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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #151
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hello, CF.

    I don't know anything about "Dragonball," but the web is my friend:

    When a Super Saiyan level is reached, the character's hair turns gold, their eyes turn emerald green, and their power level increases dramatically.

    So, this is about a transformation. Goku is the protagonist of the series, so this is about the "main character." The background is your street and your home, so there is a direct relation to you. You discover your own connection with this process of transformation (and tell everyone about it). More accurately - the connection to your old self (former home). So, transformation from the old self to a new, enhanced self. You can actually see this from the perspective of your old self (kitchen window) as it happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    Then I was 'there' and I was talking to my mom, and later I was talking to my dad and we talked about how they were both dead but because of the different times of their passing how they had not yet crossed paths.
    Now this is validated by yourself having an experience which is not lucid but shows the potential of growing into this enhanced mode of being - keeping contact to the other side. If you were lucid here you might have already finished that transformation, but here you only see where it could take you, I guess.

    All snakes are symbols for transformation due to shedding their skin, a long-standing rebirth and transformation archetype. You might be afraid of the many small changes and transformations you have to make (the pythons). Maybe it's a case of "once bitten, twice shy" here. You also see that there might be not only many small changes, but a bigger one (the anaconda).

    The fact that the backyard is fenced and walled might show limitations in your growth that have to be overcome. As you see whether you can evade that you meet the big snake - the only way out is the way through. Alternatively it could mean that trying to evade small changes you will encounter a bigger challenge. The fence could mean that there is a clear limit to the amount of changes necessary, you can see it is a finite task.

    An anaconda could also represent the fear of Kundalini, the big transformator. Anacondas are constricting snakes, they pose a real danger, though I can't say whether they do for a full-grown human, it doesn't seem so. Now there's a hint if there was one - who needs not be afraid of an anaconda? A full-grown human!

    Your first association with the snake is bite (damaging experiences), but as you wake you realise that there is at least no venom (whatever the changes, you will "live").


  2. #152
    selfknowing Guest

    Re: My dream diary

    I'm not an experienced dream interpreter, though I love it, and love reading them. Just wanted to add that I immediately thought of kundalini and your ambivalence to accepting the "big K" when you saw the anaconda. Perhaps you're not ready for the full K *yet*.

  3. #153

    Re: My dream diary

    wow thats a pretty cool dream, thats what I'm hoping to learn to travel to beyond what I already know. When I have an OBE I can only go as far as to my front door, sometimes I run into "people" or "shadows" I can't really explain..but they are fuzzy looking, one time I got up close to one to investigate and their face became clear their eyes opened quickly and they smiled at me, it scared the crap out me to the point I flew right back into my body.. The shadows and fuzzy people never made contact until that one day..I know it sounds crazy..but when you do it do things get fuzzy or shackey, like everything around you is vibrating? And do you see the same things??

  4. #154
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    Re: My dream diary

    Every trip is different- so I'd say that even though I have seen shadow entities, they're not all the same, they symbolize various things. I think there are some good threads in Astral Awareness about various kinds of experiences, I think.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #155
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    Collective fears?

    I did a bit of meditating last night and proposed to 'tap into the mental band', into the collective consciousness and drive home the idea that it is necessary for us as a species to set aside our greed and to clean up the crap we've done- but first to admit it to ourselves instead of wallowing in the self-denial, and then to move on to fixing it as much as we can.)
    After the nightly routine I went on to have all kinds of disturbing nightmares, most of which I forgot. The last one had something to do with being on a train and not having control of the destination, and being forced to change in a 'community' sort of way. In it we were herded towards a different place in front of a dangerously busy interstate and thrown together with a bunch of people I wouldn't have hung out with in my life. I woke up with a bad feeling.
    Now I don't know if this is a reflection of changes in my personal life, or if it's a reflection of collective fears as to what's happening in my country, or if it's a bunch of noise I picked up in the M-Band, if that's what I did- but there was a sense of powerlessness in it that was very disturbing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #156
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    Re: My dream diary

    mental band...?

    the collective consciousness is mental in its bottommost last reach, and it arriving first shall become last again.

    but because we have become these mentally reactive beings we also from this m-being think consciousness is purely mental. well it is not, and because we think that it is this is why we in our mental arrive first, only to go through mental hell in the process of renewal wherein our emotional being as originator of life's impulses takes its first and foremost placement.

    you might ask, then why is fear in this mental band. well, it isnt fear, it is thought constructs drawing enmass to to an impulse of natural fear arising from emotional being. like moths drawn to a street light, so many moths that the light becomes darkly obscured.

    fear is friend, it is our instinctual right to sense fear. however, it is not our mental right to choke out the lighted impulse as if fear is bad, fear is enemy...etc.

    thus, intuition arises, awakening the being to overiding the mental giant trapsing around extinguishing all lighted impulses of being, they arising emotionally then through the phsyical, then to the mental.

    healing is just being. we dont have to mentalize the ♥♥♥♥ out of everything. the collective thoughts of folks are not the barometer of realistic pov. for it is in the emotional where the obstructed and thwarted yearnings impulsively create life. if they cant get through naturally in and of lighted being, then by god these yearnings will rise up in our face to face dark world.

    the old saying is, you can run but you cant hide.

    nothing is what we think it is, for everything is before we give to it a single thought.

    the mental dominioning function is for balance with nature, to take the given environ/niche determinately toward no harm all the way around respective of all life in it.

    by disallowing the natural order, our emotional/physical aspects become obstructed, and in that unantural state of imbalanced being we are undeniably self-destructive, because little thought is given toward physical and emotional health.

    imagine the sun as an emotional source, alit and bursting without obstruction. this is what a star is. posing no harm whatsoever, as it is the very primary life source for everything thereafter its lighted emissions.

    mercury is the first step toward informing the body, then venus as feminine agency, then earth as birth of life, then mars as masculine agency, then asteroid belt as massive raw material, then jupiter the reflection of the sun.

    so we have this: sun>mercury>venus>earth<mars<asteroidbelt<jupiter, the proverbial big mac sammich...yummy.

    now look at the feminine kundalini which rises from the opposite end of body origin as this lower to uppermost. jupiter>raw material>earth

    and met in that is the masculine receptive agency falling as; sun>mercury>venus>earth

    but, wait a minute there? yes, the masculine would fall through the primary feminine reach downward, and the feminine would rise through the primary masculine reach upward.

    therefore earth is as if you were standing between two mirrors, where self-images are infinitely reproductive.

    so, imagine the ultimate compression of IMAGE in a kundalini activation. this that would from nothing give rise to a star giving life to everything under the sun, as would nuclear fusion.

    metaphorically this would be as a book closed tightly. and after the fact when being is fully ignited this would be the metaphoric opening of the book to its most openness where one image alone IS.

    therefore, we are all, each, as these books tightly closed toward ignition/fusion that blows the covers open unto oneness of being.

    this also is the analogous all seeing eye. the third eye awakening seeing only truth in the one law of love.

    this of course never was not fully awakened, or we'd not be. but on the individualized human scale, each in and of all approaches that time when all books open, ready or not.

    it is written that all people will know the truth, young and old, everyone in kind. truth is not an opinionated mental construct. truth is humanous as an open book.

    i wish folks could intuitively gather themselves to see the supreme alchemy of what 'human' is.

    but it is quite natural as we, these non-fiction books, compressed tightly closed, that fear scenarios and opinions run rampant.

    so, dont let the mental giant in ya thwart the lil david in ya. no one can undo what is written. improv away, but rewriting the scripted theme is not an option, because the theme is about ALL and Oneness as the whole body of humanity, which by the way is alive and well as the very sun emoting our daily being, otherwise we'd not be.

    if there is greed or any other negative ailing you, then consult paul/romans/7 and 8. god would give god's a reason to feel ( a splinter), otherwise self-reasoning would in and of limitation not occur within its unatural sterilizing agency to feel alive.

    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  7. #157
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    Re: Collective fears?

    Hello, CF.

    In it we were herded towards a different place in front of a dangerously busy interstate
    I think the dangerously busy interstate is the M-Band. Interstates often connect big energy flows or energy streams, and I would say the M-Band is one.

    The last one had something to do with being on a train and not having control of the destination, and being forced to change in a 'community' sort of way. [...] and thrown together with a bunch of people I wouldn't have hung out with in my life.
    Incarnating on Earth can feel like having no direction over where your life is headed. Some aspects are set, and the soul has its plans for what you are here to accomplish. The goal is certainly change - as a single person and as a community.

    Unfortunately this often means having to share the planet and interact with people we normally would not associate with. This includes the sociopaths that wreck the planet on purpose for their own short-term gain. So, the powerlessness might be about not being able to influence such people. Their strong wills usually make them impervious to outside influence. You cannot influence them through the mental band.

    This can be only overcome by a community - but the community feels powerless. It feels unable as a community of beings to create limits that will decrease the harm done. Divide and conquer works just fine. Many people have intentions for building a better society, or are caring about at least one issue, but society itself is still set up in a way to favor the destroyers and discourage activism. This community wanting to see change might indeed feel powerless, and if you look at your country you would not be surprised that a big collective disappointment must have followed all these "Yes, we can!" slogans. The people made what they thought to be a radical change, but most things continue as they did, promises are broken. This is a feeling of political disempowerment, of disempowerment as a community.

    Alternately the feeling of powerlessness could be a feeling of misalignment with the soul. As long as we're not aligned with the soul we feel like we have no control about where our life is heading (the train) and feel disempowered, not able to make changes (the feeling of disempowerment). The soul places us in an environment we might not necessarily like (the "community") with people we might not necessarily like (the people you would not chose to hang out with) in this busy, seemingly dangerous place (the planet in its present condition).

    But you say why - there is a need for change. Transformation is what the soul wants. Learning. It's up to you if you feel this like a chore, a victim to it, or if you accept it. You can change how you feel about it and how it feels for you. If you have misgivings and resistance, it may indeed show up as a feeling of powerlessness, for example.

    Then you may feel the call to change as forceful, putting yourself in opposition to it, and represent it to yourself in a night-marish way. The soul can feel alien at times and hard to understand, way too big to comprehend. It's certainly a force shaping our lives, and if we become too misaligned with some of its goals it might even start to feel like an outside force trying to control us - like government.

    The ego builds resistance, and might start to represent this influence in pictures that suggest danger, influence, resistance, manipulation. The ego - for example the mental body and its belief aspect - influences the setup of every dream. The images that arrive in our brains have been filtered through our mental, emotional and etheric bodies, so issues in each can impact clarity. Mental body interference for example can portray the soul's motives as merely controlling and malicious, because the mental body/elemental likes to be in charge, it represents the part of us that often gets subdued in order to transcend it in many spiritual traditions.


  8. #158
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: My dream diary

    awesome reply Korpo...
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

    "I'm no fighter, but I'm fighting, this whole world seems uninviting..."

    Avatar: Passion Baby!

    Making Love Out of Nothing @ ALL:

    Az for Me, of my Self, I am Home

  9. #159
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hey, thanks!


  10. #160
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    Long with parts

    Lucidity issues-
    So I start having this dream, and amazingly I am aware that I am dreaming. This wasn't a WILD, but it wasn't a dream in which I became lucid, I started out lucid and then lost it, slowly.
    Here is an example of this 'weird lucidity' that isn't entirely lucid, which was talked about in another thread.
    I am observing in the dream- as if I'm remote viewing in a dream, but have merged into the landscape. In other words, I am not participating-yet. I am seeing the scape flow before my eyes, and all of a sudden I see what looks like a rocket or a shuttle begin to break up and explode in space- then I say "oh, it's a dream, don't worry, nothing is going to happen" and it sort of disappears. Then, as I am interested in not losing the dream, I start to concentrate on the green color of the roof of one of the buildings that is flying past me, I see this bomb falling coming closer to me. I go like "nice try, I'm not afraid" and I 'make' it disappear by not acknowledging it's reality.
    I continue to see the environment moving in front of me, and at some point it's as if I'm driving in a car looking at the environment. I have become part of the scape, and still have some sort of lucidity. But not as much as before. Now I am on another scape, and I am arguing with my mother. (Yes, my mother!) we are having the type of argument we had in life- where we would remember things that I did or said differently. She was saying I said something and I said something else. We went on for a while (I am wondering if she was in the car-image, or if this was a merge in-merge out situation- anyway, now I'm back observing the passing landscape, and now I'm walking to some sort of institutional building, or some sort of 'checkpoint'. I still am cynical about the environment (as if I feel I'm being tested) but my lucidity has waned- I am not convinced what I'm seeing is happening, but I feel there's some sort of other meaning and I am studying the situation closely. There are people in line to go somewhere that may be a food store. They are going through some sort of scanner that is set to detect some sort of disease or 'difference' in their bodies- some sort of condition.
    Those who pass are allowed in (to buy food, I guess) and there are a few people in front of us. Who 'us' is I'm not sure- I think now I'm with a guide who is showing me this. I don't feel like I'm 'subject' to whatever is going on but I'm very interested in finding our what it is.
    The people in front of me, at least one is detected as 'sick' or 'infected' or something. Then the people that are supposed to be restricting access start arguing with each other- one is convincing the other one to let them in, regardless of the detected results. I overhear some of the conversation "Remember that so and so and her sister tested positive two weeks ago but they are not sick and are feeling fine. Just because someone tests positive doesn't mean anything. Let's let them in." Finally the other one relents and they are let in. This makes me happy.
    My 'dream' thinking goes like this "good- the infrastructure is falling apart- doubt has begun to creep into the enforcers. They are not going to stand much longer, because the people know that this is a lie, and even the people in charge of enforcement have begun to question." This is where I started to lose the dream, and I began to wake up.

    Then I remembered we were supposed to dream for Oliver but I couldn't get my mojo back.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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