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Thread: i saw my daughter:)

  1. #1

    i saw my daughter:)

    I had two exits this morning while on the cusp of the end of a dream so I was aware, yet foggy. The first time, I had dreamed that I was looking out the window at a cloud as bright as the moon. This triggered my attempt to exit since a lot of times I concentrate on the moon because it's usually far away enough to "pull" me out. I have found that concentrating on nearby rooms and such aren't strong enough to get me out. Anyway, I separated and sat up, then went into a superman flying position and jumped on the edge of the mattress like a trampling before feeling a strong falling sensation that took me back into my body and nearly made me sick. Shortly after, I sat up again without thinking about it. As if I was just sitting up in bed as usual, but I had felt the separation again. I saw my daughter next to me, glowing and flying like a little fairy with a pink butterfly net. She told me not to leave and that she was going to catch me. I made my way toward the window and got stuck with my feet on the bed and my face plastered into the glass window. We have pane glass and I could see outside through one pane as if my face was wedged into it. This made me laugh and my daughter laughed, too. I'm not sure if she pulled me back or my body did. She's 3 and very attached at the hip in real life. She frequently tries not to let me leave the room. Great experience.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    Re: i saw my daughter:)

    wow that is amazing! Does your daughter ever remember your projections together? I wish I could someday experience that with my daughters .

    I remember one night though, I woke up and saw my 2 1/2 year old standing at my bedroom door wearing different clothing than what she went to bed in. She didnt say anything she just stood there looking at me â♥ similar to that!

    Thank you for sharing your experience, it was beautiful!
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  3. #3

    Re: i saw my daughter:)

    I asked her a little about it. She remembered me and remembered having the butterfly net, but that was all. I wasn't surprised that she dreamed about the butterfly net because she usually carries one around all the time in real life. She's always chasing butterflies. She also woke up crying that morning because she had dreamed about a crab pinching her. She laughs a lot in her sleep, too. I think she mostly has wonderful dreams.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: i saw my daughter:)

    I don't know if I had posted before and it got deleted in the last crash, but just in case here it is again:
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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