Quote Originally Posted by Alienor
Quote Originally Posted by josh437781
the things that people who say the've dissolved their egos say they often experience.
I have no idea what that would be. I never understood why people want to dissolve their egos, what is the benefit?
I haven't experienced much. You'd probally get a better awnser from someone more experienced.

Quote Originally Posted by Alienor
Maybe you could also tell a bit more about how things did develop for you? And why do you think NEGs did start to induce those emotions about two years ago and that they did not come from your own subconscious for example. How did you get interested into enlightenment?
Two years ago, the negative emotions were induced mainly to get me to give permission to the negs; now I experience the emotions because of the frustrated thoughtform's desire to make me suffer. It knows that it is going to have to die eventually, and its angry at me for wanting to get rid of it.

I know they haven't come from my unconcious or subconcious because they first responded to salt and em grounding. They also don't feel to me like my own emotions, which is because they often are experienced on parts of my body that aren't where people normally experience emotions, such as my feet, brain and back. They also occur often when the thoughtform is most upset and when I am not (I don't repress my emotions).

Two years ago, I was trying to remove evil from the world but became evil myself in the process. The negative thoughts and emotions I faught with at the time seemed to draw into my life many negative spirits, which in time caused me not to mind the evil in the world and to fear intensly the negative spirits, which seemed to attract more evil spirits.

I don't fear them much now, but am troubled by the negative emotions, do have trouble getting rid of them, and do fear the emotions thenmselves because of that. And the fear I experience seems to be drawing into my life more negative sprits.

I got interested in enlightenment after reading the Power Of Now, which was a book that I keft running into in the bookstore.