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Thread: I killed a succubus last night

  1. #1

    I killed a succubus last night


    I killed her.

    Ok before you guys wonder if Im telling the truth or not, I will tell you I am.

    Now I have had thousands of astral projections. I have met spirit guides, and been all over the astral plane. I am a warrior there. I was even attacke by a shadow man/creature 5 nights in a row.

    Now about the succubi. They are real. They started with me by showing up as good looking girls, and then we have a type of sex or whatever. But after a few years of this, once I looked at this "girl" real hard and tried to study her like a scientist would. Then her face melted away and I saw this ugly creature. Ever sense then, I push these things off of me every time they come around.

    Now one was bugging my nephew, and I was sleeping at his house, (hes 8 and has history of night terrors which he cant remember) and I felt this pressure on me, which turned sexual, I immediatly pushed it off of me, and then 1 min later my nephew starts screaming in his sleep. I GOT PISSED and walked down the hallway, this thing knew I was comming and before I could open the door, it left. He stopped crying.

    So I know what I am talking about. And they are real creatures.


    This little old lady comes up behind me and tells me she is going to xray my back to find out what is wrong with me. Im like ok whatever, but then she puts her hands on my back, and immediatly I am filled with this awesome beautiful sexual energy.....Im like oh yea [expletive deleted]......

    I reached around to grab her and pull her off of me, and she knew what I was doing and wrapped one arm around my torso, and the other one around my neck, I started yanking on this thing, and she bite my back. So I finally pulled her off my back and held her in my hands and she tried to scamper away, but I said Oh [ex del] no you dont, I willed some big boots on me, and placed her under one foot, and started to totally stomp the crap outa her. I stomped and stomped and stomped her till she was all in little peices like jelly.........Then I stood on her body and said thats what you fn get btch.

    But then the wierd thing was, I could sense a bunch of these things around my house, like little ones, that she was teaching (like a mother teaches their young) and they were howling and crying that i killed her.


    I dont take no crap from these things..........

    Just hoping it wasnt an actual spirit healer trying to heal me.

    Post your comments here if you want. Sorry for the language, but Im not very pc. And those were the words I used. lol

    Peace and love everyone. Remember dont let these little raccoons bother you.

    HAHAHAH I had a great day today.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    Do you feel that you have more energy now that you've been able to identify and defend yourself against them?
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  3. #3

    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    Not so much as more energy, but just felt alot better overall yesterday. They dont attack me all the time.

  4. #4

    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    Beekeper, may I ask you how common these things are, and could you direct me to more information on them. Thanks!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    They are said to be fairly common and to have been reported throughout history. Sometimes these reports have been highly suspect such as, "I was raped by a demon and now I'm carrying this baby". If thery are actual sentient astral entities, I don't believe there's any reason to fear that they're the cause of every sexual dream or sensation during sleep. They may be creatures that feed on human sexual energy but it's just as possible they're thought forms. In the latter case, you might want to examine your experience with them as you would a dream and use it to gain insight into your own desires and anxieties. Such an action may prevent future encounters. In this light, you might even see the act of destroying a succubus as a psychological act symbolising your overcoming of a particular vulnerability.

    There's a brief reference under incubus in ADpedia
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6
    NewConcept Guest

    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    You would get yucky energy exchange from the succubus. You would feel drained from the experience. Negs have a gross energy and are not organic. But the other theory is they can hide it. I had sex with a fairy. But it turns out to be a succubus. They are very cleaver. I don't know what the flip. But this fairy was manipulating my sacral chakra then I found I had a sacral chakra rejective sensations energetically around my sacral chakra. Maybe it was both. Fairies or both. God knows.

    Note they have lives. The main computer in the neg is in the head. Their bodies get seriously injured during fight then they get the chip another neg takes it back to hell and implants the whole brain chip into a re spawned same demon model without a new chip but the brain chip that was recovered after their body died but not their head threw battle example spiritual warrior killing a demon.
    I killed water hog demon on a waterbed(watercrossing)

    Demons have lives. There are two types of gods the evil god & the holy god.

    Hell spawners the evil side has a creator just like the holy god. Demons are senital beings like robots they are made from negative energy & evil fire aswell as robotic non physical chips like etheric implants that blow up and make loud astral noise and fireworks like blowing up a computer with eletricity in it.

    Right can you teach me how to kill demons in the astral
    Can you teach me how to see holographic illusions in the astral

  7. #7

    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    Right can you teach me how to kill demons in the astral
    Can you teach me how to see holographic illusions in the astral

    Are you asking me?

  8. #8

    Re: I killed a succubus last night


    One of the ways that I see the astral beings, is with my mind. In the minds eye is where they are. The harder I try to see them, the harder it is to see them. It is easier to see them by not trying to see them, and remaining calm when the visions come.

    It takes alot of strength and faith to remain calm when you encounter astral beings. Its important to realize that they can not harm you at all.

    One way to help see the astral, is to get very physically tired, but not mentally tired. Like hiking through the woods for 10 hours will wear you out, but not your mind. This way, when you lay down to sleep, your mind is very active, but your body will fall asleep.

    The key is to stay awake while you fall asleep. Does this make sense?

    Take care my friend

  9. #9

    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    Can you tell me how to KILL them while I am awake?
    "It's not what you're doing, It's how you're doing It."

  10. #10

    Re: I killed a succubus last night

    Really don't think that was a succubus dude. No way in Tartarus, Hell, Nefilhiem, or whereever you stomped a christian lore demon to sh-. no offense but demons, especially of the rank of succubi/incubi who are said to disregard an exorcism cause the think the exorcist is a little b- is going down that easily. I'm not sure about the whole astral energy contact. I do not disregard you stomped the sh- out of something, just think it wasn't a succubus or incubus. Besides their supposed to use seduction in a visual manner as well. you made her sound like a hag. I'm guessing a similar though. i mean i suppose it could be a succubus, but something seems a miss why would the house be crawling with them, i never took succubi as a nesting type. I don't know just some food/concepts for thought.

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