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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #301
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    Re: My dream diary

    Most of the first dream was influenced by: The bad day I had yesterday, the commercials for Anthony Hopkins' new movie, and an old but macabre episode of Bones I watched on TV last night.
    Here it is: I was in what seemed like an office, with cubicles and an office kitchen. All of a sudden my hands began to make jerky movements, and I realized that I was not in control of my fingers. In fact the movements were similar to the movements of my fingers on the keyboard as I type. But they were involuntary. Suddenly I found myself in the kitchen, with a very sharp knife in my hands, chopping vegetables- only it wasn't me doing it. I immediately alerted everyone that I was not in possession of my bodily functions and that someone should take the knife away from me and everyone came over (no one was anyone I know IRL) and someone took the knife away. Then I was led to a desk or table, and people began to ask me some questions, as if I was possessed and could channel. I was sitting in the chair (or reclined) and I began to fall asleep in the dream. (You know, one of those 'sleeping inside the dream' dreams). Then I felt parts of my body beginning to levitate, and I began to do sponging on my body to counteract the effects. By then, I was half-awake and could see the reactions of the people around me (no fear, only interest) as I was 'puppetted' in the air. At that point I wasn't afraid, but did not like the feeling of not being in control. (Yes, I noticed that subtheme there also.)
    I woke up and was a bit apprehensive, as this reminded me of the experiences I had years ago, and I prayed and did some sponging, and went to sleep.

    Second dream:
    I was living in some sort of group home, (or returning to it) and I spotted a very large aquarium that only held a few fish. They were large, but scrawny and hungry-looking. Apparently no one had fed them in my absence (but they were not mine). I looked for the fish flakes and couldn't find any- so I went to the pantry and found some fish-flavored cat-treats. (you know, those shaped like a fish) and threw a few into the tank. Suddenly a great feeding frenzy ensued, as if there were many more fish in the tank. Then I could see glass-colored fish fighting for the food, so I got more and put it in the tank. All of a sudden, on the floor around my feet there were many fish that had previously jumped off the tank before, and were also glass-colored (you know, clear, like jellyfish) and I assumed that these were fish that were half dead because they had jumped off the tank while looking for food. So I started scooping them up and throwing them back in the fishtank.
    As I put them back, they began to acquire color and movement, and soon the fishtank was full of colorful happy well-fed fish and there were none on the floor. There was a planter by the front door full of herbs, and I went to grab a bunch to cook dinner for the people there- and I began to wake up, having the dual awareness of standing by the pot of herbs and holding a plant with my hand (it was oregano, and I could almost smell it) and as I woke more and started to lose the feeling of the dream, a voice said "you are such a nice romanian gypsy lady" and I started to say I am not romanian, and have no romanian blood as far as I know, but by then was awake and was thinking it to myself.
    Then I got up and turned off the alarm. And got the cat off my feet.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #302
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hmmm. Just today a co-worker asked me if I was aware if Anthony Hopkins was doing any movies lately, and I didn't know. Hardly a topic that comes up every day - or ever.


  3. #303
    russmi3 Guest

    Perplexing question I have been tossing about......

    How much do you (and anyone who reads this) think our dreams are affected by daily events? It seems to be a theme with me also, where I will dream something and it is very close too something that happened that day or a few days before. OR is it our subconcious putting ideas into our concious that we then act out IRL. I am thinking it is a little of both.

    The question is, If our dreams are JUST segments of things we did IRL, then how can we interpret them as messages from higher beings or guides?

    This goes really deep I realize, like seeing butterflies over and over IRL. (signs). etc.

    The main point is if I dream of a house (self) and fixing it, how do I know this is a sign or just that I watched a home improvement show last night???

    Does that make any senses at all??

  4. #304
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    Re: Perplexing question I have been tossing about......

    Quote Originally Posted by russmi3
    How much do you (and anyone who reads this) think our dreams are affected by daily events?
    I do, about fifty percent. I think 100% of our dreams are things we perceive and the other fifty percent is the processing-for-storage that takes place.
    It seems to be a theme with me also, where I will dream something and it is very close too something that happened that day or a few days before.
    Yep, IMO.
    OR is it our subconcious putting ideas into our concious that we then act out IRL. I am thinking it is a little of both.
    Maybe- or our subconscious processing that we perceived in the nonphysical, including precognitive events- that we haven't perceived with our bodies yet, but that we have access to with the nonlocal part of our minds. Perception is perception, whether fivesensory or othersensory.

    The question is, If our dreams are JUST segments of things we did IRL, then how can we interpret them as messages from higher beings or guides?
    Because that which we experience (perceive) is not limited to the physical-sensory. If objects are subject to quantum entanglement, why not our psyches? (Look up microtubules for more info.)

    The main point is if I dream of a house (self) and fixing it, how do I know this is a sign or just that I watched a home improvement show last night???
    Well, the obvious question is ....obvious. Or, Mrs. Obvious asks the obvious questions:
    1-Did you watch a home improvement show? And,
    2-Does the symbolism in the dream 'translate' well into what your mind is doing?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #305
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night's:
    A friend of mine (SW) was having problems with one of her sons, and there was a person in her family (either an uncle or her husban's uncle- I perceived this as a relative 'one generation up and to the side'- who was trying to harm their family. After much maneuvering she told me she thought he had given her cancer by somehow poisoning her in the past, and now she was going to die.
    I was in a room talking to her son who had been transformed into some sort of monster and I was trying to talk to him, because the hospital that had given him the problem were trying to put him in a room with bars, when it was supposed to be her senior prom, but instead they were trying to segregate him and treat him badly.
    I was sitting to his right, I did not see him, he was to my left, and I communicated with him with sign language. I was working as an advocate for him because for some reason I was the only person who understood him, and others thought he was mentally impaired. He wasn't, he just couldn't speak.

    As I woke up I heard voices giving me some nonsensical 'ad libs'. I decided to test if these were aspects of my monkey mind and I asked them nonverbal questions, and waited for the answer. The answer was as nonsensical as the first blurting. I then realized the difference between the simple lines blurted by my processing mind as opposed to the mind's eye pictures I get which are often clairvoyant and precognitive.
    I must learn to cultivate this, and maybe decipher what the blurtings may mean, if anything.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #306
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night's, I just remembered-
    I was told that I would die soon and I need to teach all my magic and give it to my son; so I start flying, and show him I can, and I can do other things (like PK). I start teaching him flying, and as I do this someone else sees I can fly and tries to stop me. We get attacked and I fashion a female being to protect my son. I surround him with her, and put him in hiding, lying on the floor of a closet with her draped around him. A large being comes in and we start to fight, and he attacks us, and in the course of the attack he hits my son with some sort of beam; his protector dissapears but he is ok, and I destroy the attacker.
    We are fine, and have destroyed the danger, and then I wake up, and hear a full name as I wake. More 'voice-over gibberish', something that makes no sense. I call them adlibs.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #307
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    Two dreams, or one interrupted one.

    There was a party in a hotel. I was there but in a sort of 'mentor' or 'protector' figure. I stayed with a group of people all the time, to make sure they were safe throughout the proceedings. I do not recall what kind of party it was, but there was a hotel salon engaged for it. At some point I had to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't leave the group alone so I had to hold it until the event was over. Then I was presented with a hotel room for my sacrifices, and stayed there.

    Then I woke up, had a terrible headache, got up, took something for it, did the usual four o'clock activities (pee, drink water) and I went back to bed.

    I went back to the hotel salon, surrounded by people. Now I am teaching a lesson (don't remember about what) but someone who is with me a lot (may be my guide- he is male and is always at the left side of me, just besides my line of sight)- my guide asks me "so what is quantum physics?" I answer the branch of science that describes what happens to particles, and these particles hold most of the power in the universe.
    He asks me why and I report that when you separate an atom it causes a massive reaction, which releases the power that keeps them together. I also said that when we study quantum mechanics we are studying the particles that represent this power.
    He seems pleased about this answer. Then one female in the group (she seems to be a student) asks me a question and I answer it. I don't remember this exchange. Then my male guide tells me of a trick I can use to channel some of this awesome energy.
    He tells me that when I stomp my foot some of this energy is released inside the foot, so I have to stomp the left foot and then rub my palms together, and this channels this energy into my hands. I'm not sure what this is about but I did know what he was talking about in the dream. I tell him I'll try it at another time, when I need to use it.

    I wake up and it's seven. I don't have to get up until seven thirty, so I stay in bed and decide to 'see' my morning hallucinations, but none come. I fall asleep again, but the alarm soon wakes me up. As soon as the beep beep beep starts I start to get hypnagogics! This annoys me, and I wonder, as I'm getting up, if the alarm frequency is doing some sort of entrainment, and I turn it off, get up and start my day.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #308
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    Down the mountain with deceased friends/family

    I was going down a stone mountain, on a walk path that was parallel to a road for vehicles. As I was meandering down the path (with walls, and ruins. It was very interesting looking). I hear a motorcycle coming down the path, and I see an old boyfriend (who is now deceased). I come out of the path and he stops. We talk, he gets off the vehicle and we go to a nice spot and have a kind of picnic. We spend time talking about many things. He then gets on his bike and goes away. I then keep going down the mountain and go into a stone-ruin-house and meet my mother and grandmother. They have some milk in a cup and I drink from it, although I wonder how fresh it is, it being a mountain in the open air (the house is more a ruin with no ceiling, but that makes it airy and cool) and I am aware that they are dead also. I taste the milk anyway, and at some point wake up.

    A few notes on self-reflection: When I was with the ex, my lucidity was 'different'. I wasn't aware he's been dead for a few years, but I was aware he was just visiting. My awareness was more emotional than mental, but there was a certain 'knowingness' about what this was about (saying a final goodbye, something that didn't properly happen in real life).
    By the time I was in the little stone house, I had more awareness of what kind of environment I was in, and my mom and grandmother were ghostlike, more like 'impressions' than images. The milk was more 'solid', and it had flavor and texture. I also had some awareness that my tasting of it was somehow symbolic, although I was not (and am not) yet clear on what exactly it symbolizes (except the obvious mother's milk nourishment symbolism). BTW, it tasted good. Not like fresh milk, but like reconstituted dry milk, a taste I like. FWIW.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #309
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    Re: My dream diary

    Hello, CF.

    Many of the things one is given in nonphysical reality are energy information packets (like Kurt calls them) / ROTEs (Monroe's term). You did what was to be expected - you received the package and you "took it in."

    Energy and information are two different views of the same underlying reality. It may have been something you needed, a piece of information you needed to go forward with some (emotional?) process. The information may not be new (reconstituted), but it will be helpful (nourishing as milk is). I sometimes have the experience that I have all the required information already, but a sudden inspiration rearranges the contents of my mind in a way that gives me the right perspective. This might be the case here.


  10. #310
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    Re: My dream diary

    Thanks Oliver.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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