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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #101
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    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo
    Hi, CF.
    Hi Oliver.

    You already mentioned how your conversation with your late grandfather gave you an insight into his beliefs as compared to yours. In another scene you observed a "Victorian-looking" mansion from the back and saw how the priorities of the people that built it figured in how they arranged things. Obviously, your priorities are different, your attitude towards children is different and theirs seems "messed up".
    First, I want to clear up some things-
    In the beginning of the dream we were in a party, and everything looked beautiful and grand. Then, in leaving the party part of it and seeing the back, it seemed very different than in the front. So it seems I was getting a glimpse of what was 'behind the scenes'. And it was also starkly different in that it was darker and shabbier.

    This might be a demonstration of how holding certain priorities or beliefs in life leads to different arrangements. You got an in-sight (from the back of the house) how people arrange their lives, and so you understood a bit of their mindset, got an insight into them even if it seems odd to you.
    It seemed odd, not only in that the priorities seemed alien to me, but that in the idea that I thought I knew these people (who were my family, btw) but now I realized I really didn't.

    Your "behind the scenes" look told you how alien these people seemed in comparison to yourself, maybe at an emotional level. While if you just "disagree" on a mental level, like with your grandfather, you are fine, you can deal with that just easy. Maybe you have a different level of tolerance towards these two kinds of dissonance.
    There is more to this, as my grandfather has appeared differently than in previous dreams (don't know if you remember reading about these). He was like a balm of peace to my troubled soul.

    You were also calling the conversation "cerebral", and there you are, on the quiet blue sea. This might denote a generally calm mind, a mental calm.
    Also, I was dreaming-inside the dream- a completely different mindset than in normal dreams. Like the sub-subconscious was witnessing and thinking about what I saw, instead of just seeing.

    You already said the pedal/lever influenced the direction. I think pumping the pedal with your legs while asleep means that your un- or subconscious was guiding you. You switched feet and came back - a little strange by itself. Different sides of your body are associated with different brain hemispheres and different overall aspects. Maybe that's what the switch of feet meant.
    That's a very interesting insight. I have to think about that a little more.

    The environment (the sea or river) you found yourself in was fluid. This denotes energy streams or currents, like for example the mental plane. Also, I guess a contact to a deceased relative or at least his world view would be more likely on the mental plane. You returned to something more solid - the land. This is a more coarse or less subtle environment, like the astral plane. The mental plane is about thought and perceived more in terms of energy than the astral plane is. Your return to the land led back to the mansion, where you reacted more from your emotional side, maybe a bit related to the astral. Emotional because we tend to have emotional ideas about what is good and bad for children, I guess.
    That's possible, in many levels.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #102
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    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    In the beginning of the dream we were in a party, and everything looked beautiful and grand. Then, in leaving the party part of it and seeing the back, it seemed very different than in the front. So it seems I was getting a glimpse of what was 'behind the scenes'. And it was also starkly different in that it was darker and shabbier.
    It always does. Glamour only lasts as far as the entrance to the kitchen and where the service staff is.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    It seemed odd, not only in that the priorities seemed alien to me, but that in the idea that I thought I knew these people (who were my family, btw) but now I realized I really didn't.
    Can you explain that a bit more? Family from this life?

    BTW, you retiring to a separate location - "setting yourself apart", being in some way different, set apart.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Also, I was dreaming-inside the dream- a completely different mindset than in normal dreams. Like the sub-subconscious was witnessing and thinking about what I saw, instead of just seeing.
    I had experiences were I could switch between different perceptions at different levels. You exist at many levels, so you can switch. Interesting is that this time your choice to switch was not really conscious - and the act of sleep is like becoming unconscious, and also related to the subconscious. But there is a suggestion that this was also you - you the sleeper, the part that is active during sleep (pumping the pedal while asleep, using the lever of direction while asleep), the part of you know that knows its own direction beyond your conscious control.


  3. #103
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    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    Can you explain that a bit more? Family from this life?
    Yes, family from this life, now. My grandfather wasn't in the house (although he's the only one in the family who lived in a Victorian farmhouse), he only appeared once I fell asleep in the rowboat.
    I have never consciously set myself aside from my family (I am a lot like them, my talents and proclivities are quite common in both sides of the family), but they always have set me aside. Probably comes from being the oldest of four children, and all that comes from that. I was 'set aside' because I was the first grandchild, and the caretaker of my siblings when growing up. And still they refer to me as 'different', but that's another story.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #104
    Alaskans Guest

    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    This happened around three days ago- the same day Alaskans suggested an Astral meeting place, IIRC. I just remembered I hadn't jotted it down.
    Yes? You called for mwah?
    It's definatly not my place, though I agree that would have been really .
    Not really getting anything right now but lemme see.

    What it is definately saying is that your spiritual journey has taken you to new awareness and wisdom, and that allows you to see the hollowness of the fancy victorian house.
    The sleeping is your APing, and not being concerned about anything in particular.
    Maybe the foot switchy thing is speaking of male/female, you were petaling with your right leg when you went out to the water? What feet you were petaling with, and what each foot means, matters the most in this dream. One foot takes you deeper into the tranquil sea, that while maybe a little scary, means great mystical/spiritual progress, and the other foot takes you to more earthly places and the victorian house. It could be each foot is on a different path. One takes you to somewhere that is fake and grounded, but gives the oportunity for others to help you resolve any interpersonal or social issues through human interaction.. If your willing to pay for it, could be being generous, forgiving, compassionate etc to them, or taking a little abuse from them. Whatever the cost is for you to resolve the issue, your IRL husband does not think you should pay it. That you werent carying anything that needed to be repaired makes me wonder why you would even need thier services.
    The other foot takes you out to sea, into the deep subconcious. And away from human issues and concerns.

    Cool.. started coming together afterall.

  5. #105
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    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    you were petaling with your right leg when you went out to the water?
    I'm almost sure of this.
    Thank you Alaskans, you did help me see something I hadn't seen yet about this dream.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #106
    LoneCrow Guest

    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    Did you have a doll house as a child? the ones that open up?

  7. #107
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    Re: Dream Within a Dream

    I think I did (I think I had one of the early Barbie houses, when they were small still) but I can't remember.

    May 14 edit: I will add things on ps. as things have happened post this dream that point out to this dream being precognitive.

    When I dream about my grandfather (in the past) usually some sort of family crisis happens. In the past my grandpa would be angry in the dream, and the very next day someone would have a very big and ugly fight which would end in very hurt feelings, that often lasted for years. After a few years of this, I learned to know what it meant.
    So when this dream happened I cringed- something big and bad in the family, was my first reaction.
    But in this dream there were other qualities- he wasn't angry, he was more philosophical, and the water trip was peaceful.

    About a week after this dream, my mother became sick, and after two months, she passed away. I think he was trying to tell me about this, and to convey the idea that it was supposed to be.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #108
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    More dreams

    Dec 12, 2009 8:59 pm by CFTraveler- Copied from private journal.

    This morning I had a dream that was very emotional to the dreaming 'I'.
    It began in the usual beach house that is in many of my dreams. I am in it, look outside and see that there is a giant tv in the front porch showing "Lost". It is beautiful, with the beach to the back. Some of my relatives are outside watching TV, others are congregating in the porch just socializing.
    I walk outside charmed by the scene, the beauty of the blue sea and the images from the show are complementary.
    I see my grandmother. She is beautifully dressed (she loved her jewelry) and looks like she's 25. I am shocked that she looks so young. I remember the last time I saw her (in projection) she looked younger, but not that young. This brings me to reality, I know she's dead. Then I realize others are talking about her, comparing her to Eleanor Roosevelt. I find this ridiculous, and am about to say something, but am struck at this. It seems like a funeral but she's there, enjoying it. I start to get very sad and cry. I start to uncontrollably cry and can't stop myself. Then my mother, hearing this, walks outside. She looks like she's 20 or younger, has long hair. I am shocked when I see her. Her youth makes me realize that she too must be dead. I start to lose it. Then she talks to me in her normal 'old lady' voice (her voice is very hoarse from all those years of smoking) and says to me something like "get a hold of yourself, we are all going to rest soon." In spanish, as if I were harshing her mellow. She didn't roll her eyes at my display but seemed impatient about it.
    I woke up, and wasn't physically crying, it was 'on the inside'. I have felt like crying all day, snuck a few tears here and there.
    I spoke to my brother Walter, who told me she did well in her procedure, spent the night no problem, and has been eating.
    Then Hector called me, all happy that he's been looking for a house here for her, and with all these plans. I just nod and say 'uhuh', and hope that it was just my subconscious fears, and not prophetic vision. Unfortunately, I've been to that house before, in dreams and projection.

    Added on edit: I have gone back and see how some of my dreams were precognitive in a symbolic way. Am making comments about them, to see if I have missed any symbology. Also, it's now easier to look at them without breaking down.

    The beach is that in-between place, the inside of the house is where the living still are. Their youth signify they are already dead, and my mother was inside (living) but younger (already had her astral form, showing that she planned to go.) The show "Lost" premiered about three days before she passed. It was (in retrospect) telling me when- showing it had been decided.
    Edited on May 14, 2010 by CF.

    January 25, 2010
    Since I'm having a lot of similarly-themed dreams, I'll post them here.
    I got hired in an electronics firm, and was working, when my boss happily told me he was hoping there would be a war and we'd change our focus from whatever we were working on to weapons. I was angry, didn't want to participate, when I started writing in the office computer an indictment on the mentality of this guy (who was salivating at the prospect of there being a war to make a profit) when all the letters on the screen started falling one by one and I couldn't keep the words on the screen. I kept trying in frustration, 'til I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #109
    sono Guest

    Re: Mo' dreams

    I hesitate to comment as you probably have a far better grasp on dream meaning than I have, but just a few thoughts. . .perhaps your life "script". or higher intention, is being rejected or disregarded in some way by the "powers that be" & you feel overwhelmed by the ongoing lack of peace in the world; working in an electronics firm could refer to the Astral realms, where a different form of energy is generated, a "script" for this dimension, but which is not taking form in the way you intended. . ? Or a feeling that reality creation is not under your control?

  10. #110
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    Re: Mo' dreams

    Quote Originally Posted by sono
    I hesitate to comment as you probably have a far better grasp on dream meaning than I have, but just a few thoughts. . .perhaps your life "script". or higher intention, is being rejected or disregarded in some way by the "powers that be" & you feel overwhelmed by the ongoing lack of peace in the world; working in an electronics firm could refer to the Astral realms, where a different form of energy is generated, a "script" for this dimension, but which is not taking form in the way you intended. . ? Or a feeling that reality creation is not under your control?
    You're definitely on to something, except in a more personal scale.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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