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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #311
    russmi3 Guest

    Re: My dream diary

    Nothing to do with analyzing the dream, but oddly, (minus internal combustion vehicles) the first Vision I had in my head reading this dream was how my PC game "Oblivion" looks when played. There are ruins and beautiful landscape (Meadows, hills, mountains). The weird thing is I could imagine in my mind the house with no roof and walking around the scene.

    As soon as you mention the milk I thought of an energy package also (before reading Olivers responce) Is similar to the milk and eggs in my recent entry.

  2. #312
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    Re: My dream diary

    Wow! There is definitely similarity. I think when I have time, I may come up with a sketch of my experience, from my point of view.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #313
    russmi3 Guest

    Re: My dream diary

    Yeah I plan on doing sketches also and putting them in the post labeled as such. An artist I am not, and things are typically so vivid it is hard to convey (My feable paint sketch LOL). But I do have a scanner and could do better by hand than on paint.....LOL.

  4. #314
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    Re: My dream diary

    Yep, I'm better at hand sketching too, but my torque-nical skills are horrible, so I need to get either the hubby or the son to scan it into the computer. For shame.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #315
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    Re: My dream diary

    A little off-topic - I was fascinated with Oblivion for its beautiful game world. Truly astounding. (Too bad the game itself sucked - IMO of course.)

  6. #316
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    We had moved to a new house that my husband had gotten for a very small sum of money. As usual, we still lived in our house, but were going to split the time between both places.
    We were fascinated by the large rooms when we moved in, and went to sleep. I woke up with my son calling me. I was half asleep, amazed that the alarm clock said four o'clock in the morning, and I was unbelievably groggy, almost unable to open my eyes. I see my son in a hallway. He tells me he got up to get water, but can't find the kitchen (in the dark, the first night in a new house) and isn't sure where the kitchen is. I go with him, we find it, we get some water and he goes back to sleep. Now I am walking back to my room, a little lost (I'm not known for my fabulous sense of direction, lol) and I notice a pair of french doors. I wonder what room this is (I already had seen the living and dining rooms) and on the other side of the door is a very large pool- about as large as my present house, in a shape that has lots of curves and 'coves' all around it. I panic, because when we moved in (we have two cats) I didn't know there was an indoor pool, and I start to look around the pool. The shape is similar to this
    And each 'arm' or 'U' of the pool is one of those 'walk in' design, so only the middle of the pool is somewhat deep. I frantically run around the pool and see if I see any of my cats in the pool, and in one of the 'walk in' areas, I see what seems like one of my cats. When I reach in to scoop it out, I realize it isn't, it looks like a stuffed animal, but it's alive. It appears to be taking a nap in the bottom of the lap area-and it seems very cute- like a toy cat. In it's tail it has a tag that says "tank animal". I stroke it and then put it back in the pool, and look around. My cats aren't in it. I'm relieved, then I look around the room, and it has many windows and they are all closed with blinds. I look through the blind and see the house next door. I realize that this must have once been a back yard and it was closed in.
    It's now in the morning (it was a long dream) and we walk outside and now one of my aunts is there, looking at the house with us. We are looking a the entrance of the house, and even though it's very large, it needs a landscape update. I'm contemplating what to do, when my aunt points out a weird looking alley right besides the house, which is covered with soem sort of film (maybe red colored) and posters. I am not completely sure but I think they were Oprah posters. I am wondering if this building is ours or another house. At this time my point of view is limited, like a close up. As I look at this weird wall, I wake up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #317
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    Re: My dream diary

    In the past days my recall hasn't been so great, so I haven't recorded anything, other than knowledge that I dreamed a few things that were pleasant but I can't remember anything specific.
    This morning:
    I was pregnant, and we were going on some sort of vacation on someone's house. (like a house in the country, something like that). My son and I were there, I don't remember my husband being there at all- but I think he took us there and was supposed to come back to pick us up later. Anyway, my hostess takes us to our rooms, and I am deciding which room is going to be whose, when our hostess lights up a cigarette. I tell her that I am pregnant and have a child, and neither of us can be exposed to cigarette smoke. She says she doesn't care, it's her house and she'll smoke if she feels like it, inside the house.
    I threaten to leave if she doesn't put out the cigarette. She refuses. We get our things and get out of the room. Then something happens that I have forgotten, but involves realizing we had the ability to fly and I think we leave the place. I have forgotten the rest, but if I remember I'll post the rest. I do know it had to do with magic, but the specifics aren't quite there.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #318
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was having some sort of 'watching tv' dream, a complicated sitcom about a pregnant woman who was dating a straight transvestite, and it morphed into a dream in which I was living at the seashore- literally. In the dream my house was right at the shore, and the front foyer was on the water- the water was about ankle deep, and warm. In the dreamtime it was summery, the water was warm and it was very nice and sunny. The rest of the house was higher, but most of the dream was spent walking around the outside and the front porch, and I could see into the house, which seemed to be made of some sort of marble. When I woke up I wanted to go back in the dream, it was so pleasant and delicious.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #319
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    Re: My dream diary

    I got up at 5:20 am, got up, peed, went back to bed. Did some sponging of my legs and fell asleep. Was dreaming we were in this house we had 'bought' some time ago (in a previous dream) and had decorated, but were living in part of it. I remember walking down some hallways and the scene changed.
    Now I was walking through some testing grounds in some sort of stadium environment and I was helping a young girl (of around ten years old or so) get through to somewhere. This was taking too long, so I decided to fly. I took her by the waist and lifted her to where we were supposed to go. Some of the people saw me and said I wasn't supposed to fly, because it was "not allowed". I responded it was, and I would use whatever capabilities I had, and flew with her until I got her to where she needed to go. Then the environment became 'like a hotel' or something pleasant like that, and I flew around while people looked at me and disapproved.
    Then as I woke up I heard the "boo" and "Milania" that I spoke around in the OBE & liminal experience subforum.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #320
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    Re: My dream diary

    This experience was like when I phase, but since I woke up to it, I'll call it a dream. (+ I wasn't lucid at all)
    It started with a view of a scene passing before my eyes, and I could see the sidewalk in Hollywood Blvd. where they have the stars in front of the Chinese Theater. I was looking at the sidewalk, going from right to left, seeing the stars and the names of the actors in them. As the dream went on, I could see 'newer' parts of the sidewalk, and in back of the sidewalk was storefronts, like for window shopping, but instead of the store displays there were museum-type exhibits in which you could see moments of an actor's life or representations of the films they were in. Usually the exhibit corresponded with the star's name on the sidewalk. As I continued to survey the territory, enjoying the intricate details in some of the exhibits, I got to a part in the dream where instead of watching the scene, I was in it. (Going from third person to first person perspective, in a smooth movement much like phasing). Now I was in the scenery, walking on the sidewalk, and I got to a part of the scenario where the exhibits weren't completely made yet, and the sidewalks were half done. I was looking for a murderer or a criminal, and I knew that what I had to do was to look at the areas in which there were missing figures and the clues would lead me to where the perpetrator was.
    Then I woke up, still amazed at the intricate details of the figures.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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