New to AstralDynamics...just going through different forums that relate to me personally, and found this one...
Since I was a teenager, I noticed I would have a thought, and immediately somebody with me would say out loud this exact same thought! At first, I thought it was either an amazing coincidence, or downright years went by, I researched, read, listened to similar stories, and realized I am basically a Reciever. I can recognize the recieved comes as a big flash of thought...not a meandering trail of thought like when you're thinking about something, but the entire thought all at once. I seem to be able to pick up what people are mentally "shouting"...I don't hear all thoughts (that would drive me sane!), and I don't sense them from seems to work with people I have known for a friends, colleagues, and with whom I have a certain synergy with...but it has happened so often over the years that I was forced to accept at an early age that reading minds does exist despite what conventional naysayers may naysay...
Just thought I'd put this out there...