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Thread: Quick one - Pyramid in a Mirror

  1. #1
    LoneCrow Guest

    Quick one - Pyramid in a Mirror

    I had sort of a third eye vision while waking up last night. I don't remember any of it but what I saw was someone holding up a mirror to me. When I looked into the mirror I could see a pyramid! Like the great pyramid but taller and I don't think it was 4 sided, I think it was 3 sided somehow. Which was quite odd. I wonder what that would mean.

  2. #2
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    Re: Quick one - Pyramid in a Mirror

    Sometimes a remote view (which is what I think some of these are) doesn't have to mean anything- but in your case, I think it means that you've been thinking of Egypt because of the other post and the conversations that have ensued; so if I had to guess your 'third eye' pointed to that direction, and saw the actual physical pyramid. What I'd ask is, what does the pyramid mean to you?
    From my understanding (limited) of sacred geometry, I have the understanding that the pyramid symbolizes the earth (because of the ratios used to construct it) and the other significance is that it points out to a specific star in the (Orion?) Constellation, in its relationship with the other pyramids.

    But of course, it could have nothing to do with any of this- I also understand that the number three has a meaning in Hermetics and transpersonal psychology, and some other branches of metaphysics. Perhaps you could look at the 'law of the three' (there is a thread about it in possibly the mysticism forum)- the idea that two symbolizes duality clashing, and the number three symbolizes the 'golden child', what you become when you come out of this 'initiation'- a symbol of growth and completion, what Jung called individuation.
    Check it out.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    LoneCrow Guest

    Re: Quick one - Pyramid in a Mirror

    For me right now it means the ultimate thing in life I'd want to do. I want to go inside the great pyramid. I would like to spend the night inside the king's chamber etc.. It would be the ultimate for me to try nad meditate there.

    I am extremely interested in egypt yes. Pyramids are a mystery to me and in my life I'm a person who questions everything and I hate unsolved mysteries..

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Quick one - Pyramid in a Mirror

    The pyramids fascinate me but I suspect claustrophobia would get the better of me inside the King's chamber.

    I had a vision a couple of days ago and have no idea what it was. I was above the ocean. There were lots of little boats and they had formed a giant cross. They each displayed lights or even lanterns and I suspect it was sunset because the water reflected yellow. The feeling was of a vigil.

    I did a quick image search on Google but couldn't find anything that matched the vision.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  5. #5
    LoneCrow Guest

    Re: Quick one - Pyramid in a Mirror

    That is interesting. Was it a normal 3 4 christian cross or a regular t shape?

    Do you think the sun was rising or had set? It could mean that the christians lost in a sea of doubt with the sun about to rise in return.. or the sun is setting on what remains of christianity

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