Thanks Sinera for sharing!

It's a very interesting and unpredicted way where this thread is turning to!

Unpredictability is one of the best things that may happen to a discussion, as it gives a rise to many new ideas no one has expected before!

Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post
I am certain still that a great part of the hippie movement was genuine, this is more referring to the music industry of the time which formed an important part of course (Woodstock, etc.).

Any thoughts on this?
This might mean that almost nothing comes from people, everything is previously "designed". In this sense, the society is just a product - of grazing by some, well, let's say "more intelligent (or aware) beings". People seem then like uncreative animals who cannot come up with anything beyond schemes given it by the... "leaders" of these herds, and perhaps the division (like countries) of the masses into "herds" is also due to a grand design. We are just watchers from "inside" - of the show in action, being a part of this show, whether we want it or not, just choosing how much we prefer to be involved - if aware of what is happening.

How such movements or global changes in general are created? In my opinion, nothing works without a considerable amount of force (or energy; and possibly magic involved to ensure things happening).

The design - thought - is always made first in mind, then in energy field. Any change needs therefore energy to manifest itself. Perhaps here lays the key to changes we are talking about in this thread.

But after all, I don't think that "being in charge" (i.e. replacing the "global sorceres", throwing them out of their thrones, participating in the eternal global "game of thrones" or anything) is what I feel I want to do. I'm a pacifist, even if with the anarchist ideas, by nature. I mean, I don't mind other creative participants, even if powerful, to play their parts.

Therefore, I think that watching such a movements like hippie, no matter where it arouse from, is just fun. What I'm thinking of when starting this thread is that the world turned into a direction I'm afraid is not what me, and many others as you can easily find, really want it to be. Therefore I'm analyzing and considering certain changes here.