Very much well done, Herron.
It seems to me as if your "virgin" mind as of obe matters, had directly forwarded you to the essentials; which is, the upcoming of vibrations.
Please, keep sure and certain that your confidence that you can return to those vibrations (or make them return...) is absolutely right;
you need the advice RB and BM give in the book as for how to manage vibrations and any other exit-related symptoms.
As you're still in the very beginning of this program, just go on with it. You can have a look on the introduction beginning each week in the program, at week 8 or so (you have to double-check, as i don't have the book right before me, and i can't remember exactly the chapter).
So to speak, you have gone far through what many would call the "school of OBE", as if you'd got a B+ grade, without reviewing your lessons !
Now you have to read a little bit more as how to manage your reactions and make it farther and farther each time.
Try to put your focus on how to manage your reactions to the sensations, and for this time being, set aside your exit goal. The exit is merely a result of your good managing of your reactions. It will come as easily as the vibrations came in; what you need is not over-reacting to the sensations, and a little bit more of reading how Robert and Brian comment those exit sensations and how to react to them.
I invite you to read about that, with just continuing the program normally.
See ya'