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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Korpo, that makes perfect sense! I always associate the feeling of being watched as creepy and negative and I feel defensive. Maybe I should look at it a different way, like when people go bird watching they observe the birds and are in awe of their beauty, and that's not a negative way to watch something.

    Thank you so much for letting me see this in a different perspective! I just get freaked out because I keep thinking about aliens a lot while I am going to sleep in the dark, I am afraid I am going to attract them to me with my thoughts. But then at the same time when it's daytime I'm not afraid and would wish that one would come and say hi to me. Maybe I just need to stop thinking about it all together! Law of Attraction says that whether you are saying "I want these visitors" or you say "I don't want these visitors" you are still putting your attention on it therefore attracting it! Because your subconscience doesn't hear the words "don't".

    okay, night night!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  2. #32
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hello, Natalie.

    I recently wrote about how fear and the law of attraction interact with each other. It might be of interest to you: viewtopic.php?f=65&t=22621

    You can always ask your dreams for help in order to release an emotion that burdens you down. You might have a nightmare in response, but the nightmare helps release the energy behind the emotion, clearing it out of your system.


  3. #33
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    washington state

    oobe within a dream (perhaps)

    This is just weird,
    Last night I had a dream that I fell asleep in my room, had vibrations, left my body and was in a hotel room in my astral body, and so was my sister. I guess my whole family was there. me and my sister were projecting while everyone slept. She was confused about what was going on and I had to explain it to her. I told her she was having an OOBE, she still didn't understand so I had to show her. We ran down the stairs of the hotel and out the front door. I told her we had to hurry because the lucidity would only last so long before it became dream-like and we start to lose the memory. I remember thinking at the time "it's about time I had another AP! I will have to post about this tomorrow" ha ha!

    I showed my sister how to fly, float, shapeshift and all sorts of stuff. Then she wanted to see some we went to go see the mermaids in a big fountain across town . I could tell things were becoming less lucid so we rushed back to the hotel room and back to bed. I jumped in bed, closed my eyes and opened them back in reality. That was awesome! I'm not sure if it counts as an AP or not since I think it was within a dreamstate. This whole thing confuses me. But it was way more real feeling than most of my dreams, it felt a lot like a real projection. Nothing about it was really wacky or distorted.

    bed time!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  4. #34
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    What confuses you?


  5. #35

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Did you ask your sister to see if she remembers anything?

  6. #36
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    it confuses me how a dream can seem so real, I still keep asking myself "was it just a dream or a real OOBE?". Did I maybe have an OOBE that took me to this hotel. I don't know.

    And no I haven't talked to my sister. I barely ever talk to her. I think I should just write it off as a dream. I don't know if I believe 2 people can share the same dream, or if I am even capable of doing that.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  7. #37
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hello, Natalie.

    Somebody that you met in the astral plane looking like your sister is not necessarily your sister. Anybody you think of "like a sibling" could appear as your sister, too. This could for example happen when you guide them "like an older sibling" would a younger.


  8. #38
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    washington state

    6 OOBE in 1 morning!

    This morning was crazy! I believe I had 6 astral projections in a span of about an hour. This happened because I wanted to wake up, but my body wanted to sleep. The first few I had seemed like RTZ oobes, but I noticed the more times I went out the more anomolies I noticed and the more dream-like it became! So here they are in order...

    1.) hovering between wake and sleep I forced my eyes open, noticed I felt seperaty and rolled out of body. Had great difficulty seeing and trying to walk, decided to crawl instead. Crawled to the window at the staircase and jumped out. I landed on some snow and was able to see and move around freely. I remembered CFTraveler's post I read yesterday about things to do when having an AP. So I experimented with jumping and flying a bit. Then I looked up at the dark sky and said "God are you up there?!" nothing. Then I noticed a car driving down the street and thought I would try and catch his attention. So I waved at him and flew towards him, but he looked freaked out and drove away fast. I thought that was rather amusing! I felt my physical body's eyes start to open a little and I was back in bed.

    2.) I found it pretty easy to leave this time since I was just out. I rolled out of bed with some difficulty seeing, I found an anomoly right away, my computer desk was under my bedroom window instead of against the other wall. I ran up to it and jumped ontop of my computer desk, I remember thinking "if this isn't an AP and it's real life then I am making a hell of a mess!" Then I jumped out of the window with the grace of a jungle cat! It was so much fun! I hit the soft ground and then for some reason I was back in bed again...shoot!

    3.) projected without any real effort at all. Went to my girls' bedroom next to mine, walked through their bedroom door and they looked a little freaked out to see me! But they were still happy nonetheless. Noticed an anomoly, my 1 year old was climbing out of a big girl bed instead of a crib! And she appeared slightly older as well! But I had fun playing with them and hugging them. I noticed I felt pretty solid, not as solid as the physical though. Then I lost focus and was back in bed.

    4.) no effort with projecting, rolled out and immediately gained my footing and sight. Went to girls room again. Tried the light switch test, and was able to turn on the lights. Looked at my arms and saw a light blue hue, but I appeared to be pretty solid. I looked at my body and did not seem to be overweight at all, but average. I wanted to see if I would see myself laying in bed so me and my girls went to my room and looked, I didn't see anyone in bed...but I did notice that where I should have been sleeping the bed was a little shadowy and concave like an invisible person was laying there. I think I lost focus because I don't remember much after that. But I was once again awake in bed.

    5.)decided to test myself and see how awake I could be and actually have an AP. Layed back down, closed my eyes. Activated my 3rd eye right away by raising my eyebrows. Then I was out! Woo hoo! My doorbell rang and I thought "now time for some fun!" ran downstairs and threw open the door and saw 2 young boys about 12 years old standing there in amazement looking at me. I said "yes how can I help you?" finaly one of them said they were doing some sort of raffle and said his name was something Fox, he went to hand me something but instead of opening the screen door to take it I just put my whole arm through the screen and glass! The two boys ran away freaked out, I remembered I needed some validation so I called out "what was your name?!" he said "Sam Fox!". Feeling rather pleased with myself I played around for a minute putting my hand through various things and feeling their textures. I decided to go back to bed so I could remember this and try again. The longer out, the less I remember.

    6.) opened my physical eyes, closed them, opened my 3rd eye- then out! Jumped out of bed ran downstairs, then I heard one of my girls make a sound like they were waking up, so back to bed! I layed in bed awake for a minute just waiting to see if I really heard her wake up. I didn't hear anything, so I decided to see what my etheric body looked like. I closed my eyes not thinking this would work because I had already been awake for a few minutes now. I relaxed and raised my etheric arm and opened my 3rd eye, I saw this shadow at first. I waved my arm rapidly across my face and saw a shadowy arm being waved back and forth. Then it became white and ghost like, then it became completely transparent. Once my arm became transparent I could see a ripple affect (like water) through the air when I waved my hand back and forth. Very odd!

    So those were my 6 APs this morning, I think I started to lose energy after the first few. But once my girls finaly did wake up I sat up in bed trying to keep my eyes open, and I was going to attempt an OOBE right then and there, but I felt it was enough play time and I needed to go get my girls! I wonder if I would have been able to do it? It was getting so easy! I was experimenting with different levels tiredness and they all worked! I hope it is that easy from now on!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Wow Natalie ! 6 OBEs in 1 week, let alone 1 nite is very impressive!
    Isn't it strange how a person can go for weeks and even months with no projections and then in only a day or two several OBEs can follow one another Bingo Bango Bongo!?!
    Regarding verification. Your best chance is talking to your girls to see if either (2?) of them can remember a dream or a 'special' dream that including playing with you.
    btw children seem to have a natural talent for going OOB. (I did when I was a child and preteen.) Hopefully your girls have inherited that talent that you obviously have.


  10. #40
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Could have swore I saw my eldest (2 year old) at my bedroom door in the middle of the night once. She was just standing there, but she was wearing something different. I didn't think much of it and fell back to sleep. Every morning I ask her if she had good dreams and sometimes she says she was flying in the clouds . That's so cool!

    After I have an OOBE it is really easy for me to have one right after returning to my body. But I think I run out of energy or something because they become more dreamlike and I find more anomolies. Why can't it be that easy to leave my body every time?
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

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