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Thread: Selling clothes

  1. #1

    Selling clothes

    17 jun 2011

    I entered into a clothes store with light and warm coloured clothes hanging there. I looked around but couldn't find anything that I wanted to buy. A cute girl at the counter came up to me and wanted me to get involved in the business.

    She said there were very few males in the staff and urged me on to take the spot behind the counter and start selling. She was friendly but firm.

    I hesitantly got behind the counter. Wasn't there supposed to be some brief training in how to handle customers? There was already a line forming up with people who wanted help. Now all the other employees had left; I was the only one there. Fortunately, another girl came back and took care of them all.

    The girl who had talked to me approached me again and asked if I wanted to grab something to eat at the local restaurant later? We could hang out with some of her friends. I declined, afraid of the new situation. She looked let down, and I felt a bit disappointed with myself.

    Would love to have others opinion on this as I am unsure about what it means. Thanks!

    ...but my words like silent raindrops fell
    and echoed in the wells of silence.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Well, I have read in these forums that clothes in dreams may symbolize energy bodies, so I'd venture a guess that 'selling clothes' may have to do with teaching ways to improve (upgrade) your energetic signature, or to develop the 'next' energy body- for example if you are active in the etheric, selling clothes may signify helping someone else develop their astral vehicle.
    You were thrust in the role/job without warning or training, and became nervous or subordinate to the girl there (your anima?) who knew what to do.
    Later on, you were invited to eat (to receive information?) but were afraid to.
    So, this is how I would interpret it- your female side knows what to do, your rational male side is not sure, and is reluctant to receive the information that may facilitate this.
    As usual, it's just my interpretation.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Well, I have read in these forums that clothes in dreams may symbolize energy bodies, so I'd venture a guess that 'selling clothes' may have to do with teaching ways to improve (upgrade) your energetic signature, or to develop the 'next' energy body- for example if you are active in the etheric, selling clothes may signify helping someone else develop their astral vehicle.
    You were thrust in the role/job without warning or training, and became nervous or subordinate to the girl there (your anima?) who knew what to do.
    Later on, you were invited to eat (to receive information?) but were afraid to.
    So, this is how I would interpret it- your female side knows what to do, your rational male side is not sure, and is reluctant to receive the information that may facilitate this.
    As usual, it's just my interpretation.
    I must say you're probably right on the general theme here - it feels like it's about stepping up and claiming my own power. Interesting with the energy bodies!

    Last edited by farewell2arms; 17th June 2011 at 05:46 PM.
    ...but my words like silent raindrops fell
    and echoed in the wells of silence.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
    it feels like it's about stepping up and claiming my own power
    Taking into not account not just this but your postage in general as of late - For someone who's had a flash-vision of his HS , accerlation/evolution of energetic signature might be (a) means out of many to facilitate/expedite your merger with your HS.K+ people IMO are prone to such "shifts" or "upgrades".

    Just my take on it

  5. #5
    Sorry i didnt do any dream-analysis here.I do however recommend this :

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
    the girl there (your anima?)
    Inquiry within the anima/amius complex as a way of transintegration of psyche - primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, as opposed to both the theriomorphic and inferior-function of the shadow archetypes, as well as the abstract symbol sets that formulate the archetype of the Self.

    Because a man's sensitivity must often be repressed, the anima is one of the most significant autonomous complexes of all. It is said to manifest itself by appearing in dreams. It also influences a man's interactions with women and his attitudes toward them, and vice versa for females and the animus.

    "In broad terms, the entire process of anima development in a male is about the male subject opening up to emotionality, and in that way a broader spirituality, by creating a new conscious paradigm that includes intuitive processes, creativity and imagination, and psychic sensitivity towards himself and others where it might not have existed previously"

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