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Thread: suggestions on the Heart chakra

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by sash
    Actually, I believe that the heart chakra is the only chakra you cannot actually "burn out" no matter how much energy you throw at it. The energy of the heart is Love, which is universal acceptance in a peaceful tranquil form.

    The heart chakra is not so much associated with emotions as you would think, so I would not be too concerned about that. The chakra can be opened with love, by feeling it and being aware of it resonating inside you. The sub attributes of it include empathy, compassion and peace. If these things are difficult to locate in the external, look inside.

    This is achieved with visualization meditation, focus on the heart and visualize a temple where balance and harmony reign ... proceed with this meditation until you find what you seek. This might not be right for each person, I have found also visualizing a rose garden or flying through outer space is also almost as effective. The trick is to go to the place that would feel perfect for you. Feel what your perfect world is like, then go there in the visualization, and explore.

    If you wish to activate this center for application purposes of healing and astral projection commence with a short calm meditation leading into a state of relaxation. From here, focus on your physical heart beat. Continue and your heart chakra will activate on its own - this feels like your whole body is beating with your heart. From this stage projection is possible since physical and astral become one through the focus being drawn into the heart. This works best at night, before regular sleep.

    Good luck.
    I said nothing about love. It is energy that I spoke of.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Sophroniscus wrote:
    I said nothing about love. It is energy that I spoke of.
    An excellent point. It seems that Love can't be quantified like energy. I suppose that there is energy generated by love, but love itself....
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by I, Sophroniscus
    I said nothing about love. It is energy that I spoke of.
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    An excellent point. It seems that Love can't be quantified like energy. I suppose that there is energy generated by love, but love itself....
    Earth, Water, Fire, Air and the Void... They are all different forms of energy, I suppose. But their effects are very different...

  4. #14
    sash Guest
    Love generates energy yes ...

    That is what you feel in your heart when it is open.

  5. #15
    sash Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Sophroniscus
    Well, who am I to say? I just report what other, wiser people have said...
    Based on personal experience, not what others say is the best way to go. Although easier said than done I realize since it is impossible to have every experience of spiritual matters but still to base it on your own truth while taking into account other possibilities at the same time is a wise method to go about it.

    I had never thought about it another way until now, because all the energy I use in heart chakra is love and the permeation of love energy throughout the entire energy body, which builds up large amount of energy in the heart which can be applied in accordance with NEW. However perhaps it is possible to use elemental and other energies in the heart center, as in just regular energy,
    in that case I would have no personal experience with that since I have found each chakra has its own unique distinct energy vibration - and the one of heart happens to be love, from personal experience.

  6. #16
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    Have you taken the chakra quizz on Aunt Claire's site? I think it's really good. ... dotest.php

    There's a few suggestions there too.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. #17
    Moonchild Guest
    Excellent answers so far! I hope it's not too late to add my own view.

    In 'opening' the chakras it is important to remember just what they do. The chakras are an energy processing system, which takes in ethereal energy and 'processes' it into the manifestations of your Being. Energy is just potential power. Opening a chakra, really, is increasing the energy capacity of the particular type of power that each chakra processes. Each chakra also corresponds to a level of consciousness, from connection to the earth to connection to the cosmos.

    The heart chakra is very important because it is the meeting of the upper and lower chakras. This makes it the integrator of the higher and lower, and as the name suggests is primarily concerned with love and feeling. Keeping this in mind suggests a few things right off we can do to 'open' this chakra.

    The first is to train yourself to be more aware of your emotions. This isn't to say to let them run wild, but rather to spend some time to take notice of just how you are feeling as your day goes along. Try to become conscious of why you are feeling as you do, and what your feelings are telling you. Another thing to do is to meditate on compassion and human concern, and what you can do to better serve those you love, including yourself, and the world at large.

    Doing these things in combination with daily Robert Bruce NEW energy work will, over time, really get that heart chakra going!

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