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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #121
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    Paths, Photos and Plans

    Last night I had a dream that may have been influenced by one of the posts in here- so I'm not sure if it reveals anything of value, perhaps that my mind keeps working on things while I sleep, even when I don't participate in said thread.

    I was in a room with a 'guide'- I believe it was male. (But I don't remember, because the dream was in the middle of the night.)
    We had a set of photographs and he was holding two stacks like a deck of cards. He set down a picture and next to it would put another. One row was continuous, the other was interrupted, like so: (more or less)
    Pre-decided/ Actual

    One row was how life went and how people lived their lives;
    The other row indicated life experiences they had previously decided would happen- according to this man, you previously decided what some things were going to happen as you lived your life, and sometimes you just made it up as you went along. I asked him if something happens different than what you plan, and he said that was within the parts that you hadn't decided previously, the part that didn't have the other card.
    I'm sure it was more complicated than that, but that's what I remember from the dream.

    ps. I had all kinds of projection sensations (including a fully awake vision when I first laid down) indicating that my clairvoyance seems better than it has been) but not so good in the morning- I couldn't see nuthin'.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #122
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    Re: My dream diary

    maybe this is about masculine and feminine without vs feminine and masculine within. i say that because even as you saw photos they looked like cards as well.
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

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  3. #123
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had various nightmares all night. I woke up a few times and thought they were significant. In the middle of the dreams there was a dream about my mother. This is the first dream I've had about her, so I'm glad I had it. The rest of the night featured other assorted nightmares. I have forgotten pretty much all of them except the one dream with my mom, which wasn't a nightmare.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #124
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    The Four Powers

    This dream started as what seemed like a dreamstate lesson. Even though there is a 'lesson' thread going, but since I seem to be journaling lately, I'll continue using it as a chronicle.

    There was a children's school, and I was in attendance, but not as a teacher or coordinator. (To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what I was doing there.) I was giving the microphone to someone, when they asked me to first read this script- it may have been an introduction or a lesson, but instead of reading I started to talk to the children in 'their own language', and the lesson was about the difference between being hurtful by accident, and taking it personally, and I used an ice cream cone (it's too long to explain, I'm only noting it so I don't forget. I then woke up and remembered the speech I was giving, and went back to sleep a bit later.
    Now I was reading a book. I am not clear on the title of the book (It wasn't the Four Agreements), but the chapter I was reading was called the Four Powers, and the specific paragraph I was reading was about the Power of Mind, and it's opposite, the Power of Stupidity. I of course woke up as I was looking at the pages, so I stared at the book (noting it's font and design) before I lost he view and woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #125
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    Re: My dream diary

    I see my 'mom' dreams have disappeared (I've had two, both featuring her driving a car that was headed for disaster).
    This second dream happened in the time the forum was down, and I forgotten exactly when.
    Anyway, we were going to an amusement park. Some members of my family and some memnbers of my husband's family were in attendance.
    With the living, were my hubby's deceased grandmother, and in my party, my mom was there too. I knew they were deceased, but I accepted their presence without question.
    We got divided, and my son and I rode with my mom, while my hubby drove his family in another car.
    We entered these salt caves who smelled so good I could taste a sweet flavor along with the salty tang of the air.
    As we exited the caves the car started going 'off the rails', and headed to a cliff. I started yelling at her and realized she was like a zombie and wasn't in control of the car. I realized she had no control because she was dead, and had no capacity to judge danger, so I took the wheels and maneuvered us out of there.
    At the end of the ride my husband didn't show up. I called him on the cell phone, and he told me he had decided to take his grandma and relatives to a different resort/ride/experience. I could 'see' him and his grandma in a lounge chair by a pool, and got angry.
    I woke up angry.
    This was sometime last week.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #126
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hello, CF.

    About your mom - in theosophy and other belief systems a person spends only a limited time on the astral plane, a phase of purification from unresolved desires. This might be your salt caves - naturally you would represent astral cleansing to yourself with something like our good old salt bath. So, this is a natural cleansing zone and you represent it to yourself as a salt cave, and you notice how beneficial it is (our sense of smell is often our helper in judging good/bad or even dangerous/safe).

    At the end of the astral afterlife phase the elemental essence is released and the spirit rises to the mental plane. This is a process that dissolves the astral body, the spirit casts of the astral body and there remains a once-living shell (zombie) - astral elemental - that dissolves back into the plane it came from.

    Also, again, the symbol of vehicles of consciousness - you notice your mother is no longer in control of this car. She has released the grip her human consciousness had on this temporary astral essence body. You could say she "lost control" or you could simply say she let go and moved on. She's no longer driving it. You realise what made her her has vacated this body you see (the astral body) and represent it as a zombie trying to drive a car.

    The seeming drama of a dangerous situation surrounding it might be your astral body's interpretation of what is going on. On the astral and mental levels fearful or otherwise distorted interpretations can arise, our own fears and beliefs filter what we see and can give it a dramatic or evil or dangerous slant. I had plenty of that - recently I represented "the forces of union" (the beings managing the afterdeath zones) to myself as "the forces of the Soviet Union" and the deceased in the afterlife as the living dead (yes, I have zombie dreams, too). You quite literally see the world differently when trying to translate something you are for example afraid of because it is not fully understood or unknown. This often for me results in a very dramatic representation / distortion of the actual energetic events.

    Just some ideas.


  7. #127
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    Re: My dream diary

    Wow. That was awesome Oliver. Did answer a few questions for me.
    Thank you.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #128
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    (This morning) I woke up at 4am and was in the middle of a very complicated lesson. I'm not sure what it was about, but I vaguely recall that it seemed important and complex. Since it was in the middle of the night I just went back to sleep and forgot it by morning. I'm writing it to keep a record, and if I remember something I can come back to it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #129
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    Re: My dream diary

    Another morning nightmare. This was not a liminal experience, like yesterday's- this was a nightmare I kept going back to.
    I was with a group of people in some sort of 'abandoned' base or field. (There were buildings). The group (maybe something like the scouts or a similar type of group) was leaving, and a small group of us stayed behind, and were on our way out. We stepped outside of the room and saw this gigantic airplane, which behaved like a stealth airplane, completely silent but huge. (as wide as the building). Then we immediately knew we had stumbled into some sort of secret operation and had 'seen too much'.
    Almost immediately some military types came at us and made us go inside. I knew they were going to kill us, but they were talking to the other people with us as if they were going to get 'transported for debriefing'. I immediately took my son, told him to act retarded and I snuck out the back and decided to try to escape. We started to walk amongst some people too preoccupied to notice us, and I decided to get as near the exit as possible, while acting like I 'belonged' there.
    I woke up, extremely upset, and did the usual 'early morning' things, (it was about 6:30 on a Sat morning) and went back to bed. Got back to the same dream, only this time we were back in the building, and we were assigned different rooms in the building. I noticed some rooms had 'gift-wrapped' sconces in front of the doors, and I realized it was 'their' way of marking who was to be killed. So I decided to rip up all the paper and get an empty room, wrap the sconce in that empty room and rig it so that it would lock when someone went in it. Then I started to escape.
    Then I woke up the second time, and I got up.

    Tim, I seem to be fixating on a lot of collective fear lately.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #130
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    Re: My dream diary- Titi Cl.

    Another dream that may be precognitive

    I went to a place looking for employment. It was either an estate sale or an antigues shop. I asked to be allowed to clean old jewelry/metallic items to restore them. I did a whole chest of drawers in which there were many items/artifacts like that. I enjoyed the work and was soon done. I loved doing it, I asked for more work. The dream then fades into another house.
    This is a familiar house that I connect with my grandfather (his house, but not the one I knew in life) It's on the beach, which is an indication of familiar symbology for me. In there are my grandparents (younger) my mother (young) and my aunt (also younger than in life). She is telling me that she wants to be with a man that she used to date, who has left the room. She seems to be in her thirties (in reality she is in her seventies-eighties). After she moves on to another group of people (this is a party) my mother tells me that the man she was talking about was married, and an old friend of my grandfather's. She is disapproving of this. I then move on to other parts of the house.

    Symbols: The familiar house is the same house in which my mother told me she was going to pass. The beach outside seems to be a symbol of the afterlife, or the part in which both living and dead can meet (a frontierland of sorts). The last time they looked young meant they were dead. My aunt, who is alive (afaik) seemed young also- just like my mom when she told me she would die. The implications are obvious.

    The presence of my grandfather is troubling, for personal reasons.

    This time the dead are inside the house, except my aunt (and I, but I seem to move through both sides since my dad passed away over 20 years ago.) This is a departure from the usual formula of the dead on the porch and the living (but on their way). on the inside
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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