When i did this, about 25 years ago, I was flying by the seat of my pants...pure intuition.

Keep in mind that I knew very little about energy work and kundalini back then.

I had read about kundalini, but only a couple of pages I'd found in a very old spiritualist book of my mother's.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

I made about every mistake in the books. But I succeeded, and i survived relatively intact.

It is because I made so many mistakes, and survived, that I learned so much about kundalini.

I teach my students how to avoid my earlier mistakes, through hard personal experience...not through theory and hearsay as is most common today.

I needed to raise kundalini at this time in my life. This is clear to me now in hindsight. This allowed me to survive some very big tests that were soon to follow, including demonic possession.
