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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Pittsburgh, Pa

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hi Natalie.
    You wrote,
    Why can't it be that easy to leave my body every time?
    Yes, ain't it the truth. I think that about says it all!
    However, one way to overcome one's limited skills at being a regular OBEer is to take advantage of the opportunities when they Do arise. You seem to be good at that. It could well be that pre-projection states DO in fact happen much more often then we realize. (I believe that is true, anyway.) So just recognizing those moments and being mentally able and ready to induce an OBE might be more than half of the 'process' of going OOB.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    AP # 14 <- wow!

    I guess I got my wish! This morning I had yet another AP, this is what happened...

    My youngest daughter got up at 5 am and was hungry, I fed her and put her back down. I layed in bed with the intention of letting an OOBE just happen, I was feeling my etheric arms moving and just getting a feel of the difference, after a minute I decided just to roll over and go back to sleep. A few minutes later I woke up and realized I was seeing through my eyelids, I knew I could get out by just rolling but I wanted to try the rope technique. And wow! That was awesome! I saw the rope, grabbed it and flung myself out, that was fun!! I was so happy to be out again, and savored the realness of everything. I have to say that being out feels MORE real than the physical, my eyesight is not all that great in the physical, but in astral it is excellent! (when I have astral sight) .Colors are more vivid and I can see a long way! I had no problems with my astral sight at all this time.

    My room looked the same, no anomolies, I was actually thinking maybe I wasn't out but just up physicaly. So I made a mad dash to the window on my staircase going downstairs (don't know why, but this is my favorite way to leave the house), I looked outside to check for anomolies, everything looked normal. So I pushed my hand through the glass of the window (realized I was out) and jumped out the window - over the bushes underneathe the window- and was immediately hit with the cold air, I almost wanted to go back inside cause it was so cold! Once outside I checked for more anomolies (scientific research!) The only thing I saw that was out of the ordinary was that some stars seemed to be moving. I was thinking about what I should do and I remembered what my new friend told me the other day, he said something about me APing to his house to pull him out! I have never been to his place before, but I knew what street it was on. So now I had a mission!

    I felt like I could stay in RTZ for a while since it felt so real and there were only minor differences. I started walking through the street and tried to sprint really fast, but I wanted to make it there faster so I tried flying. It took a little bit of effort and pep talk but I was finally hovering. This whole experience felt so real that I kept mistaking it for reality! I felt guilty leaving my girls home alone! I came to the long main street that leads to his house, and then things started getting wierd. It became really windy and the trees that lined the sidewalk were swaying and shaking in the wind and their branches kept getting in my face. The wind became so strong that walking was difficult.

    I saw a park that was empty and dark, then I kept walking and saw a bunch of people in costumes, I had no idea what was going on so I found what seemed to be the leader of the group and started talking to her. When I approached her I felt so much love and comfort, like she knew me right away! She told me I was in the astral and to expect things to become more dreamlike. She told me it would take much more practice for me to be able to go to anyones' house. After talking for a while I asked her how I was going to die (I know, I'm so classy ) She took me to a neighborhood in the astral and showed me a woman who had very severe head trauma, she was bleeding all over. I wasn't surprised by this because I kind of have a feeling that I'm not going to live a long life, I think I will die in an auto accident.. Then I asked her to show me something from the future, she showed me another part of the neighborhood where someone was washing their car with a garden hose and their dog (golden lab) was playing in the water that was flowing into the street. Then I was shown an image of lots of water in various forms, I got the hint though...something about water will happen...I hope my apt doesn't get flooded LOL!

    Then after seeing a few other areas of that neighborhood I was back on the previous street again with the windy trees. I was walking in the wind again trying not to get blown away, and all the sudden the trees disappeared and then the sidewalk in front of me disappeared and I was slowely falling into a void. It was very soothing, and I remembered what Mr. Bruce said in his book about voids and how they can't hurt you. So I settled into this dark mass and felt nice and cozy...I was only thought -no form. I became bored and came back to my body.

    This is kind of interesting, after I came back I was on the verge of sleep and ACCIDENTALLY left my body! I was sitting in bed thinking "man I just want to sleep now!' and my 2 year old comes in and climbs up on the bed and sits in my lap. I get this feeling that she is very happy and comforted that we are both out at the same time. We sit there holding eachother for a minute and I look out the window and see a car in a big tree right outside! I laughed at this. And that's the last thing I remember.

    Whew! That was alot of typing!

    I have noticed a common occurance the nights before my OOBE, I will be laying in bed and I hear papers on my desk shuffling or I will hear someone walking around in my room, or I will feel someone in my room walking I can pinpoint their energy with my ...psychic radar.

    okay napytime!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  3. #43
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hello, Natalie.

    That's so cute about your toddler!

    Had the other images of water also to do with cleaning (like washing the vehicle) or can you recall what else you saw about water?


  4. #44
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    I saw like an endless body of water, and I had the feeling of water like how it tastes and how refreshing it is....ok now I'm thirsty .

    Well, I just found out today that last night my grandma lost control of her car and ended up in a canal...related? That sounds like too much of a stretch though.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  5. #45
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hello, Natalie.

    An endless body of water sounds more like the representation of a plane. A plane can be seen from inside or from outside. When looked at from outside it can look like a body of water, with the possibility to immerse yourself in it (enter the plane).

    I myself have seen it like a lake, a broad river or pools (even public pools). Others have seen the ocean and similar images. CF and sono often describe a beach or waterfront, for example. Kurt gave me the idea that these bodies of waters could be planes.


  6. #46
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    oooo, what an interesting concept! I love water, it is my favorite element by far, plus I am an aquariaus. I always have dreams about swimming and breathing under water.
    An endless plane...that makes sense, it did seem endless and calm.

    Thank you for your input, it helps to view things from a different perspective!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Seattle, Washington

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    I've always felt very connected to water (in fact I swear I breathed underwater once when I was 8 years old). I always just assumed it's because as a human living on earth, being in water reminds me of being in my true form (spirit). However, now that you mention it I am an aquarius...
    No power in the 'verse can stop me

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Ha ha! You too huh? Well, winter is a very popular time of year when babies are born .

    I thought I enjoy water because it reminds me of being in utero. But what you said makes even more sense!

    I was thinking about posting my last nights' dream, but I don't think it's interesting enough to create a new post for it so I guess I will put it here...

    It was a lucid nightmare, my girls were missing and my mom didn't recall where she left them (she was babysitting) , I knew I was dreaming and I felt how solid my arms were and how everything looked so real. I knew this was a nightmare, but I couldn't shake the anxiety of not knowing where they were. They were just gone. I was crying and frantically searching for them. I was also trying to wake up. I couldn't keep my eyes open and I would fall back into the same dream. At one point when I fell back to sleep I did find my 2 year old, but my 1 year old was still gone. I finally was able to force myself awake. I thought to myself "gee this would be a perfect time to project" but because of the terrible nightmare I didn't want to enter astral with fear or negative emotions. So I just got up and ate a snack and stayed awake long enough to not be scared anymore.

    See, that wasn't a really amazing experience or anything. It just helps me to write (type) it out to kind of keep it from happening again and to get it off my mind. I hate those dreams.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  9. #49
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    Jan 2011
    Seattle, Washington

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Yeah I understand having nightmares, I've had them constantly as far back as I can remember dreaming. Probably 80% of my dreams are nightmares. I had this one a couple years ago where I was being pulled into an invisible craft by three or four invisible beings, that one might have been the worst yet. I imagine by having that dream you're probably working through some of your fear of something happening to your children (every parents worst nightmare). Even though it's horrible at the time the nightmare might be helping you to release some of that fear energy building under the surface.
    No power in the 'verse can stop me

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    AP # 15 :)

    Last night I fell asleep with the feeling of someone watching up close to my face! How rude!.....this is usually my first sign that an OOBE is immenent.

    So I had a lucid nightmare about being electricuted by wires and a telephone pole, it hurt to say the least! I was forcing myself to wake up. I was finaly able to wake up and I rolled out of bed and sluggishly went to go check on my kids. I put my hand on their door and it sank into it! I said outloud "holy Cr@p I'm out!". Thats when I noticed that the air seemed a little grainy and pixilated. Instead of jumping out the window on the staircase like I usually do, I decided to jump out the window in the hallway. It is higher up and I was a little nervous. I jumped out and I didn't float down gracefully, I fell pretty fast and landed with weight. My body felt pretty solid.

    The thing about this experience that differs from my other ones is that I had no mission in mind, I just wanted to enjoy the experience and observe it's realness. I decided just to go for a little walk and take note of my surroundings. I felt the cool air and I felt my feet land on the pavement as I walked on the sidewalk. It was a beautiful quiet night and I felt a bit like a naughty teenager sneeking out at night. But I knew it was safe. I had the mindsplit affect so I could also hear what was going on in the physical.

    I'm not sure how long I was out for, maybe 15 minutes. It was very relaxing and nothing weird happened. No anomolies (that I noticed). It was just like taking a stroll at midnight!

    Lately my dreams have been really...weird. I have been having lucid dreams almost every night, and several dreams a night. I think this goes hand in hand with me developing my psychic abilities more.

    Good night!

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

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