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Thread: Not sure where I'm getting too

  1. #1

    Not sure where I'm getting too

    This is the third time (maybe fourth)in the past few months that I have had this experience and the sensations are always the same. I am not sure what state I am getting too.
    Two times have happened during the day during naps and once at night.

    I am awakened by sensations. I say sensations and not vibrations because they are not entirely how they have been described elsewhere in these forums. They are electric in feeling but not all that uncomfortable. They seem to start somewhere in my upper body and move quickly up to my ears and crown accompanied by a loud( but not painfully loud) electric hum- like if you were standing very close to generator. They lose intensity, move down my body, then and back up to my head gaining with the same hum.

    At this point I get a very real feeling of floating up(not down) for 3-4 seconds and then it feels like I am righting myself as if standing upright
    My vision is black at this point but begins to clear as I am righting. When it clears I am expecting to see some portion of my room or something similar.

    I don't. I realize at this point I am paralyzed and see crazy visions that stick( not fleeting). I could describe the visions but iI'm not sure it's relevant. Suffice to say that these are not the glimpses of people, scenery etc. I see when falling asleep ( or trying not too!)It also seems as if I am in the medium in which the visions are occurring not watching them on a screen.
    The humming sound si gone.

    The paralysis is a little disconcerting but I am getting used to it as it seems to happen frequently(although not usually with the other sensations I described). it's also a little hard to breath.

    I guess my question is: should I be trying an exit technique here? It really doesn't feel right as i feel I am already out and somewhere else but I'm not sure.

    As a side note it's funny how my higher self or something seems to dole out these little expereiences to me as it senses my frustration level. Two weeks ago I had my first lucid dream- short but with flying which was great.

    Thanks for any recommendations.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Not sure where I'm getting too

    Those are classic separation sensations (Please read the post "Your First Conscious Projection". Vibrations come in many forms, and humming electricity is one of them. Chances are you're describing an astral projection to 3D black or phasing, which is a merging into plane or in-between state.
    Nothing to worry about. You don't need an exit technique when it happens, because you have already phased out, so have fun.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Not sure where I'm getting too

    Good to know I'm gaining some intuition as to what these different sensations portend.


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