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Thread: New Grey Appearance

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Illinois, USA

    Re: New Grey Appearance

    CFTraveler, your comments are very much appreciated!

    Hopefully, I'll be moving past the fear sooner than later. I've been spending some time this summer finally going through Astral Dynamics in detail. I'm definitely enjoying the book and the progress. I'll be sure to pass on any significant breakthroughs. Thanks!

  2. #12
    maverickthree Guest

    Re: New Grey Appearance

    Reportedly, there are about 9 different types of greys--some friendly, some hostile as previous posts on this thread alluded to. The very worst are supposedly operating in the Antarctic and South American realms. That said, a recent guest on coast to coast am, Drunvalo Melchizedek, indicated that the greys got thrown off the planet as a result of some esoteric work done by a young Peruvian woman. However, it appears that this is not the case after reading some of the experiences here.
    Feedback appreciated with respect to this.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: New Grey Appearance

    I have read some of Drunvalo's work, and information like this usually comes from channeled material. (as someone who ocassionally channels personally, I know enough to take everything with a grain of salt). I think he is very intelligent and the sacred geometry info is fascinating, but as to the channeled material, well, not so much.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #14
    maverickthree Guest

    Re: New Grey Appearance

    thanks for your input CF Traveller---Whitely Streiber who has had first hand experiences with the greys also didn't buy into it.

  5. #15

    Re: New Grey Appearance

    Flew, what an interesting story. Why do you think the Greys take you? Why are they here?

    According to The Law of One/Ra Material books, Earth is under a quarantine upheld by a confederation of different higher dimensional beings who are guarding us and letting us work out our planetary karma without outside influences. From time to time, however, there are negative aliens out there from a higher dimension that break quarantine and try to make contact with humans. Their purpose is to obtain power or control over us. They are not allowed to though because they are not allowed to infringe on our free will. But when the confederation finds out that this is happening, supposedly they bathe these entities in light/love and they are forced to return or can't proceed. I don't know if the Law of One books are true and can't prove them, but maybe this is why you have to give them permission to take you. Because they cannot break your free will. Maybe also, this is why using that saint pendant works against them, because you call on the higher powers for help.

    Anyways, just a theory though.
    Life is continuous, and is Infinite.

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