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Thread: Nat's AP/dream diary

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    AP #30, 31, 32 (lesson in the astral!)

    May 9th,

    AP 30, rolled out of body with no visual, walked into the edge of my open bedroom door hitting my forehead. Mission aborted!
    AP 31, rolled out of body with better visual, went into hallway and called for a guide like I did a few days before. It was the same woman that responded again! I asked her a few more personal questions and I was shocked at the answers. I can't remember much after that.

    May 11th,

    AP 32, I did energy work last night before going to bed so I think that explains why this experience lasted so long and was very lucid.
    During my nap I started to get rocking sensations while I was falling asleep, I went with it with the intention of projecting. I rocked my energy body back and forth until I was loose, then I sat up with some visual (blurry) and turned my head to look down at my body, it was so blurry but it looked like my body was still laying there on its side. It was very hard to keep my eyes open because they just wanted to shut. I climbed out of bed and tried to pull myself away from my bed using a rope technique, which worked very well! I pulled on the rope until I was out into the hallway. I stood there for a moment thinking about what I wanted to do. I felt stronger than usual. I thought about being outside and was immediately teleported there.

    Once I was outside I was overwhelmed by the brightness, I remembered it was daytime and decided to go for a flight! Flying was very easy, I soared high above the trees then higher above the clouds. It wasn't long until I saw a large body of water that looked like an ocean, there were dolphines and whales jumping in the water. And I saw some small islands and some sort of floating building made out of wood and the front part was open and I could see bleachers inside with people sitting on them. I spent some time diving into the water and swimming through schools of fish. Then I saw my 2 year old daughter! I was teaching her how to fly. I was flying with her in my arms over the water and then I would have her fly next to me holding my hand. She would kick her little legs like she was swimming! Her sandles fell off into the water and she became upset. I explained to her that we were just dreaming and that it would be okay.

    We landed on one of these floating islands and I was showing her how to dive into the water and breathe under the water. She was scared, but I held her and we went down together. When we came back up I saw my 1 1/2 year old daughter sitting on the island waiting for us! I scooped her up and we went and sat on one of the bleachers in the front. There were several other APers on the bleachers as well. We were all waiting for the instructor to show up.

    The instructor showed up with his assistant, I can't remember a whole lot of what he said, but he had us stand up and he was showing us how to jump a bit into the air and float down. So everyone practiced this for a while. But the instructor had to go get someone some sandles from the store! Sandles were a requirement for this class. Everyone sat patiently and I turned around and asked if anyone there was on the astral dynamics forum. About 4 people raised their hands. 2 of the guys that raised their hands were friends sitting together. One of them said his name was Dave and I can't remember the other ones name. I asked him if this was real and he said yes it was, and that it was a sort of tour that APers go on to learn about stuff. He said that every once in a while I will come across things like this. I said "isn't this just a lucid dream?" He said "do you still remember seperating?" I said I did and he said "well, it's more than just a dream then". The instructor was gone for a while so everone just started practicing flying and swimming under water.

    I took my girls and we practiced diving and flying back up, my 2 year old was getting the hang of it! I stopped for a minute and took everything in, the bright sky , the waves in the ocean, the sound of people laughing. And I thought about how cool it was! I told one of the Astral Dynamics APers that I felt weak and I would soon dissapear, and I didn't know how much time I had before my alarm clock would go off. We discussed how time is slower in the dream world, like a minute in reality is like 2 minutes in the astral. I felt myself start to fade out and then I was back in bed. I am so happy I have such a solid memory of this! What an amazing experience! I will have to do energy work more often

    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Blog Entries

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Pretty cool!


  3. #83

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    You should ask your daughter if she remembers any of this.

  4. #84

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Are you sitting up when you project and rock forward and backward? Are are you lying down on your back and rock side to side? Thanks

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    washington state

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    laying down. I haven't been able to do it just sitting up in a medatative state.
    Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

  6. #86

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    I haven't been on for a while and I have a lot to say. But first I should tell you guys that this is Natalie-1984, I had to register as a new user because I couldn't log into my old account. I had to just start all over again! I have been trying to got on here for months!

    Anywho, I have continued having OOBEs. I average about one a week, sometimes two. I have probably had about 70 now.

    I have been experiencing something really strange, it has happened twice now. I woke up from a nap paralyzed but was able to open my eyes, this was in the middle of the day so it was really bright, I felt seperaty so I moved my astral arm and it seperated from my body. I waved it infront of my face and was able to see it with my physical eyes!! It was translucent, but it looked kind of like water. It was wavy and a little shimmery. It was so odd! I tried to get out even though my physical eyes were open and I was fully awake, but the pull was too strong and I wasn't able to get free.

    What do you guys think? Has this ever happened to you? Sorry about the sloppy writing, I'm on a rather small laptop .


  7. #87
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Hi Nat. All you had to do was click "I forgot my password" and it would send you a new one at your email address. Unless of course you changed the email address, in which case this was the only option available.

    The 'melty' etheric body phenomenon is not new, but I don't think I've ever tried to open my eyes when in this state.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #88

    Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    I tried the "forgot my password" button, but I also forgot the password for that particular e mail account as well. I never went in it. But it's all good now! I'm just happy I'm back on here now! I have lots of reading and catching up to do!

  9. Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    I have had over 200 APs. I no longer try anymore to do fact sometimes I try not to. I know demons to be very real. I no longer have the desire to leave my body anymore. How do I know if where I was was even real? It seemed real, but so do dreams . I think some things God will show me when my time comes. I don't even think I really should be on here anymore to be honost. I am a bible thumper now. Not a new ager. I have found that there are a lot of circles that I no longer fit into. And I have also discovered there are a whole lot of people I can help too. I have been trying to repond to my earlier post on the thread "logically proving god" but to no avail. I believe I have been blocked from posting. That's why I'm trying this.

  10. Re: Nat's AP/dream diary

    Ok that post worked, so I will try another quick post.

    Case for A Creator ....good book and good movie, written by Lee Strobel.

    I have a feeling the less I say the better. If anyone wants to talk maybe we can start a religion thread, but in this day and age I don't think that's possible. All religions are tolerated...except Christianity. There are some things I'm not allowed to talk about in society. Sex is ok...Jesus not.

    My e-mail is natalie-1984@hotmail

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