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Thread: Getting Involved

  1. #1
    dreamosis Guest

    Getting Involved

    In the next few weeks I may be getting involved in a psychic attack situation.

    The last time I got involved in one, which was 2007, I came away with regrets. I felt I hadn't done enough and that I unskillfully established a dependence between me and the attackee. It seriously disrupted a life-long friendship. (A good friend of mine was dating the attackee).

    So, needless to say, I'm weighing exactly how I get involved.

    I remember reading Dion Fortune's Psychic Self-Defense in 2007. I read Robert Bruce's book, too; but there was advice in Fortune's book that stuck with me. She recommended ensuring that the attackee see a medical doctor, a psychologist, and two indepedent psychics, if possible, so that as someone assisting the attackee, you understand the situation from all angles. Of course this process was recommended, too, in order to verify that psychic attack is indeed what's happening.

    Fortunately for me, the attackee (a family member) has been evaluated by a medical doctor and a couple of psychiatrists now. The feedback my family has gotten from the doctors could fully explain the symptoms.
    The possible psychic attack symptoms include: sudden mood swings, seeing "demons," extremely macabre visions on the edge of sleep, and seemingly uncharacteristic aggression and violence.

    Medical evaluation, and intervention, has brought out the following: (1) she's sleep-deprived, sometimes staying awake for several days in a row; (2) a diagnosis of bipolar disorder; (3) a diagnosis of schizo-affective disorder; (4) possible sexual abuse in the past. The medical doctor is of the opinion that her sleeplessness could explain most, if not all, of her mental disturbance. Sleep deprivation is serious. The psychiatrists' diagnoses have somewhat disagreed. She's really only been manic; she hasn't been depressed. The psychological evaluation is consistent, though, in naming her psychotic (in that she's seeing things that "aren't there.")

    She's been withholding about what exactly has been going on. Earlier in the week, after I told her about a few of my own experiences with sleep paralysis and bad visions and Negs, she mentioned something about a "black widow lady." She wasn't open to talking.

    My gut says, if there's a Neg involved, that it's an astral spider. I'm uncertain exactly how much psychic attack is a factor in the overall situation, though. It could be that the attachment is negligible, but that its effect is enhanced by the other problems.

    Back in 2007 I faced the same question -- the question of "How much of this is psychic attack and how much of it is underlying normal psychological problems?" On one level, I know it doesn't matter. The way in which it does matter, to me, though is in whether or not I decide to talk to her directly about the possibility of psychic attack. Will I only make it worse if I do? Will I make her more paranoid? She's already obsessively concerned about "Nazis," whether she'll be attractive anymore to a girl she likes, about the evil media, about the state of the world... She rails or cries about all these things.

    And there's a bigger question to me, right now, of in any psychic attack situation how you discuss it without making the attackee more frightened? That is, if they're a generally anxious person, predisposed to paranoia, or uninformed about the whole subject...

  2. #2
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    Re: Getting Involved

    Here's my opinion- and it's only that, I'm no expert-

    I believe the medical doctor is correct- Sleep deprivation can make you temporarily psychotic, and if it goes long enough can mimic all the things the psychologists say. Of course, mania can cause the sleep deprivation, but it shouldn't last in a bipolar person- so I'm with the doctor on this one.

    It is also my opinion that any situation in which there is an attacker, even if there is psychological disturbance will attract opportunistic negs. So even if the dweller is self-created by feedback caused by the 'endless liminal state' the sleep deprivation is causing, I think it would not hurt to establish some countermeasures for the negs.

    If you feel that broaching the metaphysical subject is detrimental to this person (and it may very well be) then introduce them in a non-threatening way:
    Tell them to take a salt bath (Himalayan sea salt is best, but any salt will do) because of it's relaxing properties (after all, that's how it's marketed)
    And advocate the use of a small fountain by the bed (Walmart has some cheap ones that do the trick.) Call them 'sleeping aids', since the water-swishing noise is helpful with relaxing a person.

    So, improvise.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    dreamosis Guest

    Re: Getting Involved

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    So, improvise.
    That's wonderful advice, thanks. Being manic, she does need to relax, so a salt bath would help. And I'm sure she'd be open to getting outdoors, getting sand between her toes, playing in a brook or river.

    What a great approach.

    Can other people think of ways to use passive countermeasures for others that wouldn't be obvious?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Getting Involved

    interesting topic. have no idea what to add to it.

    maybe it's the wrong place to say. but i was laying in the bed, hadnt been laying there long. i shut my eyes and two female voices spoke to me. one said "hello", the other said, "hi there you". i opened my eyes and no one was there. this was some weeks ago.

    a few nights ago the wife and i were in bed sleeping. she had fell strait away to sleep, i was drifting to sleep, but not yet asleep. i heard footsteps and whispering, opened my eyes to see two women standing just at the corner of our bed not to far from the room door.

    i realized that they weren't 'real', that they didnt break in the house. I simply told them they had to leave, they had no business in our room, especially when we were sleeping at night.

    they giggled a bit, turned and walked toward the door. but they didnt go through the door, they just evaporated as they moved towards the door.

    now, the night after that one I had a dream wherein was one of these women. she was standing in a lineup of women in an old bordello, like something way back. I was sitting confusedly in a big chair, looking at the lineup. a voice asked me to choose, so i did.

    i knowingly decided to choose this familiar woman, and she knew that i consciously recognized her. well, she came over and sat right in my lap with her back to my left. and she was scantly dressed like a victoria secret lingerie model in white...go figure...

    i said to her that while i liked her, that i didnt really want to touch her or wish for her to stay with me. her reply was hauntingly made on that statement right before i awoke from the dream.

    she said to me, "I cannot be touched, nor can anyone stay with me. It is I whom touches and is touched through you and it is I whom chooses to stay with you."

    for me, that is a mindbending reply. one that i yet scratch me lil ole head about.

    any thoughts?

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

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  5. #5
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    Re: Getting Involved

    She was a contradiction, a whore in white, yet she was in charge. You know she was your anima. You chose her because she is your divine feminine.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Getting Involved

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    She was a contradiction, a whore in white, yet she was in charge. You know she was your anima. You chose her because she is your divine feminine.
    I am glad that you replyed with this solid answer. It is the way that I have wanted to translate it, but have been trying to understand it more. I didn't want to assume anything.

    yet, it has been easier to reply in the "Lucia" thread in this Forum, and assure the OP with just such a translation as yours.

    thanks for your reply CFT
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  7. #7
    dreamosis Guest

    Re: Getting Involved

    This reminded me of something I haven't consciously thought about in a while: my higher self usually appears to me in dreams as a woman in white, and there's sometimes a romantic/sexual vibe present. It took me a while to recognize the dream pattern for what it is, but then when I did, it was an "Ohhh..." moment. It made so much sense.

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