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Thread: direction of energy movements question

  1. #1
    shedt Guest

    direction of energy movements question

    I'm not quite sure how to word this. A couple years ago i used to practice Falun Dafa. One of the exercises was to move or rotate the "falun"

    It was suppose to be like a swastika but reversed in your chest. I'm just guessing that it was a chakra.

    Anyways, spinning or rotating it in one direction was suppose to give energy to the universe or something along these lines, and rotating in the other was to draw it in and store it.

    Any basis for this? Like clockwise for storing etc.

    I don't remember the directions though.

    I'm just wondering as I'm here at work sitting at my desk, and i want to do some basic energy work that is easy that i don't need to super focus.

    just looking for something simple and basic and this seems like it, so i thought i'd ask if this holds any merit, the direction.

  2. #2
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    The swastika was originally a symbol used by the Indo-Aryans, (pre-Hindu and Hindu) and it symbolized infinity. I don't know if the Nazis reversed it for their purposes, or if it originally was in that position.

    In a different light, my understanding (very limited) of direction when it comes to magic/spiritual ritual: clockwise means doing, counterclockwise means undoing something.
    In a completely unrelated thing, when I was young they told you that if you were mixing a cake batter you always had to rotate one way, not one way and reverse, because reversing the direction would make the cake not have the right consistency. I have never tested this, since I rarely bake but I remember being taught that. Superstition? Hmmm...
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    stargazer Guest
    The Nazis reversed the manji and tilted it a bit, but I think it's been used in both directions in various traditions.

  4. #4
    Celeborn Guest
    Yep, the manji has been used going both directions, and the direction of the arms indicates whether you are bringing energy in or drawing energy out. The triple tomoe (three dots with tail going in a circle) works under the same principle.

    Each of the arms in the manji represents one of the four directions, and the center is the beyond, the ineffable.

    The same principle will work with just spiraling your energy through your chakra. If you try you will notice that counterclockwise (for most people) is MUCH easier then clockwise to spiral your energy around (clockwise tends to feel like you are fighting against a current).
    Also if you are doing energy healing (reiki, medical qigong), you can spiral your energized hand clockwise through their energy field to draw out negitive energy.

  5. #5
    shedt Guest
    i find clockwise to be easier for me. i don't know if it is because i am left handed though.

  6. #6
    Celeborn Guest
    Haha, yeah. There are a bunch of people out there who flow the other way, outside of the majority.
    I wonder if it is just something like lefthandedness, or if there is more to it.

  7. #7
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    In a loosely related topic, I read somewhere that twins usually are mirror images of each other- their DNA twist oppossite each other (clockwise/counterclockwise) and that handedness may have something to do with this. Not really knowing what I am talking about, I can't say how true this may be.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    shedt Guest
    very interesting as my grandmother and grat aunt are twins, and my great aunt is left-handed also.

  9. #9
    I think that in any kind of energy work, intent is more important than the actual mechanics of how you do it. For instance, even though I am a Reiki Master/Teacher, I dropped using the symbols because they didn't hold a lot of meaning for me. As soon as I decided to go with intent, my abilities immediately increased. Kind of like trying to fit a square peg in to a round hole. Giving up trying to make it fit at all and just going with what felt natural worked better. BTW, I don't teach Reiki for the simple reason that I don't use the symbols. Kind of hypocritical if I did.

    Just my opinion, but using a Nazi symbol might not be so great to incorporate into your energy body. It's original intent was good, but it has had such a huge amount of negative energy attached to it since Hitler that you might be playing with fire. Your personal intent would have to be mighty powerful to overcome the negative energy attachments to that symbol.

  10. #10
    Celeborn Guest
    Just my opinion, but using a Nazi symbol might not be so great to incorporate into your energy body. It's original intent was good, but it has had such a huge amount of negative energy attached to it since Hitler that you might be playing with fire. Your personal intent would have to be mighty powerful to overcome the negative energy attachments to that symbol.
    Very true. It is still used throughout India, China, Korea, and Japan for energetic, religious purposes...but I suspect that they are more emotionally removed from nazi Germany then us in the West. Besides, they had all ready been using it for thosands of years before Hitler took the scene, so I think that it would be easier for them to not even make the mental conection between the two at all (seeing them as seperate symbols).

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