by Korpo on Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:07 am

Hello, defectron.

Very interesting!

defectron wrote:
One other thing I am interested in, is alternate universes. I brought this up, she confirmed that yes alternate universes are real, since we were on the subject of Jesus I asked "Can we go look at one of the alternate realitys where he never died?" she was like "sure lets go" we got in a flying car and were about to head out, but unfortuntely I ended up waking up before we could get there.

I don't think you woke before it happened. I think you had the experience and were not able to recall it. When you recall parts of an experience, you're usually aware of having "forgot" bits. But if you could not bring any of it to your waking consciousness, the last thing you remember is the shift to a new experience.

Since the experience did not "download" it had the same quality in terms of recall like all the other parts of the night you didn't remember - it didn't seem to happen. But I would bet that on the energetic level it did. The psychological distance between where this information "lives" (and you went) and what you're usually able to recall might still be too big.

The flying car represented probably another vehicle of consciousness. That the guide got into the same vehicle would represent that she tried to help you in establishing the required state of consciousness and "lift you up" (hence the flying car) to it.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:05 pm

Since the experience did not "download" it had the same quality in terms of recall like all the other parts of the night you didn't remember - it didn't seem to happen. But I would bet that on the energetic level it did. The psychological distance between where this information "lives" (and you went) and what you're usually able to recall might still be too big.

Aw man my first trip to a parralell universe and I can't even remember it

Well I might as well try again next time, I'd also like to try going to a world where dinosaurs are still alive. That would be a cool world to visit.

But yeah I recalled something else about the projection, before I called my guide one of the questions I asked was how many simulations I had left to clear. I forget exactly what the response was, but it was something to the effect of if I knew it would be detrimental in some way so it wouldn't tell me.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:58 am

Earlier I had a short projection where I checked the room and the bathroom was there, shortly after that the projection ended, I kind of get the feeling I'm no longer supposed to check that room.

Anyway I had another projection just now where I went downstairs and called my guide, I also tried talking to an illustration of a girls face, but this time I wasn't able to get a response from the object. Anyway I somehow knew my guide was in another room that doesn't exist in the physical. Near where the front door should be was a door to a greenhouse. I went in and saw a rocking chair, sitting in it was a very tall woman who resembeled my grade school teacher Ms Drucker. She got up and we began to move when I remarked "you guides sure are tall, I'm guessing this is symbolic." her response was "naw I'm just really tall" after saying this she seemed to get even taller. I get the feeling the answer she gave me isn't as simple as it would appear to be on face value especially given that she seemed to get even taller. Any thoughts on what this could mean? Anyway as far as I can tell the projection ended after that.


Had another projection just now, a really interesting one, I think these both may be part of a simulation that has to do with how we perceive things. Anyway I called my guide again, this time I knew to look in the basement and found a normal sized woman who looked like my mom, she may have been decorating a christmas tree based on what I remember. To make sure she wasn't a dream character I went over and poked her as doing this tends to cause dream characters to vanish when I have projections. But she was real. So I said something to the effect of "Your real! Are you my guide? You look like my mom?" Her response was something like "So that's how I appear to you?" I then asked her how I looked to her. She said that I had taken on a number of appearances while we interacted. She said right now I looked pretty scary to her, she said that I looked like a young nazi girl (maybe my guide was on earth during world war 2?). I really hope this doesn't mean I was a nazi in a past life, though there may be other meanings behind that imagery since she said I appeared as other things too (I don't support any of the nazi philosophies). This is all I remember of this projection, I have a bunch of questions I wanted to ask her but forgot both times But yeah in kurt lelands books, it has been explained that imagery is often symbolic of something, the way my guide appeared to me as my old teacher, my mom and even her being taller then me makes sense in this regard because of that since teachers and parents teach children things, her being taller also makes sense, since she is heads above me in terms of knowledge and experience of the hidden universe. My appearance to her may have also been symbolic like that.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by Korpo on Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:48 pm

Hello, defectron.

Don't worry about that one.

Your communication skills are still developing, it will take time and the exchanges will just make no sense. Compare Robert Monroe's first book - the experience in "locale 2" when "the big one comes" - this is so symbolic and coded, almost not understandable. Later on Monroe had extremely clear, lucid and meaningful experiences, but it took him a while.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:22 am

Yeah I figured that was probably symbolic of other things, but still the thought was a bit unsettling.

Had another projection this morning, seemed a bit weak at first and kinda dragged myself out of my body before going downstairs. After a bit of fuzzyness it got decently lucid causing me to breifly wonder if I was in the realtime zone. I then picked a plate up off the table before tossing it on the floor. I then tried calling my guide again but she didn't show up this time. I went to look for her downstairs but didn't see her there either. I did notice a small girl standing in a corner, but when I poked her she vanished meaning she was probably a dream character. Though it is odd that I had a dream character of some random person in my house, usually those are familiar people. after that I woke up, too bad I forgot to try to figure out what the simulation was this time.

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by Korpo on Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:33 am

Something you could try once would be trying to erase layers of dream imagery in a lucid dream and see what's underneath/behind or left after you're done. I got reminded of the practice when I read that you poked the dream character.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:24 am

How do you do that? Do you just concentrate on seeing what's beneath it?

Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by Korpo on Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:13 pm

If you'll actually manage to remember, you might find a way.


Re: Defectron's OBE journal
by defectron on Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:01 am

Whoah, just had a really unusual projection

Earlier in the night I had one where I met this old guy who looked like some ritch tycoon, maybe he was a guide, maybe even the same guide I've been meeting in another form. But anyway he told me to practice some ability, I forget what though, it may have been teleporting, it may have even been invisibility since awhile back a dream voice did tell me to learn this, but I don't think it was that. I don't remember anything else of that first one.

Anyway later I found myself in some sort of semi lucid dream/projection environment, not really sure which. But anyway I was floating around the house doing stuff which was annoying my dream parents. I forget what all I did here, but I went into the bathroom and changed the toilet water into fire. After doing this I flew out of the house and got pulled by some invisible force. this part is really interesting, because the force showed me another way to get to the astral which I almost tried once but chickened out because it was unnerving being alone in the night sky. But it wasn't night right now, it was morning, there were storm clouds in the sky too. But whatever was pulling me along was doing it so fast that I could see the ends of the clouds approaching. This part was really realistic too. I remember flying past the buildings and looking into the sky to see the edge of the thunderhead cloud passing by. I then flew straight into the wall of a building and passed through it with more ease then anything I have phased through as if it were air. I was pulled through various different walls until I was swimming in blackness. Eventually popped out near a high class beach side mansion landing next to something that was either a pond or a pool in its back yard. I then noticed the same old tycoon sitting in the pool and he said to me "You forgot to practice it!"

I searched in my mind, what was it I was supposed to practice? I should have asked him then and there but didn't. Next time I see my guide I should ask about this. I then said "But I did learn how to change things, watch this! " I then picked up a floating piece of paper in the water and focused on changing it into a ball. This didn't quite work though as the paper was still there, I just generated a rubber ball inside of it. He then said something to the effect of "keep trying, you almost got it." oddly I think my voice also sounded alot younger here, maybe even like a young girls, bringing back what my guide had said about my appearance before. Also as I began typing this I thought I saw a blue flash out of the corner of my eye, dunno what that could have been.