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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #351
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    Re: My dream diary

    Two nights ago- the structure of the house I grew up in had been transported to a mall by my old boss who had work for me. Same scenario as the previous 'my old job' dreams, but this time the 'office' I was in was next to what used to be my room (the structure), and where previously I had been sitting around doing nothing and getting paid, now there was a bunch of equipment for me to repair. I was so happy. Except for my boss, everyone else (including the engineers that were in 'my room') was new.

    Last night- I was told my house was now a 'temple of milk'. The inside had changed, and was more like a palace (as if my house had additions and had been propped up somewhere up high, maybe in the top of a tree. There was some rooms made of milk candy (or something like that) and the designated woman (which in this case was me) was embodied in a 'milk goddess', bare-chested. What struck me about the place was that it was 'way up high', and the smell was strange. A little bit nasty, a little bit sweet, like candy, or condensed milk.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #352
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night I dreamed that both my son and I were now working at the same place I used to work (all these dreams revolve around the same job, although I've had other long-terms jobs before and after) He was working in the same lab I used to work in, and I was working in the R & D dept. I was watching him do the work I used to (or similar), asked him if he needed a ride home and he told me he would catch a ride with this girl that was working next to him. I then went to the front office and started talking to the secretary (that used to be when I worked there) and she was telling me how smart he was, etc. Then my son walks in the room and tells me that he'll ride home with me after all, and walked out to get something from his bench.
    At this moment someone else (that I don't know, a man) walks in the room and bugs his eyes out at me. I then look at myself and am naked from the waist up and realize that when I pulled my sweater up the whole blouse came off too, but for some reason I wasn't wearing a bra (which never happens in real life) and then I flusteredly started to put my clothes back on before my son came back in the room.
    Then I woke up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #353
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    Yesterday and today

    May 26, 2011
    We had moved to the beach. This beach environment is recurring, and the last time I 'went' there was shortly before my mom passed. I see the beach and remember when I used to be younger (in dreamtime?) I used to love to go in the water- no, I yearned to go in the water. This was a hunger that I remember having before (in dreams.) In my previous dreams I have looked at this beach from my house (the house I grew up in, in dreams, not reality) and in other ones I have driven and driven and driven to get there, only to wake up when I finally get there.
    In other versions of this dream I'm walking along the beach, looking for the right moment to jump in to catch waves, and a variety of things happen when I do- either the water stops making waves, I realize the beach is fake, or I can't feel the water, as if it were a hologram.
    This time I repeat something else that has happened- I walk along the beach looking for the right moment to jump in, but lose the desire to jump in. Also, the 'beach house' that I am occupying in this version of this dream is similar to another I've had (just before my mom's passing) but it is represented by her actual house- a knowing that it is it, and I walk 'in the town' towards the house, and I expect to see my grandmother in it.
    So basically this was an amalgam of these previous dreams I've had, without the need.

    Today's, non recurring.

    I am residing in some sort of school/fortress/refuge. I am not sure if I went there voluntarily or was 'abducted'- the feeling is that it's a little of both. In parts of my dreams my son is there but not in all the places.
    It feels at times that I'm on a space station- because in parts of this dream I seem to be in outer space and in other times I seem to be on the top of a mountain, or underwater.
    In the beginning of the dream (It was very long and I woke up various times to go back to it) I was in the 'outer space' part of the place. I was lying down in a 'pod' type bed where I had the view of 'outside'. Outside the 'pod' there was a large room that looked like a space station, and the feeling was vertiginous, which is why I was tied down. I could see the stars and I could see smaller ships flying over/around us. I didn't like when they flew over us and seemed to 'see' us. This made me very uneasy, and there was the apparent agreement that we were invisible to them, although right next to them. In another part of the dream I was inside what looked like an institute/school, and my son was there. I was in front of a balcony and when you looked out the balcony there was (in a lower tier) another balcony, and so on- so where we were was surrounded by more building, giving us the impression of great height and security.
    At the last part of the dream (a lot of the 'learning and exploring' has been forgotten due to the length of the dream) my son and I decided to go inside a fortified place to take a nap or rest or something while everybody else was outside, and I was in a locker looking for the keys to get back inside after we were out (or something like that) and he was in taking his nap while I was distracted doing something.
    Then, as I was looking out the window, there was a split awareness and now I was back inside with him and outside simultaneously, and I could see people outside pushing the 'pod' where we were into the water, and we went underwater. I assumed this was some sort of attack, but no one was worried, because the place was sealed, self-sustaining, and anytime we wished to get out all we had to do was break the seal and swim out, but we decided to wait a bit to see what was happening outside.
    Meanwhile, the 'outside' me was looking around at the action that was happening 'up', we were being either attacked or inspected or searched, and I was trying to inform someone of what had happened.
    At some point I woke up without any resolution or understanding of what was happening. Maybe awake consciousness will help with that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #354
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    Re: My dream diary

    Went shopping with another female friend and my son, we were in some sort of touristy destination. I had parked my car and we had gone into a store where we won a box with dishes inside it. I had stored the box in some sort of locker and we went to get it when it was time to leave. After we got the box I forgot where I had parked the car, and my friend remembered where the car was. We walked there, put the box in the trunk and proceeded to go in the car and returned home.
    This is the first of this type of dream where all the problems are resolved (found the car/phone/ or whatever) and everyone went in it safe and sound.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #355
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    This started out as a phase, but it quickly turned into a dream (with dream awareness) so I'll post it here.
    I got up early with a backache, but didn't want to sit up, so I propped up pillows, realized I was equally uncomfortable and slowly melted back down to a sleeping position.

    While I was still conscious I began to see my parent's bedroom (in the house I grew up in) and thought "Interesting" and decided to walk in and see what I would find. I went into their bathroom, and decided to take a shower. The bathroom looked like it did when we lived there, but the shower compartment was different- it had been refurbished with some modern-looking panels that had many showerheads. I thought "how cool" and proceeded to go in and take a shower.

    In the middle I realized it was different in that the whole bathroom was now a shower, and the floor had a drain, so I decided it had been refurbished that way (and not that the bathroom ceiling, which was now lined with a plastic celling with rain showers, was leaking or anything.)
    Sometime in the middle of my shower I came to the realization that this was a hospital bathroom, and when I was reaching for the shampoo I realized they had this powder soap that was reminiscent of laundry detergent.
    At this moment I decided to complain to the head nurse in charge. At this moment my lucidity had 'switched to' dream lucidity, the type where you know stuff from the dream but don't realize you're dreaming.

    When I walked out of the bathroom (all dressed magically, I suppose) I was no longer in my childhood home, and was in a hospital.
    In the hospital I saw my mother, my father and my grandfather. My parents did not elicit any wonder in me, and I barely remember seeing them (it was more of a matter of knowing I saw them and they were there, but I wasn't communicating with them) but what surprised me was that this shower was not my parents, but my grandfather's room and he was still in the hospital. This was surprising, because he passed away in the late seventies, and I have seen him so many times that I assumed (and had dreams intimating that) he had transcended his present stage and was more in the mental plane.
    However, my communication was with the nurse in charge, and I communicated my concerns about the bathroom, and we talked about my grandfather, and I then woke up, mystified.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #356
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    I had a series of 'animal themed' dreams, in which I was in a 'fairy-like' place, and I was surrounded by animals. This follows some meditative work I had been doing last week, in which I was asking to meet my totem animal.
    In this dream I was surrounded by all manner of animals, and they were 'trapped' in some sort of clear boxes. Someone (my totem? I think it was the lion) was capturing these animals and putting them together. According to him these were all my totems (or aspects) and I was worried that he would put together animals that could eat each other. Then when I looked at the group there was this very large salamander or lizard of some sort that was separated from them. This was as large as a small alligator and I 'knew' it was a 'fire' salamander.
    All the animals seemed ok and even happy to be there. The ones I remember were
    dogs, cats, birds (cockatiels, to be more exact) and possibly snakes. I was afraid the snakes would eat the birds, which is why I looked inside to see what I would have to separate when I saw the salamander.

    This made me realize that a few days ago I dreamed I was feeding birds that were in huge cages. I was putting the seeds in each compartments, and as I turned around there was someone next door cleaning out a horse stall. He was 'mucking out' the stall. (I have no relationship to horses IRL, and I'm even a little afraid of them.) But in the dream we were in part of the same farm, only I was in charge of the birds.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #357
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    I already had posted here, but don't see it. How weird.
    I had a few dreams, and the second one went like this:
    We went to a concert, and in it the guy in the concert was playing electronic music. I didn't really like it, until he started playing something really rock'n' roll-y. And then the concert was in my bedroom, we were sitting on my bed and the performance was in the wall, where the headboard is. The headboard was like a hole in the wall and there was the stage.
    I lay on the bed while I listened to the music, and then, as I was falling asleep (in the dream) The musician bent down and tapped me on the head, waking me up with a start.
    I woke up abruptly, in the same position as in the dream (same place as in the dream).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #358
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    There is more

    I then woke up, propped myself up and went to sleep again, to have another dream, which I remembered the minute my head hit the pillow last night.
    I was in this huge house that my entire family was staying in- brothers, sister and son, and possibly parents.
    My room was rather large and full of extra furniture. I then selected the furniture that I knew was mine (looked like the bedroom furniture I had as a child) and removed the furniture that wasn't mine. The extra furniture was decorated with red silk, and I identified it as belonging to one of my siblings, however, looks like the sheets that were in my mother's room.
    I do know what this means, and it's a clearing.
    Last edited by CFTraveler; 23rd June 2011 at 03:38 PM.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #359
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    The musician bent down and tapped me on the head, waking me up with a start.
    Sounds like a crown chakra activation.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  10. #360
    Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper View Post
    Sounds like a crown chakra activation.
    I think so too. Music is information, spiritual/emotional stimulation, coming from a hole in the wall (the other side).
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

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