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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #71
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    My weird dream of the week

    I was working at some sort of deli (I wasn't 'me' me.) I told the people I worked with that I had the impression that we would be held up or killed or something bad, so they locked the doors. Then I cut an outline of a state. I haven't looked to see which one it is but it was a Northeastern (or eastern, anyway) state from how the cut was placed on a book I had). Then I inserted a pin on the door, and took a huge sandwich with me. It was as big as an encyclopedia book. I was amazed at it's size. (It was chicken salad, lol) So we leave the deli and I'm walking down the street (at night) and this guy approaches me and asks for food for his dog, whose name was 'Caruso.' The dog had a dog body and a human face (creepy) and instead of barking said "Caruso! Caruso!". The guy took a chunk of chicken from my sandwich and gave it to the dog who ate it. I was annoyed, because I hadn't replied to the man yet (even though it was my intention to give him a piece, it was his presumption that bothered me.) I told him off and walked away.

    Try to make sense of that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #72
    Fish Guest

    Re: My weird dream of the week

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    I was working at some sort of deli (I wasn't 'me' me.) I told the people I worked with that I had the impression that we would be held up or killed or something bad, so they locked the doors. Then I cut an outline of a state. I haven't looked to see which one it is but it was a Northeastern (or eastern, anyway) state from how the cut was placed on a book I had). Then I inserted a pin on the door, and took a huge sandwich with me. It was as big as an encyclopedia book. I was amazed at it's size. (It was chicken salad, lol) So we leave the deli and I'm walking down the street (at night) and this guy approaches me and asks for food for his dog, whose name was 'Caruso.' The dog had a dog body and a human face (creepy) and instead of barking said "Caruso! Caruso!". The guy took a chunk of chicken from my sandwich and gave it to the dog who ate it. I was annoyed, because I hadn't replied to the man yet (even though it was my intention to give him a piece, it was his presumption that bothered me.) I told him off and walked away.

    Try to make sense of that.
    Maybe in your other life (occurring right now) you live in the northeast and work at a deli. The place occurring at the same time as we are here now intake lots more food and hence do not require dieting so massive sandwiches of epic proportions are staple for your diet there.. as well as Caruso-speaking human faced dogs and telepathic passersby LMAO that was great stuff CF sounds like one that I would have!

  3. #73
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    Dream after projection

    I think I'm going to start posting the weirder or significant of my dreams here. Not sure if I'll do it in journal form yet.
    But here we go:
    I fell asleep after a clumsy spontaneous projection.
    Started dreaming I was in a marina. It's architecture wasn't normal, there were many piers or walks going around and we were walking looking at the water and a man was telling us about the intelligent dolphins. (I'd blame Drunvalo for this, but I asked my HS to tell me what I could believe about the channeled information in the book I'm reading that he wrote). This guide and my son and I were looking. The guide looked like the guy from Heroes, The senator (Peter Petrelli's brother, whose name I've forgotten) and all of a sudden this gigantic 35 foot long humanoid looking dolphin jumped up in the air. He was telling us these guys are not friendly and are extremely aggressive. I see it quickly swimming towards us and we're way out there in the water. So we start running away, and I see next to the giant dolphin there is this really fast swimming hippopotamus. It looked gigantic. I tell them to run and I try to stay behind and try to get their attention, to distract the dolphin and the hippo from them- but it doesn't work- they ignore me and go for them, very fast, faster than I can run. When I run I see the dolphin and the hippo reach them, and then all of a sudden the hippo splits in half, showing he wasn't a real hippo, but a vessel of some sort, and some people jump out, snatch them and bring them in. I keep running trying to catch up, and then there's a fade out, and I'm in some sort of an underground installation.
    I go into this room and there's senator Petrelli telling my son that he has to inject this needle in his own trachea so he can have some sort or breathing thing installed so he can breathe under water. I try to stop this, but when I reach them both turn around and they have these little white squares with holes in the front. I'm shocked, and wake up.
    So I got up, started to make breakfast, when my husband tells me he had this dream/nightmare.
    And it goes like this:
    I'm working at a marina, and he goes to the office I'm supposed to be working in. Someone tells him that some guy came in a boat and I went for a ride with him, and never came back. He gets really mad and scared, and doesn't know what to do.
    He wakes up and meets me for breakfast in the kitchen.

    Note: I don't work in a marina, it's not even in the remotest possibility, and I had no similar dreams lately- I assumed (and still think) that my asking what I asked brought me to this symbol. What blows me away is my husband's dream. Maybe he projected to the same thing and gave it his own bent?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #74
    ArcticStoneage Guest

    Re: Dream after projection

    Last night I projected for the first time in about a month. There was nothing special about the projection (that I remember at least), but it shortly led into a false awakening. In this dream, I remember being underwater, not sure which way was up, and trying hard to breath through the water, suffocating.

    And today I came on the forums and read OlderWiser's post about weird synchronicity involving the "Beyond Enlightenment. Warning...Not for Sissies" thread popping up again after reading it recently, and thinking how I love it when strange 'coincidences' like that happen, and how I wished it would happen to me more often. Right after that, I read a new post about breathing in the astral body. And then I read this!

    Cool eh?

    Unfortunately I don't remember anything else from that dream, other than that it started with me waking up in the shower

  5. #75
    Fish Guest

    Re: Dream after projection

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    What blows me away is my husband's dream. Maybe he projected to the same thing and gave it his own bent?
    Definitely sounds that way to me! Has that happened often where you share a projection with someone you know? It's happened to me, that experience brought me to this forum actually. Something I won't actually post about here but anyway it's along the same vein of what happened to you. Very cool!

  6. #76
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    Re: Dream after projection

    We dream in tandem occasionally, and once I pulled him out. So I suppose it's not that strange.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #77
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    Re: Dream after projection

    Last night I found myself in what I thought was another planet. it was a water planet, yet there was some surface areas. People in it were having some sort of war, and the war was to choose which of the 'waterlords' would be their masters. They appeared to be addled, as if they were hypnotized or programmed. Then I found myself walking along some ruins. In the ruins I picked up some trash on the floor, and in it I could see brochures that were old, and in them there were pictures of advertising. The advertising had pictures of people dressed in 'corporate' clothing (three piece suits) except they were floating underwater. The company was a genetics company that altered humans (or created them) and each brochure had 'different' models of them. They were men and women in three piece suits floating underwater, as in an aquarium. Then (in typical dream fashion) I started to recognize those people as the 'gods' that had caused people to fight each other, to be controlled or dominated by them.
    I realized it was a farce, that these people were not 'gods', and they didn't come from anywhere else ( some people thought they were aliens, or 'gods' ), they were engineered to impress people into giving the company who designed them all the power. And it seemed to work, because the scenario seemed wrong and the world seemed destroyed.
    And at some point I realized this was not another planet.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #78
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    Fear in a dream

    This is notable for me, because I usually don't have strong emotion when I dream, but this one was a doozy.

    Interpretations are welcome.

    In this dream I was in some sort of 'underworld'. The light was low, and it seemed as if everyone in the dream was dead. I would classify it as a projection, but I had very limited lucidity (I knew I was supposed to learn something, but I did not know I was dreaming), so I'll call it a dream.

    I was told I had to face the death of someone. I was in a 'funeral' of sorts, except it was nighttime, there was a cave that opened up to the seaside at night (a very creepy environment) and I had to traverse a system (like a labyrinth) and go through some things. I was supposed to walk a line with some people and face a person who was dead and lying in a coffin/bed/platform.
    I was paralyzed with terror and did not want to go through this process and follow this line. I tried, I followed some of the people that were in line in front of me, but when I got to the place where I knew where the body was, the terror I felt was so severe I stepped away and got out of there. The 'funny' thing is that I almost knocked over and went by some dead bodies that were lying in part of the 'maze' I was going through to get out of there. This was terrifying, except the dead bodies were more 'circusy' than grisly and I wasn't scared of them. I was, however, scared of seeing the one dead body I was supposed to see.
    It was the dead body of a former coworker of mine, who died over 14 years ago, and who I have some history with. I'll add this part of my life history at the end.
    Anyway, I couldn't face seeing my friend dead, and I was advised that I was supposed to pay my respects, but I just couldn't. At this time I was accompanied by people advising me on what I 'should' do.
    I left there, and when I thought I was safe, I went to another place, where there was a guy walking towards another place, sort of waiting for me- looked like it was maybe a cafeteria or a mall food court. He was walking in front of me and guiding me somewhere else, and I was following him. As he walked in front he harassed some other guys as we walked by, and we rounded a corner to go to wherever we were going. He was exhibiting some inappropriate behavior, and I thought it was weird. Then without warning, some guys were waiting for us as we got to where we were going, pulled out a knife and killed him. I think they sliced his throat, or something like that. All I could see was blood and him collapse. The guys were laughing maniacally and had old-fashioned 'ducktails' type hairdos, (Fonzy style). I was hysterical at this point and woke up. As I woke a voice whispered in my ear, something 'clinical' sounding, but I don't remember what it said. I was shaken up for a while, and the fear was quite visceral.

    Note: The person who died was a coworker of mine, only she died a long time ago, and we were not very close, but got along well. The most notable thing about the event of her death is that I spontaneously projected to her funeral, and it was confirmed by another coworker who also projected to her funeral (both of us at the same time). We knew about each other because we had a third friend in common which we both told our stories to. We ended up having lunch and comparing notes. Then, a mutual friend of ours who actually went to the funeral was able to confirm the images both of us described in our separate experiences. This however, happened over 14 years ago, so I don't know why I dreamed about her all this time afterwards. (And I actually didn't see the dead friend, I just dreaded having to.)
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #79
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    What was the cause of your co-worker's death?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    (And I actually didn't see the dead friend, I just dreaded having to.)
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    I was told I had to face the death of someone.
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    This was terrifying, except the dead bodies were more 'circusy' than grisly and I wasn't scared of them. I was, however, scared of seeing the one dead body I was supposed to see.
    So, in real life you dreaded to see your dead friend. Then, in non-physical reality you are told that you have "to face the death of someone." This someone turns out to be your friend again.

    Seems like this is a case where this old thing is brought up again in order to be resolved, possibly to allow you to move on to another stance towards death, present in its most visible form. Unless you've seen someone's dead body death is kind of abstract. At least in my experience from way back.


  10. #80
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    *Racking my brain*
    It may have been asthma, pleurisy or even lung cancer.
    I remember she used to work at the office where I worked, as the bookkeeper and we used to chat. For some reason other people were afraid of her but we got along very well. Then her health began to deteriorate, and she started to do some of the work from her house. Then a new bookkeeper was hired (who later became my friend) and they both collaborated online. There was a seminar happening (going back, I was 34 at the time, I'm 51 now.) We were going to be roommates, and at the last moment, she canceled. When we came back from the seminar we had word she had deteriorated and was retiring. Then, a few months later she passed away. At the time one of our other workmates had moved in with her and was looking after her. She passed not soon after.
    Since she had no relatives in Florida her roommate went with the body to where her children lived (I think it may have been Connecticut), and the rest of us stayed.
    The weekend of her funeral I came to in a car, going somewhere and seeing a snowy landscape. I could see the people in the car and the landscape going by, as if I were one of the people in the car. Then I could see the people in an outside setting in the snow.
    The next day I told my friend (A.) who worked in the same office about my strange dream. I'm not sure why I told her but there was something 'different' about this dream.
    She then freaked out a little and told me that our friend (K.) had a similar dream, from the same vantage point- the traveling through the snowy landscape, and the funeral scene.
    We got together and compared notes, and then talked to R., her roommate who had actually gone to the funeral. He described the car trip, the funeral and some details that coincided with both our experiences.
    I realized that I was experiencing what R. was experiencing. K. also was there, but her experience was more like an old-fashioned OBE. I was seeing the scene from R's eyes.

    Oliver, since this I have faced the death of many of my relatives, including my father and my grandmother, who I loved very deeply.
    I do realize there was some 'learning' in this, and it had to do with 'facing death'- however, other than the fact that I chose to not go to the funeral, I didn't really know this person closely enough to be personally affected. I do realize that I have issues that I have to deal with, but why this person is still somewhat a mystery to me.
    Maybe because she is someone from my 'past' life- I have since reinvented myself, and maybe because I never said a proper goodbye to her.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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