mental band...?

the collective consciousness is mental in its bottommost last reach, and it arriving first shall become last again.

but because we have become these mentally reactive beings we also from this m-being think consciousness is purely mental. well it is not, and because we think that it is this is why we in our mental arrive first, only to go through mental hell in the process of renewal wherein our emotional being as originator of life's impulses takes its first and foremost placement.

you might ask, then why is fear in this mental band. well, it isnt fear, it is thought constructs drawing enmass to to an impulse of natural fear arising from emotional being. like moths drawn to a street light, so many moths that the light becomes darkly obscured.

fear is friend, it is our instinctual right to sense fear. however, it is not our mental right to choke out the lighted impulse as if fear is bad, fear is enemy...etc.

thus, intuition arises, awakening the being to overiding the mental giant trapsing around extinguishing all lighted impulses of being, they arising emotionally then through the phsyical, then to the mental.

healing is just being. we dont have to mentalize the ♥♥♥♥ out of everything. the collective thoughts of folks are not the barometer of realistic pov. for it is in the emotional where the obstructed and thwarted yearnings impulsively create life. if they cant get through naturally in and of lighted being, then by god these yearnings will rise up in our face to face dark world.

the old saying is, you can run but you cant hide.

nothing is what we think it is, for everything is before we give to it a single thought.

the mental dominioning function is for balance with nature, to take the given environ/niche determinately toward no harm all the way around respective of all life in it.

by disallowing the natural order, our emotional/physical aspects become obstructed, and in that unantural state of imbalanced being we are undeniably self-destructive, because little thought is given toward physical and emotional health.

imagine the sun as an emotional source, alit and bursting without obstruction. this is what a star is. posing no harm whatsoever, as it is the very primary life source for everything thereafter its lighted emissions.

mercury is the first step toward informing the body, then venus as feminine agency, then earth as birth of life, then mars as masculine agency, then asteroid belt as massive raw material, then jupiter the reflection of the sun.

so we have this: sun>mercury>venus>earth<mars<asteroidbelt<jupiter, the proverbial big mac sammich...yummy.

now look at the feminine kundalini which rises from the opposite end of body origin as this lower to uppermost. jupiter>raw material>earth

and met in that is the masculine receptive agency falling as; sun>mercury>venus>earth

but, wait a minute there? yes, the masculine would fall through the primary feminine reach downward, and the feminine would rise through the primary masculine reach upward.

therefore earth is as if you were standing between two mirrors, where self-images are infinitely reproductive.

so, imagine the ultimate compression of IMAGE in a kundalini activation. this that would from nothing give rise to a star giving life to everything under the sun, as would nuclear fusion.

metaphorically this would be as a book closed tightly. and after the fact when being is fully ignited this would be the metaphoric opening of the book to its most openness where one image alone IS.

therefore, we are all, each, as these books tightly closed toward ignition/fusion that blows the covers open unto oneness of being.

this also is the analogous all seeing eye. the third eye awakening seeing only truth in the one law of love.

this of course never was not fully awakened, or we'd not be. but on the individualized human scale, each in and of all approaches that time when all books open, ready or not.

it is written that all people will know the truth, young and old, everyone in kind. truth is not an opinionated mental construct. truth is humanous as an open book.

i wish folks could intuitively gather themselves to see the supreme alchemy of what 'human' is.

but it is quite natural as we, these non-fiction books, compressed tightly closed, that fear scenarios and opinions run rampant.

so, dont let the mental giant in ya thwart the lil david in ya. no one can undo what is written. improv away, but rewriting the scripted theme is not an option, because the theme is about ALL and Oneness as the whole body of humanity, which by the way is alive and well as the very sun emoting our daily being, otherwise we'd not be.

if there is greed or any other negative ailing you, then consult paul/romans/7 and 8. god would give god's a reason to feel ( a splinter), otherwise self-reasoning would in and of limitation not occur within its unatural sterilizing agency to feel alive.
