
Thanks for reminding me. I'd completely forgotten about this document on Kundalini. Its not very well organized, but useful all the same.

I still think that physical immortality is possible through Kundalini and astral projection. However, there has been something missing in my understanding until recently. This relates to The Catch Basket Concept (see my blog http://blog.astraldynamics.comif you have not read this document. It contains the most important information I have to share.

The information given to me by the master was timed. Originally, I remembered only the first 15 minutes or so, and this related to the purification of spiritual beliefs. Part two of The Catch Basket Concept has just been released (in my mind) and I have yet to write on this. Am still pondering it. This relates to applying this concept to the world around you. It is only then that you can see the illusion (The Matrix) in which we all live.

Don't get me wrong here. I do not mean that the physical universe is a projection, a created reality that only appears to be solid, called MAYA. This is not metaphysical. I mean the actual physical world in which we all live. I look around and struggle to find anything that is real, that is actually what it appears to be. This includes governments, politicians, corporations, medicine, laws, history, science, the media, our likes and dislikes, our programming, etcetera, and how everything is orchestrated and programmed to conform to the official narrative.

Step Two of The Catch Basket Concept is to look at the world with fresh eyes, and do your own research. And in so doing, to uncover the truth about our world and what it really is. This includes learning to understand the psychology of other people, in why they are like they are, and why they think this and believe that and behave as they do. Carefully managed by the powers that be.

The purification of your beliefs must go beyond the spiritual, in order to align more closely with your higher self.

Think about it. Realization, illumination, ascension, must include living in actual truth in all ways. This emancipates you from the Matrix that permeates our physical reality. Only then can you transcend 'Maya' and become more than you are. This includes the possibility of physical immortality and God-like powers.

peace, robert