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Thread: Playing with Energy

  1. #1
    sono Guest

    Playing with Energy

    I wonder lately whether "playing" with energy can have harmful consequences. . . for eg I often flip over the left & right sides of my "brain" just before I meditate, & also rotate the whole "structure" of the energy body brain - my idea was to equalise the left & right hemispheres. But now that I am have almost daily attacks of paralysis (apparently from hemiplegic migraine) I am beginning to question the wisdom of doing this. Could there be some relationship? R Bruce has very kindly been doing healing on me & I felt a lot better for a few weeks but now it's all back again)

  2. #2

    Re: Playing with Energy

    If you disturb your energy body too much, of course that can have bad effects. That is like attacking yourself - you would not start going and cut yourself with a knife either - I hope!

    Also altering your energy body in unhealthy ways, might attract parasites.

    I would recommend to allow your energy body to heal. You can do some aura smoothening, that should be fairly safe.
    + Alienor +

  3. #3
    sono Guest

    Re: Playing with Energy

    Thanks, Alieno - but I didn't think I was doing any harm, but "balancing the 2 hemispheres of the brain" . . . .

  4. #4
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    Re: Playing with Energy

    Hello, sono.

    Maybe you'd better stop doing this. Any unpleasant effects might subside.

    I usually don't think there's much harm in energy work usually, but trying to experiment on the brain in my opinion is a somewhat daunting idea.

    Of course intention always plays a big role, and also the general energetic and personality makeup of the person doing such energy work. So, I think some people could harm themselves this way, I don't think you necessarily belong to them.

    If you feel discomfort or side effects just respect that warning and don't do this anymore. It's always good to respect such signals.


  5. #5
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    Re: Playing with Energy

    I was going to say, that when you do any energy work on the head area you should do your feet, legs, arms & torso first (secondaries) to keep from becoming inbalanced. Headaches can happen if you become unbalanced, and I recommend pushing the energy down when you are done.
    Think of the old days when they used to put a bag of ice on your head and your feet dipped in hot water for headaches. Something like that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #6
    sono Guest

    Re: Playing with Energy

    Thanks everyone, very good advice. . I actually "used to know" what you advise, CFTraveller, but "forgot" about it - thanks for jogging the memory! I will change my ways at once!

    (Am actually having problems meditating since I had a bad fall some months ago & injured my right knee (& left wrist) as I can't sit in lotus for more than a few minutes at a time - I know it shouldn't matter but I just don't have the same feeling of triangular solid base sitting on a chair on with legs curled under the side of the futon. . . )

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Playing with Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by sono
    (Am actually having problems meditating since I had a bad fall some months ago & injured my right knee (& left wrist) as I can't sit in lotus for more than a few minutes at a time - I know it shouldn't matter but I just don't have the same feeling of triangular solid base sitting on a chair on with legs curled under the side of the futon. . . )
    You've conditioned yourself to meditate in only one position, that's all. You can (and should!) teach yourself to meditate in other positions. I can meditate sitting in a chair, lying down in my bed, waiting for a bus, riding in the car, in the waiting room of a dentists' office, pretty much anywhere. I deliberately trained myself to do this because I wanted the flexibility. I very much recommend it.

    FWIW, I can't sit in a lotus or half-lotus or anything even resembling a lotus position, due to having fat thighs and also having significant problems with my knee joints, so I never meditate that way. Definitely not necessary.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

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