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Thread: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

  1. Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    Hi! I'm interested in reading about k's relationship to healthy sexual behavior. I'm single and not sexually active at the moment. While now embracing K energy, I was wondering if I should pursue sexual relationships or not (due to spilling the semen or something - read it somewhere/perhaps taken out of context). I would love some stuff to read.

    Also any good reading for a new K survivor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor
    perhaps this seems as vulgar metaphor, yet it is not about a Hostess cream filled Twinkie.

  2. #2
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    Re: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    I wouldn't worry too much about your semen. I know there's a school of thought that gives it all-important energetic power, and it's been discussed on this board many times, but I just think too much emphasis has been put on it.

    Some men feel that masturbation or sexual intercourse is energetically depleting. Some men feel the opposite. Most men seem to not be affected much one way or the other.

    The thing about Kundalini and its effects is that while very general statements can be made about it, it's deeply personal and utterly unique to the person experiencing it. My story of Kundalini has many things in common with SOME other stories, and little in common with others, and I've never once see anyone with an identical story or experience.

    Basically all you can do is talk about generalities, but it's always unique. There can be complications, or there might not be. It could be quick, could take years, might cause horrendous reality instability or be painless and blissful. Nobody can say, because nobody really knows. It happens uncommonly, and it happens uniquely, so most talk of what is or is not likely is pure speculation.

    Also, I hate to say this, but I have NEVER found a book on Kundalini Awakening that was of use to me. Oh, bits and pieces here and there of some books have been interesting, but none of it ultimately amounted to a hill of beans, in the long run. There was some degree of relief that I could now see that this was a process that happened, that there was a very general sort of pattern, that people have been experiencing it (under many different names, too, not just the Indian Kundalini name) for centuries, etc., but since every mind is unique and has a unique perspective on a process which is unique... well... *shrug* Reading about it has been interesting, but I wouldn't call it helpful or even particularly edifying (the "I'm not alone" and "This has a name" and all that is purely ego-based, and ultimately of no real use except making the ego feel like it knows something, which egos generally like ).

    Basically, I guess my advice is to read if you want to (search Amazon, search the net, whatever), and take away what you can from it, but it's not necessary, nor is it particularly likely to give you any guidance that you'll find useful (more likely to confuse the hell out of you; that happened to me when I first started reading on the topic and before I understood the vast spectrum of possible experiences!).

    Best thing to do is rest your mind and your ego (i.e., meditate ) and wait for inspiration or intuition. With Kundalini, that's really the best course of action.

    And now the disclaimer: At least, this is my experience. Your mileage may vary. Probably will, in fact. Hah.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the Eye of the Beholder

    Re: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    just be you. adopting a monk's habit is not going be anything other than you in a monk's habit.

    let your urges teach you, your reactions to your urges teach you, that in time you might respond to such urges. to respond to an urge is to have a will over that urge, this doesnt mean that by your will sexual intercourse has to be no more, just means it is when you respond as the sexual being entering into it through your own free will, and not reactively pushed into it by an urge.

    urges are not right or wrong, they are teachers at the ready. yet, you might appear to be the pupil to your own urges, but you are not, you are the teacher asleep to your pupils, and they as urges are prodding you to awaken, and begin to teach them once again.

    what will you respondingly teach your urges/pupils when you awaken for them? well you will teach them by pointing out the various methods they had used in urging you back awake. so it would seem, that in order to have had something to continuously teach these hungry pupils, you had to separate yourself from them for a while, give them time to reveal themselves without your watchful gaze.

    pupils tend to adopt costumes like monk's habits when the teacher is watchfully present, and when the teacher is not watchfully present, they reveal themselves as truth. a teacher doesnt teach a teacher's evolving truth to pupils, a responding teacher reflects the truth of the pupil for the pupil. this too, is how the teacher learns, the teacher reflective always and in all ways the pupil.

    you are the book that you seek to read, open you up and read of you.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim
    adopting a monk's habit is not going be anything other than you in a monk's habit.
    Another keeper.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest

    Re: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    Hi Obsidian

    Depends on what your actual objective with it is. If you're worried about conservation -- my train of thought is that sexual energy is useful for a lot of things, but the more things you have to put it toward, the more you'll have available. There is no real conflict between actual sexual activity and metaphysical pursuits as far as energy shortage is concerned. This seems to me to be the default way that things work, though there is a lot of precedent for thoughtforms and belief structures in favor of conservation, so putting some attention toward undoing those and building belief in the other direction might be beneficial.

    Only reservation there is that the loosh farm in operation on earth right now has focused heavily on sexual energy, so if there *is* any shortage, it would be because it's being diverted in that direction. If that's the case, work on personal boundaries and setting the strong intent that your energy is your own, and defining what you're planning to put it toward, would also be beneficial.

  6. #6

    Re: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    When I first started of I came across a lot of warnings and caveats for "retention of semen is conservation of energy" - so being the obsessive compulsive aficionado that I am I bought the theory lock-stock-barrel and decided to aim for celibacy (it was a challenge and these turn me on : pun entirely intended) .Not only just that , I also decided to take the theory further by poking and prodding the Kundalini into full blown arousal by forceful arm-twisting of such means.

    Sustained and consistent sexual arousal only works as far as your awareness/know-how of transmuting sexual energy into refined spiritual energy goes.

    Most of the time the proponent for the celibacy for spirituality for some unexplained reason is automatically assuming that sexual energy is by default on its own turning into spiritual energy.This in my opinion isn't true at all.States of extreme arousal and aggressive production of sexual energy without proper vent can you leave (as it happened in my case) aggravated and peeved with irritation its like being one giant ballon blown up with frustration that can't get pricked ( pun entirely unintended).A state I highly doubt of any use to Kundalini.

    I think redivivus has it bang on
    Quote Originally Posted by Palehorse Redivivus
    Depends on what your actual objective with it is
    Before tapping into a power-system I would instead reccomend working and understanding the processes of sublimation and transmutation.

  7. Re: Reading suggestions? K and sexuality

    Beautiful. You guys are awesome!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tutor
    perhaps this seems as vulgar metaphor, yet it is not about a Hostess cream filled Twinkie.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CaterpillarWoman
    And now the disclaimer: At least, this is my experience. Your mileage may vary. Probably will, in fact.
    (Don't mind me , i'm just preserving this for posterity)

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