exchanged and a fair old party ensued.

I woke up on the sofa in "real life" with a big smile on my face.

Who are these "dream friends". Do we really have multiple lives, one in the "real world" and a whole other one in the "other" world (the "second attention" as Don Juan would call it) ?

In light