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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Fear in a dream

    Maybe it's not literally about that particular friend and her real death. Maybe in the dream she represents something else, like an aspect of yourself or something from that time in your life? Just a thought.
    "Simplicate, then add lightness."

  2. #82
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    I'll have to think about that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #83
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    Last night I discussed the possibilities about the dreams with my husband.
    As usual, he didn't remember M. as it was a long time ago.
    I've tried to think what she would represent to me, and I'd say it would be someone I admired (what I knew about her anyway-) she didn't take bs from people and was a strong female. Like I 'wanted to be like when I was her age'- the funny thing is that I'm her age probably now, or close.

    Last night: The last dream, the one I woke up to:
    I was being chased, and I had a level of fear (not abject terror like the night before) and I ran and ran. I ran so much and for so long that I even thought to myself that my dream self must have lost weight, with all this running. (I had enough lucidity to know I was dreaming, but not enough to stop running. Or to question why I was running. I just felt I had to. Then I woke up, already tired.
    I think after this I'm going to take a short nap, I have a long day ahead of me.

    Or at least a long early afternoon.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #84
    Fish Guest

    Re: Fear in a dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
    Seems like this is a case where this old thing is brought up again in order to be resolved, possibly to allow you to move on to another stance towards death, present in its most visible form. Unless you've seen someone's dead body death is kind of abstract. At least in my experience from way back.
    Yes I get the same feeling about your dream CF. Be brave and step up to the plate about death or a major ending of something in your life.

    Could this possibly be interpreted on the flipside as being afraid of a new beginning?

  5. #85
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    Maybe it is just about this specific death. Maybe it had a significance to you that others had not? Was the person for example your age, so closer to your own feeling of mortality?

    I mean, I buried father, uncle, grandmother, all close, but I think it would still feel very different if it was a classmate from school...


  6. #86
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    She was much older than I, but now I'm approaching the age she was when she passed.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #87
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    Re: Fear in a dream

    This is a difficult one, CF. Feel free to reject anything/everything if it feels incorrect. Now I've just reviewed it, I realise everyone else has just about covered it any way and there's not much to add.

    In this dream I was in some sort of 'underworld'.
    To me this is usually that most suppressed deep within our subconscious.

    The light was low, and it seemed as if everyone in the dream was dead.
    Again, something that had not surfaced consciously and that you, therefore, were only dimly aware of. You thought it was something dead and buried.

    would classify it as a projection, but I had very limited lucidity (I knew I was supposed to learn something, but I did not know I was dreaming), so I'll call it a dream.
    Low light works as a low lucidity indicator in my dreams.

    I was told I had to face the death of someone.
    Of course, this is also the reality of our own deaths or deaths of our various roles/identities too.

    was in a 'funeral' of sorts, except it was nighttime, there was a cave that opened up to the seaside at night (a very creepy environment) and I had to traverse a system (like a labyrinth) and go through some things. I was supposed to walk a line with some people and face a person who was dead and lying in a coffin/bed/platform.
    Even if we think we've consciously accepted the reality of our own deaths and transitions, I believe we suppress fears and create barriers that we will subsequently have to face. The company may suggest the universal nature of this experience or the multiple levels/aspects of self at which we acknowledge this reality.

    I was paralyzed with terror and did not want to go through this process and follow this line. I tried, I followed some of the people that were in line in front of me, but when I got to the place where I knew where the body was, the terror I felt was so severe I stepped away and got out of there. The 'funny' thing is that I almost knocked over and went by some dead bodies that were lying in part of the 'maze' I was going through to get out of there. This was terrifying, except the dead bodies were more 'circusy' than grisly and I wasn't scared of them. I was, however, scared of seeing the one dead body I was supposed to see.
    Perhaps the various "deaths" you've already experienced - and by this I mean big personal transitions in your own life- seem insubtantial compared to the current transition or the one that has just happened that you're not ready to "look at" and acknowledge, that you cannot move forward on.

    It was the dead body of a former coworker of mine, who died over 14 years ago, and who I have some history with. I'll add this part of my life history at the end.
    Anyway, I couldn't face seeing my friend dead, and I was advised that I was supposed to pay my respects, but I just couldn't. At this time I was accompanied by people advising me on what I 'should' do.
    Go back again and ask what she represents for you. What were the salient circumstances around this death or around something else this woman showed/told/taught you that resonate with something in your life right now. How do you identify with her? Why might this aspect of self be ready to pass? Might her role as "bookkeeper" be a clue? Why did a co-worker have to look after her? Did she feel abandoned or, more importantly, did you feel she'd been abandoned?

    I left there, and when I thought I was safe, I went to another place, where there was a guy walking towards another place, sort of waiting for me- looked like it was maybe a cafeteria or a mall food court.
    There's some realisation you're not happy to face. You can run from it by seeking less private aspects of self - perhaps service to others through cooking or shopping or perhaps through satisfying your own physical needs?

    He was walking in front of me and guiding me somewhere else, and I was following him. As he walked in front he harassed some other guys as we walked by, and we rounded a corner to go to wherever we were going. He was exhibiting some inappropriate behavior, and I thought it was weird.
    He's an aspect of self that leads you away from reflecting on something that frightens you. This is no longer appropriate and you realise this.

    Then without warning, some guys were waiting for us as we got to where we were going, pulled out a knife and killed him. I think they sliced his throat, or something like that.
    Other aspects of self will not allow you to evade this thing you don't want to see and threaten worse fears if you cannot acknowledge it.

    All I could see was blood and him collapse. The guys were laughing maniacally and had old-fashioned 'ducktails' type hairdos, (Fonzy style).
    Read what I wrote in the last bit of interpretation and ask yourself if that doesn't sound old fashioned. *Whiny voice*: "If you don't deal with it now, it'll only get worse."

    I was hysterical at this point and woke up. As I woke a voice whispered in my ear, something 'clinical' sounding, but I don't remember what it said. I was shaken up for a while, and the fear was quite visceral.
    I cannot help but feel there is a predictive element to this dream. I can't really say anything more in response to this part of your experience.

    I hope this adds something that helps you get where you need to go on this dream.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #88

    Re: Fear in a dream

    let me first preface this post with the following:
    i have been very sick, since thursday morning, to the point of delerium.
    i'm still not over it. but am getting 'better'. i think. but i am not sure.
    so, take this in that context. the rambleings of one who is with a fever.
    note: thursday morning i woke up 'sick'.

    the 'aquaintance'. one who you acknowledge, but one who most others around you do not.
    you acknowledge, but do not establish a CLOSE BOND with.
    others, avoid her, as they fear acknowledgeing, and fear bonding more.

    she gets sick.

    some notice, but most just look for a way to 'replace her functionality'

    she dies.
    some notice, and their lives are changed, but most just go on, not understanding
    or really thinking that they are affected by what just happened.
    and, some of those who noticed, didn't get the point, because they
    deny that her passing was REAL, because they FEAR what it may mean.

    WARNING: serious fever based rambleings begin now...

    what if she was meant to represent Gaia?

    i only say this because of my 'visions' thursday night.

    here i was, fully intrenched in a 'whole body infection'. complete with fever,
    awareness distortion, mind/body seperation, and desperation. i split, as i have
    many times before. expanding my awareness to find a source of energy that i can
    draw in, to heal my body.
    first, i access divine white... too soft.
    then, i go looking in my 'usual places'.
    'that spot' west of jackson, wy, in the tetons, i ask, it responds it is weak, as it is still trying to out-live winter.a spot south-west of pocatello, id, again, weak, not recovered from winter.
    a certain hillside in scottland, weak, not recovered from winter.
    a certain hilltop on an island off sardinia, again, weak, and ill, the air is not good there yet.

    at this point, i'm getting a bit frantic.

    i look around the south pacific, maybe somthing will show itself to me there. but i have
    never been there, so it's a 'shot in the dark'... nothing presents itself...
    so back to 'known ground'...
    hells canyon, idaho, weak, ill,
    virgin river gorge, weak, dirty, barely able to grow it's worms.
    finally, the 'zion area' of southern utah.
    i drop deep down into it, to a place i know, where i can connect directly with the 'earth'.
    i connect with Gaia. she is more than happy to 'feed' me, but.
    i can feel that she is sick. like a loving mother dieing from cancer, but not letting her
    children know, because she does not want to hurt them. so she gives freely, of what little
    loveing energy she still has. i want to do something to heal her, she notices, and tells me it is
    ok, because she knows she will be moving on soon, and she is not afraid for herself, but she
    is afraid for some of her children, that do not know that they will be moving on soon also.
    i thank her, and ask if there is anything i can do, she says to thank those of her children
    who send her healing energy, it helps, but not enough, she is past the point of being able to
    have her 'condition' reversed, and it is ok, because it is the 'right way of things'.
    she embraces me, to her chest, and i succle, drawing up her healing that she is offering to me.

    as i leave, i end up back in my bed, sobbing, her love is soo strong for us, and she is giving
    all she can, to her 'demise'.
    and all she wants, is for her children to realize who they are, and she is sad, because most
    do not, and many who do, deny what is to come.

    after recovering from my 'sob fest',
    i finally end up finishing off, by picking a 'sunny place' out in the south pacific, i think it may have
    been kwajaleen, and soaking up energy directly from the sun.
    then i slept.

    well then.
    i guess THAT wasnt helpful.
    maybe i need to get something to eat.

    disregard this post.
    or dont.
    i'm not trying to 'thread jack'.
    i just type.


    p.s.. TIMMIE!!!!!!!
    A tout le monde, A tous mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir
    in loving memory of Aaron, 1982-2000
    I'm proud of what you have become!

  9. #89
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    I was meditating when I got a mini-nightmare- at first in my line of sight I see a husband and wife and one or two children (I have forgotten some of the details, this was like in one split second) Then all of a sudden the husband either thinks of killing them or does it. I'm not sure if I was in his head or saw him do it. It was very disturbing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #90
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Mini-nightmare

    To me, it sounds like you picked up on some outside bit of negativity that happened to be floating by while you were in a receptive meditative state. Ask yourself why you were shown that scene. If it doesn't feel like it holds some sort of inner lesson for you, feel free to reject it as being not your own and try not to dwell on it even though it disturbed you.
    "Simplicate, then add lightness."

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