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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #91
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    Re: Mini-nightmare

    No, it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with me at all. I think I indeed picked up some 'floating' stuff, since I've been very receptive lately. For the past two or three days every time I close my eyes to relax or sleep I feel like I 'fall in' to some sort of 'radio head' whose station is set on 'seek'.

    ps. It (obviously) disturbed me a lot but two seconds later I forgot about it- when I was writing my projection it came back to me. I knew I had seen something disturbing, but for a while I didn't remember.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #92
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    Re: Mini-nightmare

    OlderWiser will probably scold you for not shielding properly, She should scold me too.
    "Simplicate, then add lightness."

  3. #93
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    Re: Not Sure- Church Dreams/Experiences

    I've had projections to churches, I built one in projection once (prob. in my OBE journal) dealt with one the last time I saw my grandmother, and now had a dream reminiscent of other 'church' dreams/projections I've had.
    So I decided to put any church dreams in this thread to try to keep some type of coherence.

    This morning:
    I was rebuilding this church, and was painting some corners in a series of seats/thrones in gold. (With spray paint). By accident I sprayed the skirt of a lady that was sitting in one of them. I apologized and she gave me her card (she was not gracious about it) her name started with M or N. I put her card in my pocket and started to walk away. As we were walking outside a man approached me and asked me how many churches (and where) I had restored. I replied with around three or four. The places were Quebec or Montreal (I knew it was someplace in Canada)- Georgia and possibly Louisiana. Then he showed me this small room that looked like a box or a stage, and showed me how it was being demolished and rebuilt (as I saw the simulation/hologram/movie I could see the work being done in it.) I could see them taking out rotten wood and brand new insulation (the pink stuff) and dry-walling put in, and they were working on the floor. He asked me to go take a look and see what I could do.
    I told him I would, and as we walked out I started to fly (I think it was rough terrain, and other people were traversing it the hard way) I mentioned to him that I didn't understand why no one else would fly, and that every time I started to people would pretend not to notice. This annoyed me, it was so much easier than walking but people preferred to do it the hard way.
    As I woke I kept trying to remember the places I told the guy, and fell asleep again, back to the fly/walk convo. Then I woke again and got up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #94
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: Not Sure- Church Dreams/Experiences

    Restoring churches and the dichotomy between the "church of the undead" and the shiny happy one remind me of stuff I was just reading, about the "true church" being something apart from physical religion, as well as musings on the Death archetype.

    The undead church may reflect the fact that, like most everything else on earth, religion is a closed system, and thus subject to entropy, decay and death. I'm in the minority though in that I think "undead" things can be salvaged -- IF we can find a way to make them into open systems that can flow with the reality of change without losing their integrity, and "plug them in" to that which they're a symbol of. A lot of times the original meaning behind the symbols and rituals in religion go from "do this in rememberance of me," to "do this in rememberance of what now?" to "do this just because it's what we do." But, you may be, in a sense, breathing new life into old structures, likely by manifesting the core of truth through yourself; making the below like the above and whatnot.

    That's what I get from it, anyway.

  5. #95
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    Past life?

    I've come here to post this and get Admin-ADD, and forget. But finally, I'm writing it down.
    Last night, after a day of very hard labor, I went to bed 'all lit up'. I was exhausted, hot, tired, and I could hardly keep my eyes closed the light inside my head was so bright. I did some energy work to 'smooth myself out' (I was vibrating like crazy, I haven't felt like that in years). So I finally went to sleep. As I was falling asleep I could feel the movement, but I couldn't stay up. So wherever I went I missed.
    Later on (or early the next day, after a night of very light sleep, I had the same dream almost the whole night, but it's besides the point) I started to dream I was 'someone else', and was married with a young daughter. We lived in a very small apartment, so small our dining table was outside in the yard. With us was another couple, and our husbands had gone out somewhere and I was very angry at them. My friend and I were outside with our children and she was crying because she thought her husband was not going to come back, but soon enough (the next day) they came back. At that point I had decided to kick mine out, and was waiting for the other couple to go home (they were having dinner in our apt.) Everyone was sitting outside in the yard on the dinner table, and my husband said to me "Go get me a Birda". At this point I was changing consciousness (to my own) and as I went inside the kitchen I wondered what a Birda was. I looked and there seemed to be a green can that had a sign that said 'Birda'. I figured that's what he wanted and started to go out with the can in my hand and a glass to pour it in. As I walked outside my real husband woke me up and I missed the part where I was going to tell the dream husband to go the hell away.

    I woke up wondering what a Birda was, and the only thing I found was a place in Romania. At least the word exists.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #96

    Re: Past life?

    Three possibilities that immediately came to my mind were:

    - a typical dream with the usual symbolism
    - a recent past life
    - a concurrent, separate life (with whom you are connected via the HS/monad)
    Nothing to fear but fear itself.

    "Fear is the great barrier to human growth. It is said that when we are born...we bring with us only two fears, of loud noise and falling. As we grow older we learn more and more fears so that by the time we reach maturity we are loaded with them." -Robert Monroe

  7. #97
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    Re: Past life?

    I'm partial to number three, because of the surroundings. Were not 'old world'. And the symbols don't really pertain to my present life, so I don't think it was a regular old dream.

    Now for last night's. I haven't projected lately, but my dreams seem full of something.

    I was in a dream landscape I occasionally go to. In it there are various pools, and there was a party (or a gathering) and some people were in the pool. I was simply lounging by it. It was nighttime. I was in a group of people, and there was a friend of mine named Rachel. (I don't know her in real life.) She was part Indian and part Jewish. Her dad was Indian and her mom Jewish. We were talking about chakras, there were many Indians in Hindu dress, except for a few of us. They were using the Sanskrit terms for chakras. We went inside the house and I laid down on a bed. Next to me came a man dressed in traditional Hindu garb who looked suspiciously like Deepak Chopra. He laid down next to me and told me to forget everything I thought I knew about energy flow. He was going to teach me a way to work the chakra I needed to balance up.
    I was going to tell him what chakra I thought needed fixing, but instead he told me no, and told me which one of my chakras needed work. He then told me to put my left hand palm down on the chakra he said I needed to work on, and the right hand on my head. He showed me two ways to do it, one sideways, and another on my back.
    Then I woke up.
    As I woke up I heard a female voice (deep female, not my usual girlish voice or the deep manly voice I occasionally hear) say "You've been adjusted" or "We've adjusted you" and I woke up completely.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #98
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    Very peculiar dream

    Not last night but the night before (Oct 10)
    I was having some sort of dream in my (maternal) grandparents house, something about the house (in the dream it was fabulous) when it shifted into a completely different dream.
    We were recruited (my hubby and I) by some government agency that was suppsed to colonize another planet that was habitable and already had some housing. Apparently they needed people with assorted specific talents. We were taken (while our son was in school) to this place where we were interviewed, and it sort-of resembled an airport ticket counter. From there we were taken to this apartment in a building in this off-planet site. We were surprised to see that from our balcony we could see that a couple (minus the children) we used to know were our next-door neighbors. We saw them and conversed. Apparently they had gone through the assignment process and were going back to earth, to get the kids and come back. Then later another couple showed up and told us they were the other families that would take care of our kid if we were called 'away' for some reason. I immediately didn't like this, the idea of both of us being 'called away' (like they do in the military) and wondered why this would be necessary for some colonization purpose.
    I immediately decided to write a note, and I was very angry, thinking someone was manipulating us. I wrote on a piece of paper something like "You can take your opportunity and shove it" or something equally hostile and rude. Then I immediately got paranoid, wondering if we were being watched, and I took the note, destroyed it, and wrote another one, that said something like "thanks for the opportunity but we want to go back home", and laid it on a table where it could be seen by any surveillance device.
    As I did this, I could see our friends packing their bags and leaving. I waved, and later woke up. Not sure if I had another dream right after this one or not.
    This morning:
    The dream started out in my paternal grandparents' house. In it was the spirit of my grandmother, who was kept captive by some little weird-looking goblins in her bedroom. I decided to release her, by picking up litte bits of rolled paper that were strewn all over the floor. (It looked like a schoolroom after a good paper fight). In real life, my grandmother was very neat. She would have been mortified to see such a mess in her room.
    Anyway, I took a broom and started sweeping it, and about halfway through the process two little 'goblins' (I don't quite remember what they looked like, but they were wearing these tiny rubber suits that made them look like scuba diving hedgehogs, or some sort of 'sea cucumber' looking things with spines (and faces). One of them removed their rubber suit, and they were quite hideous. Weirdly, the memory of what they looked like is gone, I can't even remember their color. They asked me to come down and talk to them. I tried to dodge them, instinctively knowing they were dangerous. One of them (the 'naked one') touched my wrist, and I jumped back, and my wrist was burned where it touched me. It hurt! At that moment I woke up, and checked my wrist, which was fine, and no pain.
    Then I went back to sleep, but couldn't get back to the same dream. I wanted to see what happened after, if I helped her at all, or to get more insight on what this may be about.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #99
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    Dream Within a Dream

    This happened around three days ago- the same day Alaskans suggested an Astral meeting place, IIRC. I just remembered I hadn't jotted it down.
    It's not a 'dreamstate lesson' perse, so it's got it's own post.

    I was dreaming something about being in a very high-falutin' party at a mansion. As I do on occasion, I retired to a place that was more intimate, to be by myself. What happened next is something that sometimes happens to me in dreams- I went to sleep (this year in particular I have had a lot of dreams in which I'm sleeping in the dream.) What made this one different is that in the dream-within a dream, I had a dream or visitation.

    I picked a train car (gotta love that symbolism) to go to sleep in, and had one foot in a pedal that controlled the direction of the car. As I slept, my leg pumped the pedal/lever thingie, and the movement rocked me to sleep. As I fell asleep, my grandfather appeared to me and we talked about many things, at some point the conversation turned philosophical/theological, and I started sharing with him what my beliefs were as compared to the beliefs he had as a result of the culture he grew up with. The convo was kind of nice and 'cerebral'. At some point the cart stopped and I awoke, to find I had wandered off the land I was in (where the house and the ground was) and now I was in the middle of a blue ocean or river. It was clear blue and calm. I switched feet and the cart reversed direction so that it was heading back to land.

    I then went back to sleep and my grandpa came back. We finished our conversation and I was back in the lawn and this time the tracks took me into the back of the house. Now I was fully awake in the dream and I noticed that the house was really a facade, and I could see all the rooms from the back of a Victorian-looking house- it looked just like the back of those studio tours you take in Universal or MGM. You know, the backlot tour.

    Anyway, I could see how the mansion was arranged, and I noticed that in this house the children's room was towards the back of the house, where the servant's quarters were. I figured that since back in 'those' days children were basically raised by nannies and such, that it made practical sense that their bedrooms were closer to the servants' than to the parents. I idly was thinking how messed up that was, when we reached a kind of counter, where there was some sort of wait staff behind, and it looked like some sort of repair shop. My husband was criticizing the quality of the merchandise, as I got off the cart and walked over to where he was. As I was talking to him- telling him that with that kind of attitude he was going to get bad service, the man behind the counter walked away from him and left the scene, and I heard a very low noise, which woke me up abruptly. I'm not sure if it was physical or part of the dream, but it was loud and sudden.

    So I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #100
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    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    Hi, CF.

    You already mentioned how your conversation with your late grandfather gave you an insight into his beliefs as compared to yours. In another scene you observed a "Victorian-looking" mansion from the back and saw how the priorities of the people that built it figured in how they arranged things. Obviously, your priorities are different, your attitude towards children is different and theirs seems "messed up".

    This might be a demonstration of how holding certain priorities or beliefs in life leads to different arrangements. You got an in-sight (from the back of the house) how people arrange their lives, and so you understood a bit of their mindset, got an insight into them even if it seems odd to you.

    Your "behind the scenes" look told you how alien these people seemed in comparison to yourself, maybe at an emotional level. While if you just "disagree" on a mental level, like with your grandfather, you are fine, you can deal with that just easy. Maybe you have a different level of tolerance towards these two kinds of dissonance.

    You were also calling the conversation "cerebral", and there you are, on the quiet blue sea. This might denote a generally calm mind, a mental calm.

    You already said the pedal/lever influenced the direction. I think pumping the pedal with your legs while asleep means that your un- or subconscious was guiding you. You switched feet and came back - a little strange by itself. Different sides of your body are associated with different brain hemispheres and different overall aspects. Maybe that's what the switch of feet meant.

    The environment (the sea or river) you found yourself in was fluid. This denotes energy streams or currents, like for example the mental plane. Also, I guess a contact to a deceased relative or at least his world view would be more likely on the mental plane. You returned to something more solid - the land. This is a more coarse or less subtle environment, like the astral plane. The mental plane is about thought and perceived more in terms of energy than the astral plane is. Your return to the land led back to the mansion, where you reacted more from your emotional side, maybe a bit related to the astral. Emotional because we tend to have emotional ideas about what is good and bad for children, I guess.


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