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Thread: Activating Kundalini

  1. #31
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    Re: Activating Kundalini

    You can, if you want to.
    Ps. What a cool experience. Although I do get astral sight every now and then, I never think to look at my own body. I'll have to remember the next time.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #32

    Re: Activating Kundalini

    Hi Serp ... That is interesting what you said about the glowing. I had a kind of remote viewing / lucid dream about a month ago when I saw someone and their skin glowed like you said. I saw all of their body glowing and it was really beautiful and colorful. I was focused on their face, neck and arms. It also seemed to change slightly with time. Anyway, feels good to hear similar experiences from others...

  3. #33

    Re: Activating Kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by Spark
    Hi Serp ... That is interesting what you said about the glowing. I had a kind of remote viewing / lucid dream about a month ago when I saw someone and their skin glowed like you said. I saw all of their body glowing and it was really beautiful and colorful. I was focused on their face, neck and arms. It also seemed to change slightly with time. Anyway, feels good to hear similar experiences from others...
    Yep, similar experiences give confidence. How your perception changed after your kundalini event?

    For me personally the difference can be breathtaking. I still have the experiences only from time to time, but when I do it can be like watching things in "real life". Vivid, clear, three-dimensional colourful images.
    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentarius
    (I already had a major WTF scary vision moment the first night after the kundalini raising >_>)
    Like in the experience above. Sometimes I can be woken up by a negative presence and sometimes I could see a dark shape or something (but it was unfocused black shape at best, mostly I saw nothing). But in this instance I woke up and looked to my side and firstly I saw a pulsating moving orb of darkness which later turned into an overgrown beetle of sorts. And it looked like a real live insect, 3-d, brown greyish colour, with an orange line on the edge of its shell, I could see it in the perfect detail, I could even see the texture of it's shell.
    I was like "What the f* was that" and I ran to turn on the light. I could still feel the negativity very strongly and I was doing some protection affirmations, But I was seriously rattled, it just looked so REAL.
    That beetle wasn't anything major, but I was able to perceive it so more intensley than other things I sensed before. I was seriously freaked out, staying with lights on like an 8-year old or something. >_>

  4. #34

    Re: Activating Kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Although I do get astral sight every now and then, I never think to look at my own body. I'll have to remember the next time.
    If you remember to look at your body could you please write down what you see? I think it would be nice to compare experiences .

  5. #35

    Re: Activating Kundalini

    Hi Serp ...
    It seems that your experiences are similar to mine in a variety of ways. Anyway, I have had issues dealing with so-called neg things too ... and, typically, they are like these black shapes as you mention. Anyway, my background is that I had OBEs for many years (I am in my 40s now). I tend to be objective and while I saw everything that folks talk about ... I never 100% proved anything until I tried doing experiments with a local university. They wanted me to do remote viewing experiments. I actually thought it was a bit much to expect... then, I had clear success. And, my views shifted. Much changed in the months after that. BUT, before that, I had many OBEs, and got rather proficient at them. But, I did have times dealing so called neg things. For me, I still question much of what we see. By way of example, with the remote viewing, I started to discern how some things seemed to be accurate, and other things NOT accurate. I tended to find that things that surprised me were more often accurate. But, e.g., I would see many things that were inaccurate too. And, often the accurate image would morph to inaccurate. I tend to think that there may be neg things, but I also think what it morphs to, like the bug might not be so accurate. And, just "how" neg the thing is, is perhaps hard to say. For example, there are millions of little bugs on us, right? Maybe, we are sometimes just remote viewing them. Anyway, after long issues with neg things, I found the following to be the key for my dealign with them: a) embrace in LOVE (I tend to think that LOVE is MAYBE sort of like being in harmonic oscillation with the world ... and such may perhaps be sort of untouchable due to power of all together -- but, whatever the reason, that tends to be very helpful); b) and turn your attention where you desire (i.e., I tend to think that we might sort of be located where we have our attention -- so, if you see a neg thing, just smile, feel love and turn your attention away). But, I still deal with negs at times, and sometimes I am duped by them. For me, they tend to seem to be trying to latch onto me. Also, as for OBEs, I tend to be rather cautious ... at first sign of something that feels off ... I tend to retreat. By the way, since my Kundalini stuff (or rather, since I started to see and feel energy), my focus has been less on so called OBEs, or rather things have all sort of morphed together more -- e.g., seeing auras, feeling energy, OBEing, remote viewing, wakefulness, dont feel as discrete as I may have previously thought (well, except that I did not even know about the potential of seeing auras or feeling energy before I started to experience it myself!). Anyway, last night I thought about Kundalini and felt strong full body vibrations ... from root chakra, feel and strong in the body. I definitely think that balance is the key ... Must, keep balance. And, I tend to think that blance is maintained much the same as one fends off negs. By Love, Faith, and focus of attention ... e.g., use ones attention to blaance energy, etc., and love and faith not to make bad conclusions, etc.

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