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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #171
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    Second night- Mystical tenor

    Second night. Three dreams, one object. No, two objects.

    Dream One: O. stayed the weekend and then went home, I found a spice box. I take this spice box and inspect it for something other than spices. I'm in a house and i can see my mom searching for me. I walk away from her and realize I'm missing an opportunity to see her, so I stop it. I put the box in the kitchen. There are two points of view in this one, first person, and also a panoramic view, (split awareness) when I can see the scene from the top as she walks around the room and I avoid her, like on a map, lit up. This double awareness only happens on the scene when she is walking around looking for me and i am hiding from her. Once I decide to see her it resolves to first person perspective again.
    Object: A medium-sized box, about the color and size of a Whithman's Sampler (mustard yellow), maybe a bit smaller.
    In between dreams, second object- Someone is baking a cake in the same environment as this dream. There is something about a section of the cake I want to eat. It is rectangular and darker than the rest of the cake. As the previous objects, it is rectangular and the color of food. This section is smaller than the other objects- kind of like a large brownie, and the cake is large, like a quarter-sheet cake.

    Second dream. I am in a psychic fair or some such fantasy locale. I see a lot of supernatural-looking characters. The human looking ones are sorcerers or witches. Everyone has some sort of power there. I am approached by a man who offers me a ride to a place where he's going to show me something. We drive into some mattresses and somehow it causes the car to enter 'magically' through some other 'dislocated' entrance. Now we're in a shop that looks very beautiful- crystals, all kinds of statues, candles, magickal artifacts.
    We walk outside, and some beings ask me to talk to them. They look like et's. One of them looks horrific, like he was made of hamburger. I am very intimidated by them. One asks me if he can touch my aura. I let him. Then he informs me that now it won't change. I ask him if it'll make my abilities better,a like OBE. He informs me that I have no
    abilitiess, that I don't OBE. I am alarmed by this. The other one tells me to ignore him, he's just messing with me.
    I go back into the shop, and see a white shoe I like, I buy it from the shopkeeper. She walks outside. When I go get the other shoe I can't find it. The people I am with (?) start going through all the shoes, paints, and other potions, and make a huge mess. I am focused on finding the right shoe. (the left one, actually). There is a giant pile and I can't find the other one. Now I can't even find the shoes I originally had on, and feel very nervous, afraid of authority because I know the shop ladies are very powerful and we've trashed the store. We are now going through paperwork and money. I refuse to touch the money, because I already paid and only want what's due to me- the shoes.
    Then, when I'm having major anxiety the shop ladies come in and see the mess. I try to explain I was looking for the other shoe I bought. They are cool with me- they smile and
    tell me to relax, no harm done. They find me a pair of shoes that are more beautiful than I originally picked- they are glass with the insides made of some sort of foamy substance that is very soft and comfy. I put them on and they fit. So I start to walk out of there and the lady stops me and wants to measure my light level or holiness level.
    I put my hand on the thing and The candle lights up and fills the entire bottle/candle/lamp thing. They tell me that I have nothing to worry about-ever, that my 'holiness' levels are higher than the thing even has meters for, that according to them I am invulnerable.
    I walk out and wake up to a star field. Then light comes into my sight and they fade out, and I wake.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #172
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    Third night

    Forgot what I dreamed, but didn't get the impression of anything relevant. No object.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #173
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    Fourth Night

    One dream, two (or three) objects.
    Complex dream, because sometimes I was in it and sometimes I was out of it. It was a summer camp situation, but extremely strict- like a fundie culty camp. We were not allowed to read anything that wasn't the bible and were expected to perform some sort of labor. Everything was regulated. Even paying the bills was strictly pre-regulated. There was
    a conference about who was allowed to get paid. I think the predominant symbol was the credit card- it's shape. I was somewhat spying and leaving the scene and reintegrating with myself and then going back in. The bit with the credit card was when I was 'out'.
    Symbols: Collapsible spoon (looked somewhat like a swiss army knife), credit card and a table.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #174
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    Night Five

    Curious dream, object was blocked on purpose.

    A series of dreams, many forgotten. One about going back to work at my former job, and the confusion that I thought I was done with that dream. Not lucid but had the 'other place awareness'. I didn't quite know why I was there but there I was. Not lucid enough to question anyone else but the circumstances. Switched about dreams and ended in one in which I was in the "consciousness" of when I was younger, and reflected on why I was never picked to show off any of my talents, which made me abandon them. Never the one invited to play or sing or anything that would have stroked my ego. This insecure voice battled with my "older" voice showing how in later years I have succeeded in everything I have tried, and how I'm blessed in so many ways. Apparently I haven't resolved the hurt little girl in me, and she is causing self-esteem issues. Then I moved on to other dreams, and when I went into the hypnopompic state, I was not shown the image of the object, and was given instead a 'non disclosure agreement' which I refused adamantly. Then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #175
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    Six and Seven

    Night six: 7/22/10 I was driving in front of some fast food restaurant. BK comes to mind. I wish for someone to bring me food. All of a sudden, out of 'nowhere' (or the restaurant) come four guys with bags, get in my car and start giving me food as if I had ordered it. I am shocked and amazed at how easy just wishing for this was- completely instant and effortless. The dream point of view changes and now I'm in the back seat opening the bags and eating (we're all eating, oned of them is driving.) I decide to pay them for this, after all they did the work I didn't, and bought the food, when I searched for my wallet and opened it. Found money, but was surprised to find it was play money.
    Bill after bill I open and it all says 'funny money'. All the money I can find is funny money and now I'm wondering how I'm going to pay these guys with this fake money.
    I woke up and realized the money was generally the same shape and size as the previous dream symbols- rectangular and stacked together, boxy. So I consider the dream symbol to
    be the money. This is the only time the color has varied.

    Update: My son just showed me a counterfeit bill he just got from a "friend" who owed him money- When I saw the fake five dollar bill it went *ding* in my head. So I'm
    thinking my dream wasn't tuning into the symbol itself, but instead to what was going to happen (at least somewhat symbolically) later on in the day.

    Night Seven: 7/23/10 I dreamed by best friend had died. I was back home and my other friends (who we used to hang with) were at the funeral. There were other scenes in the
    college we all went to, and I walked around the campus with my friends, remininscing of our friend. I woke up disturbed. No symbol that I can think of.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #176
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    Re: My dream diary

    CF, shoes are a regular dream sign for me and I did get a pile of shoes in one of my dreams this week.

    The experiment dream sign wasn't rectangular.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. #177
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    Re: Second night- Mystical tenor

    Hello, CF.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    They are cool with me- they smile and
    tell me to relax, no harm done. They find me a pair of shoes that are more beautiful than I originally picked- they are glass with the insides made of some sort of foamy substance that is very soft and comfy. I put them on and they fit. So I start to walk out of there and the lady stops me and wants to measure my light level or holiness level.
    I put my hand on the thing and The candle lights up and fills the entire bottle/candle/lamp thing. They tell me that I have nothing to worry about-ever, that my 'holiness' levels are higher than the thing even has meters for, that according to them I am invulnerable.
    I think this dream had the purpose of countering negative expectations - contrasting a scenario that goes downhill (can't find the other shoe, can't find my own shoes, we trashed the store) with an unexpected reaction. There is no "punishment" - there is understanding, your needs are taken care of and you are told to relax and shown that you are perfectly safe.

    It is at least possible that your own expectations caused this to almost turn into a "nightmare" - but somebody intervened for you. Yay for the support team!


  8. #178
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    Re: Six and Seven

    Hello, CF.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    I was driving in front of some fast food restaurant. BK comes to mind. I wish for someone to bring me food.
    Okay, this is about nourishment and comfort (and convenience).

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    All of a sudden, out of 'nowhere' (or the restaurant) come four guys with bags, get in my car and start giving me food as if I had ordered it. I am shocked and amazed at how easy just wishing for this was- completely instant and effortless.
    I'd say this is again about showing you that in nonphysical reality it can be completely easy. Needs are instantly fulfilled.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    The dream point of view changes and now I'm in the back seat opening the bags and eating (we're all eating, oned of them is driving.)
    That you're not the driver might be the clue is that these guys also want you to get comfortable with the situation. They "control" the outer aspects and "provide for you."

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    I decide to pay them for this, after all they did the work I didn't, and bought the food, when I searched for my wallet and opened it. Found money, but was surprised to find it was play money.
    Bill after bill I open and it all says 'funny money'. All the money I can find is funny money and now I'm wondering how I'm going to pay these guys with this fake money.
    Well, I think this is not only a premonition. I'd rather say what happened to your son is more like a synchronicity.

    This is more like physical level thinking playing out - you gave me something, now I owe you. The idea of requiring payment is portrayed as "funny." Gratitude will do just fine.

    Second trust-building dream within a week, I'd say.


  9. #179
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    Re: My dream diary

    About the dream with the clothes of the sauna.

    I would say clothes in this context are "a degree of separation" - putting a layer on yourself that separates you from your surroundings. The sauna is about becoming comfortable with other than the usual degrees of separation from others. It also implies that this could be "cleansing for you." This all plays into the idea of separate identity symbolised as "privacy."

    Now there is a challenging situation - you don't have to go all the way, but it is tested whether you can manage a lesser degree of separation (being half-clothed), but you perceive this as threatening to your identity. On one level you could think you took this challenge too literally, but on another level the emotions are just the same. You don't want that now.

    The idea of "cleansing" is repeated in the "cleaning ladies." You think of them as malicious as you resent any manipulation of your identity. The HOA person might be there to assure that this dream does not give you the feeling of having been pushed around with nobody on your side, to alleviate the impact of how the whole story unfolded. Note how you did not have to get the person's attention - she came for you, she gave you assistance.


  10. #180
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    Re: My dream diary

    Yay for the support team!

    That is So True!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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