So I go to the movies, and the movie is a computerized cartoonlike movie (you know, those CG movies) and there is a scene of Goku going Super Sayin something-or other (the one with the big pointy-fire yellow hair) and I notice that the background is the street in the house I grew up in. Then I'm transported to my old house, and I'm talking to 'people' that are there and they're telling me that a bunch of japanese people went to my neighborhood and filmed the environment and stayed in my house as they were doing the filming.
Then I tell the people at the movie about this being my house and how the road in which Goku is going crazy is the road I could look at from my kitchen window (it's the same view, as if they had filmed from the kitchen window in my old house). Then I was 'there' and I was talking to my mom, and later I was talking to my dad and we talked about how they were both dead but because of the different times of their passing how they had not yet crossed paths.
Then the vista changed to the backyard of said house, and the whole (fenced and walled) backyard was filled with pythons, and for some reason I was afraid to be bitten, so I moved outside of the gate and started walking to the side yard towards the front, and I found a giant anaconda in front of me- I was surrounded. This woke me up immediately.

I am normally not afraid of snakes and know these are not venomous, but in the dream I was avoiding them with fear of being bitten. Also IRL I couldn't tell a python from a boa from an anaconda, but in the dream I could. *shrug*.