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Thread: multiple issues, and a lucky find

  1. #1
    Eaglesoul Guest

    multiple issues, and a lucky find


    I really don't know where to start. There are more things I could ask for healing in regards to than I can justify talking about.

    To start, I was told 3 months ago by my eye doctor, that I likely had glacoma. He said that the normal eye pressures are 20/20, he said my eyes - respectively, are 31/27. Since then I have experienced substantial vision loss, accompanied by CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome (this is where after-images from light last notably longer than it should). My sensitivity to light of any sort has drasticly increased. Example: I turned my PC monitor brightness down by 20 percent, and after two days, to my eyes, it's the same brightness as before I reduced it.

    I am told that I have a high chance of going blind. I would rather be deaf than blind. Last night I had a related demonic attack during my dream state. An entity in an area I did not recognize first appeared as a giant spider, and went after my eyes. Then, when myself and those around me, which I was portrayed in the dream to know, sliced the demons head off, the head landed on the ground, and then turned to face us, laughing, while it said, "Now you will see the error of your action". As its corpse seemed to birth a legion of young spiders. I know it as a demon because of the intensity of the fear I felt upon waking. The sort you only feel a few times in your life, IF you are unfortunate enough to, to begin with, and it does not go away for hours and sometimes days after the experience.

    On top of it all, I suffer from a learning disability, a bad short term memory, ADD, a lower back that most people would throw away as if it were a purchased commodity, an overbite that I was told would cost me 10 grand to fix, and would involve breaking my jaw, and wiring my mouth shut for 6 weeks... Carpal Tunnel in my right hand, and..well, you start to get an idea .. and that isn't including the sad shape of my teeth.

    I was pointed here by a European friend when I told him I was likely to go blind, which I am. I noticed a substantial decrease in my vision within a 48 hour time period.

    I'm not going to lie to you, I'm scared ... and honestly I could never possibly cover the amount of medical and psychiatric services required to even 'touch' my problems. I am trying to get through college right now to fix some of those problems, but my eye doctor says I won't make it that far unless something happens with my eyes.

    I've read about 1/8 what I need to here. This NEW healing concept caught my attention. I am going to learn what I can, and do what I can ... but I need the help of anyone willing, in the meantime. If any of you are healers, then by the gods I ask your aid here. If you would like, I will PM instant msger contact info upon request. I have msn, yahoo, icq, and aol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
    Blog Entries
    Here's something to get you started:
    Know that this is a point closest to your renewal. You are ready to touch the healing power of the presence of Spirit in your life. In facing your most fearsome thought or feeling, you are being receptive to the healing power which is ready to reveal itself and work through your health problems.

    Adapted from The Heart of Healing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Chris Guest
    Hi Eaglesoul,

    What country do you live in? I ask as I have a friend in the states who has severe glacoma, he has a permit to use medicinal marijuana to help with this condition.
    I know laws vary from state to state, country to country, but could you find out if any scheme such as these exist near you?
    Marijuana is an extremely effective way of lowering the pressure of fluids in the eye and seems a very effective treatment for this condtion.

  4. #4
    Eaglesoul Guest
    I am in central Wisconsin. I do not believe it is one of the states that have approved the medical marijuana. In fact, I believe they are entirely opposed to any exceptions on its use.

    My uncle told me about some treatment he was given with lasers that only took a few minutes. I'm not so sure as to the validity of the procedure described. He said that his eye doctor had him sit down with his eyes open, and using a laser, created 2 small holes in his eyes (one in each). He said since then his vision problems went away.

  5. #5

    Re: multiple issues, and a lucky find

    Quote Originally Posted by Eaglesoul

    I really don't know where to start. There are more things I could ask for healing in regards to than I can justify talking about.

    To start, I was told 3 months ago by my eye doctor, that I likely had glacoma. He said that the normal eye pressures are 20/20, he said my eyes - respectively, are 31/27. Since then I have experienced substantial vision loss, accompanied by CVS or Computer Vision Syndrome (this is where after-images from light last notably longer than it should). My sensitivity to light of any sort has drasticly increased. Example: I turned my PC monitor brightness down by 20 percent, and after two days, to my eyes, it's the same brightness as before I reduced it.

    I am told that I have a high chance of going blind. I would rather be deaf than blind. Last night I had a related demonic attack during my dream state. An entity in an area I did not recognize first appeared as a giant spider, and went after my eyes. Then, when myself and those around me, which I was portrayed in the dream to know, sliced the demons head off, the head landed on the ground, and then turned to face us, laughing, while it said, "Now you will see the error of your action". As its corpse seemed to birth a legion of young spiders. I know it as a demon because of the intensity of the fear I felt upon waking. The sort you only feel a few times in your life, IF you are unfortunate enough to, to begin with, and it does not go away for hours and sometimes days after the experience.

    On top of it all, I suffer from a learning disability, a bad short term memory, ADD, a lower back that most people would throw away as if it were a purchased commodity, an overbite that I was told would cost me 10 grand to fix, and would involve breaking my jaw, and wiring my mouth shut for 6 weeks... Carpal Tunnel in my right hand, and..well, you start to get an idea .. and that isn't including the sad shape of my teeth.

    I was pointed here by a European friend when I told him I was likely to go blind, which I am. I noticed a substantial decrease in my vision within a 48 hour time period.

    I'm not going to lie to you, I'm scared ... and honestly I could never possibly cover the amount of medical and psychiatric services required to even 'touch' my problems. I am trying to get through college right now to fix some of those problems, but my eye doctor says I won't make it that far unless something happens with my eyes.

    I've read about 1/8 what I need to here. This NEW healing concept caught my attention. I am going to learn what I can, and do what I can ... but I need the help of anyone willing, in the meantime. If any of you are healers, then by the gods I ask your aid here. If you would like, I will PM instant msger contact info upon request. I have msn, yahoo, icq, and aol.
    I urge you to pray to Blessed Alphonsa of India. Her intercession is very powerful, for she suffered herself. I shall pray as well.

    Blessed Alphonsa, praise the Lord...
    For His mercy endures forever!
    See Blessed Alphonsa in Wikipedia (…

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