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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #181
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    Re: My dream diary

    I had a dreamstate lesson last night. I can't remember the dream itself, but the lesson had to do with a multitude of people creating different realities that are not congruent, and the notion of 'consensus reality' collapsing, and causing an unstable reality that cannot hold, and the elimination of a large group of people (possibly a split of realities in which a large percentage end up in a different universe than others and some ending up in others').
    It was not a pleasnt lesson.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #182
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    First dream, M.M's house (recurring personal dream) no elements that deviated or symbols at all.
    I find myself in MM's house, not as it looked like in life, but as it looked like in a previous dream, and it seemed a continuation of it. She was a teacher in this dream, but her personality was different (as in the second dream.) than in real life (she was a sweet old woman who comforted me when I was down).
    I headed her off because I was late back in 'school' by offering to clean the house. She lit up and eased off, and I started cleaning the house, and woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #183
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    Second night- Mystical tenor

    One dream, possible symbol, not sure.
    We were in some sort of settlement. I believe it was the moon, for some reason. A lot of it was underground, but not all. Oliver was there and was giving me a scroll or a map and I was looking at it. In some other part of the dream we found out 'they' were going to put a bomb in one of the underground portals and blow it up. Why, I don't know. I quickily tried to tell Oliver about this so he could warn everyone.
    The end.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #184
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    Re: My dream diary

    Third night, no recall
    Fourth night, some vague thing about fighting with my husband, feeling abandoned by him (not in RL)

    Last night- my mom comes to me in dreams, I don't believe it's her, I question her and think it's some sort of other type of being masquerading as her. I wake up and decide to project, and the projection is going to the OBE journal.

    I don't think I was properly 'connected' or 'lucid this week to participate, too many things going on both in my life and in my head to properly participate- too bad too, because the sasquatch thing was cool.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #185
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was in an apartment that sort of looks like my mother in law's apt. but the people there were different. There was a man and a woman, and I was friends with another girl and we were getting ready to go out. I was proud to be on time, unlike the other people, who were often late to everything.
    As usual, I was ready first, and when we were ready to walk out I noticed I had two skirts on, so I went to the bathroom to take off the one that was beneath my 'official' skirt.
    In the few seconds this took, the lady (mom figure) in this dream decided she wanted to change something or other, and I thought to myself "oh no, now we're going to be late as usual". As we waited for her to be ready, someone next to me (my friend?) was eating something messy. I wasn't eating because I was wearing this beautiful turquoise-aqua colored blouse that I loved. When we're ready to leave I look down at my chest and there is a huge stain on it- like greasy barbecue sauce- from what my friend was eating. I was mad- I wasn't eating and somehow it got on me.
    So I go to the bathroom to get some laundry detergent to get the stain off, when things got a little weird- the 'dad' or 'husband' figure said that detergent wasn't going to take care of it, that I needed to dye it. And he gives me this hair dye that is either orange or brown color. I think how horrible this idea is- to dye something takes hours, and it's just going to ruin the beautiful blouse, when all it needs is cleaning.
    So I start looking for the right soap in the bathroom, ignoring his commands (he got pushy) and then I woke up.
    Oh, and I had a specific detergent in mind- Cheer detergent. (Which in real life, I don't use).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #186
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hello, CF.

    "Cheer detergent," eh? Compared to a dye a detergent is a minor change to the fabric. It seems like another degree of work (represented by your estimate of hours) is needed to accomplish something regarding the problem (stain), while you are trying to convince yourself that maybe "cheer"ing yourself up might be enough. A deeper-seated problem, maybe, requiring a definite amount of work and involvement and also some change (like change of color here). You might also not yet be okay with what you perceive as outcome of the changes suggested. Your desired outcome or outcome deemed appropriate vs. what you see as outcome of the suggestion.

    Be well,

  7. #187
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    Re: My dream diary

    As we waited for her to be ready, someone next to me (my friend?) was eating something messy. I wasn't eating because I was wearing this beautiful turquoise-aqua colored blouse that I loved. When we're ready to leave I look down at my chest and there is a huge stain on it- like greasy barbecue sauce- from what my friend was eating. I was mad- I wasn't eating and somehow it got on me.
    Seems like you need to get something off your chest, CF. This could be metaphor or it could reference something physical, so be careful with your health. (Perhaps you went to bed with indigestion). It seems that this originally wasn't something in which you were directly involved. When I get dreams like this, they are often advising about something coming up in a day or two of the dream.

    So I go to the bathroom to get some laundry detergent to get the stain off, when things got a little weird- the 'dad' or 'husband' figure said that detergent wasn't going to take care of it, that I needed to dye it. And he gives me this hair dye that is either orange or brown color. I think how horrible this idea is- to dye something takes hours, and it's just going to ruin the beautiful blouse, when all it needs is cleaning.
    So I start looking for the right soap in the bathroom, ignoring his commands (he got pushy) and then I woke up.
    Oh, and I had a specific detergent in mind- Cheer detergent. (Which in real life, I don't use).
    If there's a specific relationship issue, someone might be pushing you towards too extreme an action when the issue can be cleansed with a bit of cheer.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #188
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    I just remembered my dream from the night before last night (prob. my b-day) I dreamed I went shopping or started a new job. In the store I was told that my grandmother had pre-bought me four dresses, for my new job, and three out of the four fit me perfectly, only one didn't, and it was orange polka-dotted thing, but the ones that actually fit me were beautiful aqua blue and gold and bluish-violetish looking colors. (My favorite colors, lol). I was very happy trying them on.
    There was more after that but it's kind of fuzzy, being that it was a couple of days ago.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #189
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was in my mom's house (the one she lived in) only I was living there with my grandmother, who had 'adopted' me. My room was where there used to be an office, and now it had been taken down and a side garden had been restored. My 'room' was a porch now, and it had no walls or roof, but it was my room. My grandmother was changed, a little younger, and less emotional and sweet than she had been in life. It was as if she was learning how to be a human again. I was trying to reconcile my memory of her as my grandmother and her new caretaking of me- she wasn't well practiced, and seemed to need help in learning how to do it.
    At some point I woke a little and thought of this dream, and went back to sleep and back to this house, except that it was gutted on the inside, and new (beautiful flooring) had been put down. It looked like it was being renovated.
    At this point my sister and her son walked in and we embraced, and she spoke to me, something about mom, and I woke up.
    The dream was a sad dream, and I was feeling sick with grief the whole time throughout.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #190
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    Re: Dreamstate lessons & simulations

    Had a series of dreams involving steps being taken to solve problems, different scenarios with different problems and how to take care of them one at a time. I woke from this and thought about it's implications a bit, and went on to the next dream, something about different pools needing to be filled, and someone filling them by compartments on the inside making it impossible for people to swim in them. At some point the experience became incoherent and I woke up. Plus the cat had curled up with my leg and I was quite uncomfortable.
    There was a feeling of 'unraveling', of 'detangling' and things becoming more clear and organized in the dream.
    The theme in the first seemed to have to do with blood, physical threats and sex, the second with clear blue water.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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