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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #201
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    Re: My dream diary


  2. #202
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    Re: My dream diary

    No, I think it was something like a humanoid giraffe, but the head was teeny-tiny.
    Were you around there, Beekeeper?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #203
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: My dream diary

    in africa, the language of peace is called giraffe language. humanoid giraffe
    I Don't Ever Give Up:

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  4. #204
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    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    No, I think it was something like a humanoid giraffe, but the head was teeny-tiny.
    Whew! Glad it wasn't the peacock.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  5. #205
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    Hypnagogic and dreams

    I was having some sort of dream in which I was talking to many deceased people, people who passed years ago and I hadn't seen in dreams for a while, or ever. There was one particular person who I connected with, and we had a nice talk. It was apparent to me that I was preparing to leave this plane (dying) and was trying to resolve issues, but not with the living- with the 'long dead'.
    I woke up to a hypnopomp, in which I was given an envelope, which was marked "Source". As I was going to open it someone woke me up. My hubby heard a sound in the back porch and was investigating, and it woke me. I tried to go back to sleep because I wanted to open the envelope and get my message, but I went into another dream, this time I was talking on the phone with a person who I no longer speak to. She was trying to act like my friend, and I was letting her talk to see what she wanted- giving her rope, so to speak. In the middle of the conversation I received another call, someone interrupted the call, and I told her about what this person was doing, and we had a laugh. Then something else happened in the dream (and for some reason it's fuzzy) which woke me up again.
    And, that was it.
    Ollie, I hope you're around.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #206
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hey, CF.

    It would have been unusual if you actually managed to decode the letter right away. I think you still got the message at some level. Remember my "Adyashanti Tape" dream? Same thing.

    It was apparent to me that I was preparing to leave this plane (dying) and was trying to resolve issues, but not with the living- with the 'long dead'.
    Could be that this was just related to that plane - because if you wrapped things up here, as you noted, you would resolve issues with the living.

    There might be a mediumistic component. All the encounters with your deceased relatives might prepare you to work with the dead. That might be why unknown people showed up.

    Maybe the letter from the Source right after you "woke" might be a message that working with the dead might be part of your life purpose, a friendly reminder.

    Also, imminent death in a dream can also express urgency - like in "things to do before I die."

    And finally death, threat of death and similar things seem to be a common symbol in your dreams - like killers. I think this is a symbol for you not necessarily pointing towards actual death, but what you fear.


  7. #207
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    Re: My dream diary

    PS - a letter from Source. This reminds me of something Kurt wrote - hearing the call of Source to return to it. I think it's in "The Unanswered Question." So, if you get a letter from Source it could be a reminder to engage in activities that bring you closer to Source. Like life purpose.

    "Returning to Source" does not mean dying, necessarily, even though in the in-between-lifetimes we experience being closer to Source all the time. But to get even closer to Source certain resistances have to be given up, and that is done by finding and fulfilling aspects of your purpose while alive.


  8. #208
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    Re: My dream diary

    Another 'ancestor' dream. I go to my paternal grandparent's house, and explore it (empty) as it has happened before. What changes is that at the last room of the house there is some sort of gateway and I go through, and I see a young child (not my son, it may be my father as a child but I'm not sure) and I congregate with some people that are living in that part of the house. I have the impression my grandparents were in the 'second' area, my grandfather especially, and I investigated the area. Part of it was a house that could be converted into a large porch- sometimes it could be a dark house and then some of the outer walls would melt away and it would be a large porch-type outside house (my favorite).
    At the end of the dream I lay there watching all sorts of hypnagogics that were pleasant to look at, although at the moment I can't remember what they were.
    It was nice, except one part, where I saw a fish die, which made me very sad, making me think it's a signal from my subconscious telling me it's time to going back to vegetarian, at least, for a time.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #209
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    Re: My dream diary

    We were in some sort of tour that took you from house to house. It resembled one of those haunted towns like Tombstone, Arizona. Right at the time to load up to go to the next location, there was something in my shoe. I sat on a bench and took my shoe and sock off, and removed the rock. Then by the time it took me to put my shoes back on, (you know how in dreams it takes forever to do technical things like tie your shoelaces) the bus had gone and my hubby and son were on it. There were only two or three people left behind, and one of them told me that more buses were coming, that all of them were of the same tour, so the next one would go to the same location. So I sat back on the bench, angry that they left me behind (didn't they notice I wasn't in the bus?) and saw a sandwich (meatballs and some other kind of meat on it) and ate it- suddenly I was hungry and wolfed it down, and had the idea to phone my hubby to wait for me in the next location when I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #210

    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    No, I think it was something like a humanoid giraffe, but the head was teeny-tiny.
    that's strange. in meditation the other night, i was kinda finding myself 'being' different animals, as if i was able to feel like them. i went thru a number of animals, and stopped on giraffe. feeling the long head, and the weight of it at the end of my long neck...

    i hadn't read this thread until now.
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

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