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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #331
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    Re: My dream diary

    This was quite different in that it was long and detailed.
    I was at my old place of employment, or rather, a new company one of my old bosses had started. I was waiting to be assigned the job, and at some point ended up going to the store, a department store that doesn't exist in waking reality. In the store I was trying to find a place to have lunch (like a lunch counter in a drugstore) and also I was trying to either look at something or buy something.
    I was told by a store employee that I was not welcome in the store and to please leave (and wouldn't get me a table either, something like that). I asked the woman why, and she evaded me. I went after her asking that if I was going to be denied service, she could at least do me the courtesy of explaining why. She then started to cite things I had written out of context, and accused me of being some kind of occult practitioner. So I clarified what my religious views were, and she started quoting things I had written, which really surprised me, because I did not know some of the things I had written in the internet were published in a variety of magazines and books, related to religion (one of the magazine in the list was guiding lights, and this surprised me greatly as I have never written articles for any church or religion. Other things I had written were featured in Unity publications, which, even though it is the church I go to, I never have written for them. So anyway, this woman kept quoting me out of context and with no understanding and I tried to explain what I wrote meant. As she rattled off a list of things, and I explained them to her, she got more and more impatient and tried to walk behind to a back office (like where they run things) that was 'employees only'. I then asked her to come talk to me and not treat me like this, and another woman came to the door and asked me what was going on, and I explained to her that this employee was denying me my rights and I deserved to know why. When she ran out of things to object to, she just simply left and hid- at that point the lady told me that this employee was jealous of my minor celebrity (apparently in this dream I had written a book and she recognized me, but did not approve) and decided to deny me service.
    She assured me that the rest of the employees had read my book and liked my ideas, and I was welcome to the establishment. But still, it bothered me that this other woman had tried to push me around and not explain why, except for my insistence, and still decided to walk away when she realized there was no reality to her judgement.
    I then woke up still flustered with this whole situation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #332
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    Re: My dream diary

    It was the night before last night. I lay down exhausted, it was late, but I didn't want to go to sleep so I attempted to try to stay aware, not to project, but to observe a transition, to whatever. I started doing energy work but got as far as my knees and passed out completely. Later on in the early morning 3-4AM I was dreaming I was spinning like a top, and it reminded me of a futile exit attempt I did years ago where I spun instead of doing anything else and I then couldn't stop, causing nausea and not being able to exit anywhere.
    This time It's a dream and I'm spinning and I can't stop- except that in the dream someone (unseen) is spinning me like a top and it's like I have no traction to stop. At some point I wake up and I don't like how I feel, not nauseous like the time I spun at the exit, but just 'not right'.
    I went back to sleep and had some other dream that I already have forgotten.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #333
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    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    This was quite different in that it was long and detailed.
    I was at my old place of employment, or rather, a new company one of my old bosses had started. I was waiting to be assigned the job, and at some point ended up going to the store, a department store that doesn't exist in waking reality. In the store I was trying to find a place to have lunch (like a lunch counter in a drugstore) and also I was trying to either look at something or buy something.
    I was told by a store employee that I was not welcome in the store and to please leave (and wouldn't get me a table either, something like that). I asked the woman why, and she evaded me. I went after her asking that if I was going to be denied service, she could at least do me the courtesy of explaining why. She then started to cite things I had written out of context, and accused me of being some kind of occult practitioner. So I clarified what my religious views were, and she started quoting things I had written, which really
    I cut that off because I have the 'jumpy' screen when it gets to long. But, I think this dream points to your dogmatic approach. You simply profess what others have said. You don't speak so much for your own mind, but that of others. I think this message is fairly clear.

    You think R Bruce is a giant, well, why aren't you?

    Really, shouldn't you be?

    Well, why not?
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
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  4. #334
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    Re: My dream diary

    Sorry, Bruce really has nothing to do with it.
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  5. #335
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    Re: My dream diary

    Would you please clarify what you mean by this? I don't understand.
    When you say 'dogmatic approach', do you mean OBE practices, or my religious views (which are quite liberal?)
    I learned to OBE from Robert, and I teach his methods, interpreted by me as they work for me.
    Other than that, I don't understand what you mean by 'You think R Bruce is a giant, well, why aren't you?'? Aren't I what?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #336
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    Two separate instances

    The night before last I dreamed that I was lying in my bed and someone was leaning on me, crushing me. I was yelling "you're hurting me!" "get off me" and "I can't breathe", and degenerated into incoherent screaming as I was crushed. When I woke up I was in the same position (on my stomach) but no one was on me.

    Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and had an experience of separation, but mental or third-eye- I got a vision screen, where I saw this round apparatus (I've seen before) and at some point it resolved into a crowd scene, and I started to see it from above, as if I were on top of a tower looking down. I could see people walking around, and a hooded figure walking amongst them. Then I saw the hooded figure fall down, get up again, walk around some more, and then fall down in a heap again. This happened a few times until I got farther up and lost the scene. Then I was back on the 'apparatus' scene, and finally I got back to sleep.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #337
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    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    The night before last I dreamed that I was lying in my bed and someone was leaning on me, crushing me. I was yelling "you're hurting me!" "get off me" and "I can't breathe", and degenerated into incoherent screaming as I was crushed. When I woke up I was in the same position (on my stomach) but no one was on me.
    Do you think it's possible that while you were dreaming, you were in the process of separating and you translated what was then felt into this dream? This is not very clear, I admit... But I say this because it reminds me of the last time something like this happened to me... I was also laying on my stomach when I suddenly felt a weight on my back, as if someone was leaning (or even laying) on me, but in the end, it was simply my own energy body which I mistook (again!) for some other thing or presence!
    ...And the time before this one, I reacted just like you, and I basically told my own energy body, very firmly, to «leave» and to «PLEASE leave»(!)

  8. #338
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    Re: My dream diary

    Yes, it's quite possible. It could also be symbolic- Lately I've had some things 'pressing on me'. Either way it's interesting- I've had plenty of dweller situations in the past, and I've read lots of accounts of the weight of your feedback on you, but I've never experienced as crushingly, and I was not lucid at all- not even a little.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #339
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    Re: My dream diary

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    It could also be symbolic- Lately I've had some things 'pressing on me'.
    *nod* My first thought was that it related quite directly to that situation/person. Also the fact that you couldn't get him/her/it off of you until you woke up is probably significant, symbolically.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  10. #340
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    Re: My dream diary

    I was reading where Robert talks about the fear of the silver cord breaking and what not. this is the same with folks in our lives, especially the worst of em despite situational ties which we work to make better. i believe that what we bind on earth is also bound in heaven. but turning that, i see that we have a choice to recognize those ties that bind us on earth, and if need be cut them loose while we are consciously present of earth to do it. but this task of cutting entails forgiveness of the whole ball of wax, else hidden judgements as per unresolved memories keep us bound. interesting enough, those we are closest to, having no ill feeling gathered between, are free and unbound, as is love's power of release. we often backwardsly think about how this works, and we can never loose ourselves from "teachers" of negative ilk, until we realize having had quite enough of said lesson/s, to wake up and cut ourselves free as well. so ya see, this is about loving yourself, as in so doing have you given love's power the word to unbind you. the old saying, ya can run but ya cant hide. this is why 'givers' as we call them, have such a hard time, as everyone overwhelms them in taking. we cannot outdo the scales of justice. lots of folks think to do good deeds as if this alone is going to bring them good things as well. however, duality is a balance, always seeking balance of binding matters.

    dont be afraid of being loosed?
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