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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #11

    Re: AP #5 today :0)

    hi congrats+thanx for sharing your exciting experiences, great to read! i wouldnt doubt this exp in any way, cause this girl-connection, whatever it finally is, if an independent entity or at least an inner help-or-guide-aspect-of-yourself, i find just beautiful.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: AP #5 today :0)

    You do Not suck at words. You have experiences and emotions during an out of body experience that can Not be described by words. An OBE is an ethereal and ephemeral experience and typing words into a computer cannot describe it accurately. Your account of your OBE Was clear and lucid though.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    AP #6

    This morning at 3 am I was supose to get up and go to Black Friday, but I was too tired to get up so I decided to try and astral project. I had immediate success. It was as easy as rolling out of bed and getting up. My vision was pretty much perfect, except that the air looked grainy. I was looking around trying to memorize everything that I saw. I went downstairs and tried to memorize things I saw downstairs as well that way I could confirm this experience. I was really excited about going outside, but I didn't even have to walk through the front door because I just opened it like normal. When I got outside there were people sitting around talking, one of them freaked out when she saw me she said "OH my God! You are glowing blue!" then other people started gathering around. I looked at my arms and noticed that I was glowing a really pretty blue color, it looked like an aura. I think as soon as I walked outside I was in a dream place.

    I told them that I was out of my body. I touched my arm and it felt solid. I told someone to take pictures of me so we would have proof when I had to go back to my body. Some guy who claimed he AP all the time said he didn't believe me, so I pushed my hand through a brick wall to prove it to him but he turned away. I pushed my whole arm through this brick wall and the hole I created stayed and started to change into rainbow colors. The hole turned into a tunnel and at the end of the tunnel I could see a UFO flying past. The ufo took notice of this tunnel and started banging it's ship into it trying to get through into our dimension. I was freaking out! I tried to close up the hole but the ship kept banging against it knocking more bricks off. I guess I made some sort of portal for the spaceship to get through. Since I was scared I told the people that it was time for me to go back to my body, that I had been out long enough. So I thought about my body sleeping in bed and I shifted my consciousness to my physical body and made it wake up. I could feel my astral body being pulled really fast back into my body. That was fun

    I woke up for a minute, but I guess I fell asleep right after and drempt that I went back outside to these people in my regular body. Everything was normal, it was still the same place, but there was no tunnel through the brick wall.

    I don't really like how my projections turn into dreamlike experiences, it makes me want to question the whole thing. Everything felt so real up until I walked outside. HOw do we know that these experiences aren't just dreams? I mean, if you can't gather any substantial evidence because of reality fluctuations then what is the difference between AP and dreams? These experiences feel so lucid and real, but so does lucid dreaming. The only part that feels more vivid than a lucid dream is when I leave my body and walk to my bedroom door and look at my surroundings. I need to develope the ability to do this being totaly awake in meditation, not on the verge of sleep. *sigh* maybe I should just enjoy the experience and not care wether it was real or not.

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  4. #14
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    Re: AP #6

    Hi Natalie.
    I think reading (or rereading) this post might be beneficial for you, especially the part that begins with "I've looked at the accounts of your projection experiences on the other threads. " ...and so on.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    Re: AP #6

    That's pretty cool that Kurt Leland was on here. I think I might have to buy one of his books now! I have read that whole thread before. And it makes sense that some of my dreams or projections are actually tests to help me develope spiritualy. I remember all this BEFORE I go to bed, but then I forget! Today some more memories from my AP started coming back to me. I was showing the people how I could float. At first I couldn't get off the ground, but then when I relaxed and stopped trying so hard and thought positive thoughts I was able to float.

    Here is something I have been meaning to ask, How do you raise your vibration? Do you do that through positive thoughts? That's the only thing I can think of. Just trying to get happier maybe?

    Thank you for the response, re-reading those posts helped me put things in perspective. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! BTW, how many children do you have? Boys or girls? You don't have to answer if it is too personal

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: AP #6

    Very cool, I especially liked your glowing blue color!
    About the tunnel and the UFO. Many people theorize that UFOs (starships) make use of wormholes/tunnels/stargates to travel between stars. A stargate/tunnel is simply a hole in the fabric of space-time allowing a starship or an out of body person to instantaneously travel from one point in space to another. You closing that stargate/tunnel on the UFO must have really pissed off the aliens.


  7. #17
    Join Date
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    washington state

    OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    I am really excited about this one! I have been wanting to experience another OOBE for a while now, last night I finaly did!

    I was inbetween dreams and had the urge to get out of bed, so I rolled over and pushed myself up to sitting on the edge of my bed. Once I realized that that was WAY more difficult than it should have been and my eyesight was kind of grainy and wavy I realized I was out! I was so excited! Finaly after weeks of nothing! So I tried to run to my bedroom door so I wouldn't get sucked back into my body. Running to my door was hard to do, it felt like I was being pulled back. I had so much energy because I remembered this time all the stuff I wanted to do! Before I left my room I took a quick look back at my bed, I didn't see my body lying in bed. But I figured that was because it was in a lower dimension and I was in the astral.

    I was running down the stairs and decided to try and jump through the window overlooking the front yard. I got up close to it and took a big jump and went right through the window softly floating down to the ground. When I was floating down to the ground I was hit with the chill of the night air. This kind of confused me because I didn't think I was supose to feel the cold air. But it was a chilly 20 degrees or so! I saw someone drive by, but they didn't see me. I think this could have been someone having their own dream about driving (?).

    I looked up at the clear night sky and saw lots of stars. And some spaceships . These might have been a figment of my imagination, or they could have been REAL ETs exploring the astral. One of them was rather low and looked like an acorn.

    I had all these ideas running through my head of what I wanted to do. I decided to call upon my spirit guide, so I yelled "I want to speak to my spirit guide". Then everything got a little darker and I was sucked up into the sky "weeee!", I ended up being in this black void where I could hear a male voice start talking to me. I asked him lots of questions and received lots of answers. I made the mistake of staying out for too long because now I can't remember what any of the answers were! Cr@p! When I asked him who I was in my last life I didn't get a response, maybe this was due to me currently rethinking this theory all together (?).

    I am really happy about this experience. It wasn't so far fetched that I am questioning it, it felt as real - maybe even more real than me typing this. I feel like I am going to have a buzz from this all day!

    I wanted to add something else, ever since my dreams have been a lot more lucid and real I am having a hard time remembering what was real and what was just a dream. Like if I am remembering a conversation I had with someone I have to stop and think "but was that a dream or real?", then I have to remember if anything weird or dreamlike happened. I find myself now really watching what I say to people, I don't want to end up saying "oh nevermind, I just realized that was only a dream I had!". I feel like a nutcase! I have to do dream checks throughout the day to see if I am dreaming or not. Like right now I am so tired I looked down at the keyboard (which I rarely do ) and the keys were all wavy. But I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaming....98% Sure! I will find out sooner or later!

    time for nap!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  8. #18
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    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    Hi Natalie. Would you like me to round them all up to make them into an OBE journal?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!

    Yeah, that was a memorable OBE I particularly liked the spaceships. Could you distinguish any shapes, perhaps the classic disk shapes or maybe triangles. It would be interesting to know if any physical UFOs sightings were reported in your area last night.
    The flying must have been a lot of fun. Good recall of the events also.


  10. #20
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: OOBE #7! Woot Woot!


    Could you please? That would be awesome!


    I saw a saucer type one, a ball of light one, and the huge acorn one that was hovering quietly above my apartment. I wasn't scared or anything, it was like seeing a car! I knew they were there, and they knew I was there. Do you think they were real? Or just mind stuff? Why would they cruise around in the astral? Watching peoples' dreams? Or do you think I was in the RTZ?
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

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